Do we have any retro computer fans?
I've owned an A1200, A2000, A3000, A4000. I've towerized an A1200 and A4000. I've done PCI busboards, dual processor cards...yeah. Spent a
lot. Most recently I used an AmigaOne X5000 to run OS4.1FE. It was cool, but I didn't use it much.
I've been searching high and low for an NTSC 3000 with no luck. It's my missing puzzle piece.
I use my AmigaOne more than any of the other really. I'm about to start working on getting Ami/X 5 compiled on it. As far I know, there aren't
any bbses running on the AmigaOne, maybe I can be the first!
I'm surprised it's so hard to find...I've actually had a number of them over the years. Want me to keep an eye out?
Good luck :) I tried getting stuff like that to work on MorphOS
(neglected to mention all my old Apple hardware) but never succeeded, something about dos.library incompatibilities. Perhaps OS4 will be more friendly in that regard...not to mention the fact you're compiling from scratch anyway.
Do we have any retro computer fans?
*raises hand*
I've previously owned a Tandy 1000, multiple x86 boxen, multiple
I would like to get my hands on an Atari 800 computer since it was the first computer I programmed with in BASIC as a kid before I got my own computer. Reason I am into computers today and most of my life.
Do we have any retro computer fans?
Sadly, I've got more VAX and Sun hardware than you
can shake a stick at in my basement. Also at least
one MIPS-based workstation (though the monitor for
it is gone...). I used to have a PA-RISC HP/9000
but that got tossed a few years ago, too.
On 07 Jun 2019, Netsurge said the following...
Do we have any retro computer fans?
Sadly, I've got more VAX and Sun hardware than you
can shake a stick at in my basement. Also at least
one MIPS-based workstation (though the monitor for
it is gone...). I used to have a PA-RISC HP/9000
but that got tossed a few years ago, too.
I'm always looking for a MicroVAX or a decent Alpha workstation to join
my Amiga and Commodore collection.
I need to offload a lot of this retroconsole stuff in order to fund some retrocomputer purchases :)
That is what I did. I only kept my retro handheld collection.
I am looking for a Commodore 264 and 364 to firm up my Commodore 8 bit collection but e-bay prices are outrageous right now.
Yeah, I'd like to get my hands on a few interesting things
All pretty achievable if I sell off this massive console collection I think. Just gotta get it sold now! :D
I know a guy in my neck of the woods who has a massive retail space that buys and sells retro games and computers. Look up Toy Rat in Milton on Facebook to get an idea.
I went to Toy "Ratt" like 10+ years ago with a friend. At the time he
was runnin g it out of (I think) the back of an appliance showroom or something. It was out on Torbram road IIRC, near that super sketchy ripper.
He kept trying to get me to buy a Vic 20. He asked, several times, "Do
you like Vic20?"
I came close to purchasing a mainframe and setting it up at home. With
the nearly 30 8 and 16 bit machines I already own, I would be pushing
the limit with my wife, lol.
Of course...I have an 1802 2M...FT-450...2 RPI's...a netbook...Phat 360...several Roku's/Chromecasts/Home Mini's...C64 Mini & 0 wife. Am
lousy at math...but even I see a trend. Who needs a wife. All my stuff never complains at me...never cuts off my it all adds up
that the wife is the missing part of the equation which needs to stay missing. ;)
On 03-03-20 21:08, Netsurge wrote to Phoobar <=-
Plus, none of your possessions will take you to court so that they can
get half of the other possessions.
All kidding aside, I know I am lucky. My wife is really good about allowing me my guilty pleasures. She gets to be the Imelda Marcos of Toronto with her shoe collection and I get 1980s technology.
That sounds like a neat arrangement. :)
On 03-03-20 21:36, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
That sounds like a neat arrangement. :)
It's worked for 22 years. My kids tend to fuck up that arrangement from time to time. Paying for stupid school and clothing for them. Get a job already 13 year old.
I am partial to the Commodore and Amiga stuff personally but I do own a TRS-80 4, Sinclair and a 1040st.
I know a guy in my neck of the woods who has a massive retail space that buys and sells retro games and computers. Look up Toy Rat in Milton on Facebook to get an idea.
