Anyone else who has upgraded run into any issues?
I'm taking A45 this weekend. I've been on an early Feb release of A44 so I'm pretty stoked. Hopefully all goes well.
I'm taking A45 this weekend. I've been on an early Feb release of A44 I'm pretty stoked. Hopefully all goes well.
I think going from A44 to A45 is straightforward as you have already
moved your directory structure around. I was still running A43 but
g00r00 fixed all of the move issues that were caused in the early A44 build.
I plan on doing the jump on my main board Sunday morning, as well as upgrading the local LAN switches from 1GB to 10GB, adding some capacity
to my SAN, adding ram to a couple servers and a bunch of other service disrupting activities.
I plan on doing the jump on my main board Sunday morning, as well as upgrading the local LAN switches from 1GB to 10GB, adding some capaci to my SAN, adding ram to a couple servers and a bunch of other servic disrupting activities.
Ha, funny enough I am bringing down my vmware cluster on Sunday to do a bunch of upgrade. If I didn't know differently I would think we are
related some how. I bet your a Habs fan, that alone would exclude you
from any familiar relation, lol.
I'm not, even more puzzling isn't it? ;)
Anyone else who has upgraded run into any issues?
Yes, so far so good!
Its great to see g00r00 back. On the flip side, it's sad to have seen a whole bunch of people complain about him being gone. The guy offers up
his own time to work on a great BBS package. He also has a life,
sometimes I question if the trolls have one.
How do you kill which has no life?
I'm not, even more puzzling isn't it? ;)
Yes. I have a few friends who live in the Montreal area and for the most part it's like Toronto, Hockey is a religion.
Yeah, Montreal and Quebec are still quite different and there is a constant rivalry. Good old Nordiques times actually never disappeared completely. Like I said, I'm not too much of a hockey fan (at least on
TV) but really enjoy the ambiance of a live game.
Yeah, Montreal and Quebec are still quite different and there is a constant rivalry. Good old Nordiques times actually never disappeared completely. Like I said, I'm not too much of a hockey fan (at least o TV) but really enjoy the ambiance of a live game.
It was sad to see a Canadian team leave. I know that many people have tried over the years to spin up a new franchise and I am not sure why
this never happened. Winnipeg got one back and it has been going strong ever since.
Anyway... this would be fun to have an NHL team around. Until then, we
can still have a decent price for quality Junior hockey in an NHL
scenery :)
Anyway... this would be fun to have an NHL team around. Until then, w can still have a decent price for quality Junior hockey in an NHL scenery :)
I have a share in Leafs season tickets (they are crazy expensive) I also have season tickets to Steelheads in the OHL and TBO, I prefer watching the juniors play.
Yeah, junior hockey is aggressive and intense. I prefer to spend money on stuff other than season tickets tho. I go to 1 or maybe 2 games a year when I'm lucky. And most of the time it's because friends insisted :)
I was raised in a house where hockey and soccer were beaten into you. It is more of a religion for us than a sport.
Yeah, junior hockey is aggressive and intense. I prefer to spend mone stuff other than season tickets tho. I go to 1 or maybe 2 games a yea when I'm lucky. And most of the time it's because friends insisted :)
I was raised in a house where hockey and soccer were beaten into you. It is more of a religion for us than a sport.
Didn't you forget Tim Horton's??? ;)
Hehe, soccer is really cool. I also like rugby and some other non-conventional sports for North America. I also enjoy quite much the racing sports like rally and NASCAR. It may be related to the fact I did copilot in rally a couple times and drove a NASCAR car once (for fun,
one of my uncles built them) and really loved it and could appreciate
the fact they are "not just turning in round".
Hehe, soccer is really cool. I also like rugby and some other non-conventional sports for North America. I also enjoy quite much th racing sports like rally and NASCAR. It may be related to the fact I copilot in rally a couple times and drove a NASCAR car once (for fun, one of my uncles built them) and really loved it and could appreciate the fact they are "not just turning in round".
I tried wrapping my head around rugby. I had a co worker who has since retired who played semi pro rugby in NZ, he even trained with the All Blacks a few times. He was a big ass fucker who could squish you juts by looking at you but an over all softy. He tried relentlessly to explain
the rules and the difference between rugby league and the other one. I never got it. We have the Wolfpack here in Toronto that plays in some English league (go figure) and the city has taken to it like glue.
Going fast is fun. In my younger years, I had an 11 second 88 Mustang LX that I would drag race at the track. Oh God, if I could get all the
money back I dumped into that car over the years, I'd be set right now.
Yeah, I now drive a 7 passengers and can't really go down. So this is
also retain you from speedy and dangerous things with all the folks
you'd leave behind :/ some others call it wisdom...
Yeah, I now drive a 7 passengers and can't really go down. So this is also retain you from speedy and dangerous things with all the folks you'd leave behind :/ some others call it wisdom...
I drive a 4 cylinder Impala and I still cringe every time I need to accelerate on the highway.
It has saved me quite a few dollars in tickets though.
Luckily I still have 360HP so I can do something decent but it's kinda
far from my previous cars when in young adulthood. Good old times...
Luckily I still have 360HP so I can do something decent but it's kind far from my previous cars when in young adulthood. Good old times...
I barely have half of that. It also stops the engine when the car is stopped. It was the first thing I disabled when I got the car.
Hehe, soccer is really cool. I also like rugby and some other non-conventional sports for North America. I also enjoy quite much the racing sports like rally and NASCAR. It may be related to the fact I did
I love the feeling a and the sounds, but that's another topic altogether :)
Didn't you forget Tim Horton's??? ;)Nope, drinking one as I type this.
I drive a 4 cylinder Impala and I still cringe every time I need to accelerate on the highway.
It has saved me quite a few dollars in tickets though.
Even have gone to the rodeo & drag racing as well. Love live sports.
Amazing...they put their donuts & such together in a blender just so you can have it all in a cup? ;) I have to get to Canada one of these days
to say I have done some type of traveling.
As for gas & tickets...I fill up with premium at around $3.10 US a
gallon & only get laughs from the cops as they see me ride down the road.
I drive a 1 cylinder TaoTao 50 cc scooter & done so for the last 2.5 years. I cringe any time around traffic who don't see the yellow
flagsmen vest I wear year round.
I drive an American car with a 400 cubic inch V8 from 1967. I get <10 miles per gallon :(
Hehe, soccer is really cool. I also like rugby and some other non-conventional sports for North America. I also enjoy quite much th racing sports like rally and NASCAR. It may be related to the fact I I love the feeling a and the sounds, but that's another topic altoget :)
Not a sports fan...but used to goto the minor league baseball games when
I lived in Colorado Springs. Loved that & watching it on TV bores me.
Even have gone to the rodeo & drag racing as well. Love live sports.
You can actually feel something when live, I guess you have to be a superfan to enjoy watching it on TV. On the other side, I don't particularly love watching TV so it may explain.
You can actually feel something when live, I guess you have to be a superfan to enjoy watching it on TV. On the other side, I don't particularly love watching TV so it may explain.
I'm with you, but as a "superfan", when the teams I support are on the road, i'm stuck with TV.
I do try to schedule work trips to cities where I can watch the Leafs
play when I can. Every time I have done that, tickets to those games are WAY cheaper than they are in Toronto.
Well, I found tickets for the Habs were crazy expensive, if it's more expensive in Toronto, I'll stick with my current hobbies :)
Well, I found tickets for the Habs were crazy expensive, if it's more expensive in Toronto, I'll stick with my current hobbies :)
Cheapest seats in the house will run you about $200 a ticket in the nose bleeds. My seats tickets, about half way up are $385 each!
Ouch, ok that's not cheap. But the ambiance is really nice tho. Been to a couple games with corp tickets and loved it. Can't really afford to spend 300$ for tickets as I have way too many other projects that could use
That is a messed up sport, rodeo that is. I went to one once and really couldn't understand why anyone in their right mind would want to mount a bronco and be thrown around like a rag dog. Great for the spectator, shitty for the athlete.
Totally agree with you. At the time...was dating a woman & she loved for me to get some lovin'...I went with her.
Not quite, never had a donut in a blender, but I am pretty sure they add heroine or crack to the coffee, they keep you coming back.