I have a pretty good arrangement too, and no kids to screw it up either! :D
Yeah I have the one amiga 500 which I've decked out and a couple c64s and vic20s. Historically I've been the ST guy for a long time and have a good dozen of those of various models. I have a TRS-80 Model 1 fully loaded, Coco 2 and some 3's and a MC-10. Few macs as well Mac Plus, IIvi, 7200, iMac G3, iMac G4 (lampshade), MDD G4, G5 and a Powerbook G4. Probably
some others in there like an 800XL.
Plus, none of your possessions will take you to court so that they can
get half of the other possessions.
All kidding aside, I know I am lucky. My wife is really good about allowing me my guilty pleasures. She gets to be the Imelda Marcos of Toronto with her shoe collection and I get 1980s technology.
vic20s. Historically I've been the ST guy for a long time and have a good dozen of those of various models. I have a TRS-80 Model 1 fully loaded,
Just like Ryan. Dual income, no kids.
I love my kids, but they tend to drain money/life out of you.
I love my kids, but they tend to drain money/life out of you.Hey now! I spoil the shit out of my two lazy dogs.
She have a sister who needs an American to move up there with her??? ;)
Hey now! I spoil the shit out of my two lazy dogs.
On 03-04-20 00:02, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I have a pretty good arrangement too, and no kids to screw it up either! :D
Just like Ryan. Dual income, no kids.
I love my kids, but they tend to drain money/life out of you.
I'm sure you do but you don't have to pay their tuition.
Phoobar wrote to ryan <=-
One thing I do at work is every dog I see with their owner is to
make sure they get some dog treats we keep at the desk. It's the
favorite part of my job & several dogs will come right up to me
to get their treat when coming in with their owners. Not a dog person...but do love seeing these dogs come see me & are excited
to do so.
I came close to purchasing a mainframe and setting it up at home. With
the nearly 30 8 and 16 bit machines I already own, I would be pushing
the limit with my wife, lol.
On 07 Jun 2019, Netsurge said the following...
Do we have any retro computer fans?
Sadly, I've got more VAX and Sun hardware than you
can shake a stick at in my basement. Also at least
one MIPS-based workstation (though the monitor for
it is gone...). I used to have a PA-RISC HP/9000
but that got tossed a few years ago, too.
I'm always looking for a MicroVAX or a decent Alpha workstation to join
my Amiga and Commodore collection.
I get the same impression from most parents. :)
Nope! But I do have to find a way to pay for my own one day :(
It's amazing how inexpensive something like a z10
is on eBay. But while the machine is kinda cheap,
the software is not. :-/
She does, but as long as I have known her (30 years) she has never dated anyone and is not interested. She is like the Marge Simpsons sisters.
Sure your wife's maiden name isn't Bouvier with an iguana named JubJub with both of them chain smoking like crazy? Remember...the Simpson gene
is only passed on to the males. ;)
No help from the armed services for your service? I'm not familiar with how that works south of the border but I thought you could bank on that.
Sure your wife's maiden name isn't Bouvier with an iguana named JubJu with both of them chain smoking like crazy? Remember...the Simpson geI sometimes wonder.
Yeah, but there are limits and I live down the street from Stanford. Growing up a poor kid hurts well into the late 30s it seems.
I always wanted to get something like a z9 and run my bbs on it. I would be able to process mail packets faster than anyone else, lol.
packages, DDR4 and 100Mbps into the backplane is
though 100Mbps is probably fine for a BBS....
On 03-04-20 11:06, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I get the same impression from most parents. :)
I think it is just genetics for the most part. When you have offspring some switch gets flipped in your brain. At the end of the day, our core function is to procreate. Everything else is just a bonus.
Yeah I wasn't wired with that particular feature, it seems. :D
function is to procreate. Everything else is just a bonus.Yeah I wasn't wired with that particular feature, it seems. :D
On 03 Mar 2020, Joacim Melin said the following...
On 07 Jun 2019, Netsurge said the following...
Do we have any retro computer fans?
Sadly, I've got more VAX and Sun hardware than you
can shake a stick at in my basement. Also at least
one MIPS-based workstation (though the monitor for
it is gone...). I used to have a PA-RISC HP/9000
but that got tossed a few years ago, too.