Was in the hospital when I was married for kidney stones. They gave me morphine to ease my pain. Let's just say this...never had it again under any circumstance. As for something less my caffeine & have asked my manager in joking if I could free line it with an IV. ;)
As for gas & tickets...I fill up with premium at around $3.10 US a gallon & only get laughs from the cops as they see me ride down the rHow big is the tank and what type of millage do you get out of it?
I have often thought about getting one just to whip around close to home to take care of chores that don't require a car.
I drive an American car with a 400 cubic inch V8 from 1967. I get <10 miles per gallon :(
You can actually feel something when live, I guess you have to be a superfan to enjoy watching it on TV. On the other side, I don't particularly love watching TV so it may explain.
Totally agree with you. At the time...was dating a woman & she loved for me to get some lovin'...I went with her.It really is amazing the shit we do for women.
It is an incredible and scary drug at the same time. I have had a few surgeries over the years and it has always brought me to a happy place,
In terms of mileage...once I get the carb adjusted in a month or so & change the plug...should be able to get around 80 MPG...rather than the 40-60 I get now.
If you do...they are FUN! Just make sure you wear a flagman's vest all
the time. I get scared many times when I see the way people in cars are blind. You will be long as you are as flashy as you can be.
Had a 95 Ford F150 with a straight 6 which would always get less than 10 MPG.
Worked at the hospital I was in ER about this. My manager came to see me lying in there. He was shocked that I was telling him I'm glad he came
to see me & hope he loves the sunshine radiating out from my
mid-section. I felt more powerful than Superman & would've been happy to prove it.
change the plug...should be able to get around 80 MPG...rather than t 40-60 I get now.Fuck me, thats amazing, even at 40-60.
I would totally be the guy with florescent tape everywhere and flashing lights on my helmet.
Had a 95 Ford F150 with a straight 6 which would always get less than MPG.But you got all the chicks, lol.
mid-section. I felt more powerful than Superman & would've been happy prove it.Until it wears off of course.
Yeah...right. ;) Twin Falls, ID used to have 2 drive-ins before they sold them several years ago. Used to take deck chairs..a cooler & all the
food we needed & watch double features on the weekends & a few times during the week in the summer.
That came later when they took me to get x-rayed. Took 6 guys to hold me still to get the shots done to find out where the stones were.
Ouch, ok that's not cheap. But the ambiance is really nice tho. Been couple games with corp tickets and loved it. Can't really afford to s 300$ for tickets as I have way too many other projects that could use
I split the seasons tickets with 5 other people, it's the only way to afford it. Otherwise it would be about $45,000 a year!
The only problem with the Leafs is the fact that people who tend to go to games go to socialize or just to say they go. The first 20 rows are corporate seats and it's just a bunch of suits who are there to impress their clients. Only about 50% of the audience is into the game. I much
prefer going to TFC MLS games. Every one of them 30,000 fans is there to cheer the team on and get into the game. Season tickets to the TFC cost
me $1200 for the whole year, a far cry from my Leafs tickets. Plus, the rivalry between Toronto and Montreal in soccer is one of the greatest, almost at a Leafs/Habs level.
You can actually feel something when live, I guess you have to be a superfan to enjoy watching it on TV. On the other side, I don't particularly love watching TV so it may explain.
Just got a subscription to Britbox & am watching the devil out of Classic Doctor Who. Am about half way through the first run of Hartnell's doctor. He's grown on me & like him a lot.
We still have a drive in near by. When the kids were younger we would
head out there and setup show with chairs, coolers, air mattress and sleeping bags in the back of the van for the kids. It was awesome.
I passed one when I was 18, I NEVER want to go through that again. Every time I took a piss I would almost pass out from the pain. No thanks.
I actually watch Netflix and such but I have no actual TV subscription here. We have removed it altogether couple years ago when we noticed nobody was actually watching any of that stuff anyway.
This removes all the zombie zapping and the kids get to read a bunch
more. Screen time is something we limit quite much too. No cellzone at
the table and so on. Some kids would call it a concentration camp :)
When you have some good rivalry, it adds to the heat and atmosphere.
Even if you're not a pure fan, you can appreciate the feeling. I haven't really got into soccer but this is something I would like to experience one day.
Also remember when I was a kid...being shuffled & covered up in the
floor of the backseat to get in by my parents.
Also remember when I was a kid...being shuffled & covered up in the floor of the backseat to get in by my parents.Fun times. I still go every now and then with the wife. $10 a person and they play 3 movies.