I'm always looking for a MicroVAX or a decent Alpha workstation to join
my Amiga and Commodore collection.
Ooo, I forgot about the Alphas....
On 03-04-20 18:42, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Yeah I wasn't wired with that particular feature, it seems. :D
Consider it a bonus, lol.
On 03-04-20 19:30, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
function is to procreate. Everything else is just a bonus.Yeah I wasn't wired with that particular feature, it seems. :D
Me either. Got fixed 21 years ago with no kids. When I hear kids in the store throwing a fit...think it was the best $45 I ever spent.
I didn't even need to get fixed, accidents are kinda impossible in my situation. ;)
When I get one, it will be one that can run VMS. I used to have a
Raptor Deskst ation II which could run NT 4 but not VMS or Linux. Very strange beast that one .
On 03-05-20 12:07, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I didn't even need to get fixed, accidents are kinda impossible in my situation. ;)
It would be one hell of an explanation if it did!
Haha, but the media rights would be worth millions! :D
On 03-05-20 22:35, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Haha, but the media rights would be worth millions! :D
I would angle is as a sitcom.
Me either. Got fixed 21 years ago with no kids. When I hear kids in t store throwing a fit...think it was the best $45 I ever spent.I didn't even need to get fixed, accidents are kinda impossible in my situation. ;)
On 03-05-20 20:56, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Me either. Got fixed 21 years ago with no kids. When I hear kids in t store throwing a fit...think it was the best $45 I ever spent.I didn't even need to get fixed, accidents are kinda impossible in my situation. ;)
You got your junk caught in a rice picker like Spock in City on the
Edge of Forever? ;) ;)
I didn't even need to get fixed, accidents are kinda impossible in my situation. ;)LOL, no, the explanation is really quite simple. :P
You got your junk caught in a rice picker like Spock in City on the Edge of Forever? ;) ;)
On 03-06-20 06:28, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I didn't even need to get fixed, accidents are kinda impossible in my situation. ;)LOL, no, the explanation is really quite simple. :P
You got your junk caught in a rice picker like Spock in City on the Edge of Forever? ;) ;)
You'd need to start carrying around a pix of a rice picker & be able to explain (in extrememly gruesome detail) how it happened. Be a hell of a story. ;)
You're obviously not going to put the clues together from recent posts in various nets. ;) There is a test. ;PYou got your junk caught in a rice picker like Spock in City on Edge of Forever? ;) ;)LOL, no, the explanation is really quite simple. :P
On 03-06-20 20:05, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
I put the clues together. Just wanted to give everyone else a "WHAT" moment.
True story. When I got myself fixed...the doctor cauterized the tubes. Since I was told to have nothing to eat beforehand...smelled my flesh being burned & said that that smells like BBQ. I'm hungry now. Am so
glad the doctor didn't laugh or I would've gone from a rooster to a hen with one cut. Went out to eat afterwards at Wendy's.
glad the doctor didn't laugh or I would've gone from a rooster to a h with one cut. Went out to eat afterwards at Wendy's.Yeah a doctor with good focus and concentration, that's definitely what you needed! :D
On 03-07-20 01:10, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
glad the doctor didn't laugh or I would've gone from a rooster to a h with one cut. Went out to eat afterwards at Wendy's.Yeah a doctor with good focus and concentration, that's definitely what you needed! :D
At least I didn't hear him say "Whoops".
Not what you want to hear during that procedure! :D
On 03-08-20 11:52, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Not what you want to hear during that procedure! :D
A few years ago I had to remove one of my testies thanks to the
wonderful "C" word that will remain namesless.
My Urologist at the time had a wicked sense of humour. I remember just before going under for the procedure hearing him say "For the love of
God, can someone get me a scalpel that doesn't have any rust on it". He use to say "You would have a twisted sense of humour too if you worked with dicks all day".
A few years ago I had to remove one of my testies thanks to the wonderful "C" word that will remain namesless.
Nasty, but seems not that unusual.
On 03-08-20 17:53, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Nasty, but seems not that unusual.
It really wasn't a hard decision.
Dr: "Mr. Linhares, we found a tumor which contains cancerous cells. It
is at an early stage and if we don't remove it the cells can
metastasize and spread through your body."
Me: "Can we do it right now? Is the OR free? How about right this
second. I can clear my schedule. I have my pocket knife right here, you must have some rubbing alcohol somewhere in this office. I'm taking my pants down now. Let us do this right now."
Me: "Can we do it right now? Is the OR free? How about right this second. I can clear my schedule. I have my pocket knife right here, y must have some rubbing alcohol somewhere in this office. I'm taking m pants down now. Let us do this right now."
Well, maybe not that rough and ready ;) , but yeah if they said
"tomorrow" or even "We can do the operation in the next hour", I would
say "sure". :)
On 03-08-20 20:52, Netsurge wrote to Vk3jed <=-
My wife says she didn't remember the conversation exactly like that,
but I did end up having the procedure about 10 days after that visit.
Best part of all, I couldn't wear underwear or pants for about 2 weeks post surgery. It was awesome walking around the house in a robe free as
a bird.
Yeah a doctor with good focus and concentration, that's definitely wh you needed! :DNot what you want to hear during that procedure! :D
At least I didn't hear him say "Whoops".
My Urologist at the time had a wicked sense of humour. I remember just before going under for the procedure hearing him say "For the love of
God, can someone get me a scalpel that doesn't have any rust on it". He use to say "You would have a twisted sense of humour too if you worked with dicks all day".
Me: "Can we do it right now? Is the OR free? How about right this
second. I can clear my schedule. I have my pocket knife right here, you must have some rubbing alcohol somewhere in this office. I'm taking my pants down now. Let us do this right now."
On 03-08-20 23:24, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Yeah a doctor with good focus and concentration, that's definitely wh you needed! :DNot what you want to hear during that procedure! :D
At least I didn't hear him say "Whoops".
Or any procedure for that matter.
One thing I remember & have never forgotten was the helplessness I felt being put in those stirrups. Need humbling...just get into a pair of those.
True, but expecially during procedures down there! :DAt least I didn't hear him say "Whoops".Not what you want to hear during that procedure! :D
Or any procedure for that matter.
being put in those stirrups. Need humbling...just get into a pair of those.For me it was walking into an OR and being naked with about 10 people in there introducing themselves to me. All I could respond with was "I'm sorry, it's cold in here".
On 03-09-20 16:54, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
True, but expecially during procedures down there! :DAt least I didn't hear him say "Whoops".Not what you want to hear during that procedure! :D
Or any procedure for that matter.
No glory.
True, but expecially during procedures down there! :DWhere "slipped and got the sack" has a more worrying meaning! :D
No glory.
On 03-10-20 23:07, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
True, but expecially during procedures down there! :DWhere "slipped and got the sack" has a more worrying meaning! :D
No glory.
I've had both happen in the past...but never in the same sentence. ;)
Where "slipped and got the sack" has a more worrying meaning! :DYeah as long as they don't happen together in surgery, you're OK! :D
I've had both happen in the past...but never in the same sentence. ;)
On 03-11-20 13:12, Phoobar wrote to Vk3jed <=-
Where "slipped and got the sack" has a more worrying meaning! :DYeah as long as they don't happen together in surgery, you're OK! :D
I've had both happen in the past...but never in the same sentence. ;)
Never okay in real life either. ;D
Spitfire wrote to All <=-
Just a few months agao I was able to grab myself a C64 breadbin and a 1541 disck drive. Then I found a 1541-II drive and a 1702
monitor. Purchased a uIEC/SD drive, WiModem and poped up a C64 BBS
again. Whne I say again, the last time I ran a C-Net64 BBS was in
1990. I am loving this! The feel of 2400 baud, 40 columns and CG
color is a blast from the past worth living!
Sorta my dream rig there. How much did that set you back? I managed to get
breadbin for a decent price but the other items are expensive.
Spitfire wrote to Calcmandan <=-
On Sun 26-Apr-2020 11:19p, Calcmandan@77:1/110.0 said to Spitfire:
Sorta my dream rig there. How much did that set you back? I managed to get a
breadbin for a decent price but the other items are expensive.
Not bad, I spent about $300 on it all. Forgot to mention I
also added JiffyDOS to my C64. Now its all running my BBS and doing a good job at it!
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