Don't care what they are playing. Saw Green Lantern years ago at the drive-in. Hate going to a normal indoor cinema...but a drive-in...would
go at least once a week if I could.
drive-in. Hate going to a normal indoor cinema...but a drive-in...woul go at least once a week if I could.The drive in here is great if you have kids. The first movie they play
is a G rated family movie which is great for the younger kids who are
the second movie starts, which is generally PG, they are asleep. Then it Last movie is a rated R movie and the adults can crack open the beers
and have some fun.
They closed the ones down in Twin Falls to sell the land & not having the funds to upgrade their system to digital.
Love this idea. I have a ton of Disney/PG rated stuff on my server
because I enjoy them. For all 3 movies...I would still enjoy all of matter what they show.
Love this idea. I have a ton of Disney/PG rated stuff on my server because I enjoy them. For all 3 movies...I would still enjoy all of matter what they show.
When I was a kid we have 3 or 4 drive ins to choose from. Today, the nearest one and as far as I can tell the only one is a good 30-40 miles from me. The wife, kids and I still enjoy going from time to time.
When I was a kid we have 3 or 4 drive ins to choose from. Today, the nearest one and as far as I can tell the only one is a good 30-40 miles from me. The wife, kids and I still enjoy going from time to time.
I wish there was still one around. The last close closed like 4 years
ago. It's really a way of watching movies I enjoyed. I also had a huge sound system when I was young. This made the experience even more fun.
I grew up in the midwest and we didn't really have any drive-in's. ThereI wish there was still one around. The last close closed like 4 years ago. It's really a way of watching movies I enjoyed. I also had a hug sound system when I was young. This made the experience even more fun
Funny easter egg for those who have watched The October Faction on Netflix, the seen where everyone is hiding out at a Drive In, that isI watched that show, but didn't think it was very good and don't remember the drive-in at all :D Probably was BBS'ing while it was in that part haha.
the Drive In I am talking about.
I watched that show, but didn't think it was very good and don't
remember the drive-in at all :D Probably was BBS'ing while it was in
that part haha.
I am a big fan of the comic book but the series wasn't nearly as dark.Haven't read the comics either might have to give em a try, I usually really like dark stuff.
Haven't read the comics either might have to give em a try, I usually really like dark stuff.
Black mirror should be coming back soon too.
American Horror Story was very hit or miss depending on the season... there really isn't a lot of good dark stuff out there :/
I wish there was still one around. The last close closed like 4 years ago. It's really a way of watching movies I enjoyed. I also had a hug sound system when I was young. This made the experience even more fun
Funny easter egg for those who have watched The October Faction on Netflix, the seen where everyone is hiding out at a Drive In, that is
the Drive In I am talking about.
Hehe this is cool. They are shooting quite a lot of movies in Canada
while locating them elsewhere in the world in the story. Labor is
cheaper and of great quality in here.
Hehe this is cool. They are shooting quite a lot of movies in Canada while locating them elsewhere in the world in the story. Labor is cheaper and of great quality in here.
Hehe this is cool. They are shooting quite a lot of movies in Canada while locating them elsewhere in the world in the story. Labor is cheaper and of great quality in here.
My wife's office is right next door to a massive sound stage where stuff like TOF, The Expanse and The Boys are filmed.
When we sit down and watch stuff off of Netflix or Prime she is always like "Ohh, I saw him or her at the Timmies by work".
Hehe this is cool. They are shooting quite a lot of movies in Canada whi locating them elsewhere in the world in the story. Labor is cheaper and great quality in here.
TV shows also. If memory serves, Project Blue Book is shot in Canada,
and just about everything on Sci-Fi is/was.
Yeah, this is crazy. We have really good staff in here.
Yeah, that industry is really booming! TV shows quality is really getting better and channels like Netflix and such made it quite very popular. I almost tend to prefer watchging TV shows nowadays since they have a bit more time to develop the story and the characters.
St> Yeah, that industry is really booming! TV shows quality is really getting
St> better and channels like Netflix and such made it quite very popular. I
St> almost tend to prefer watchging TV shows nowadays since they have a bit
St> more time to develop the story and the characters.
With 30% on the US dollar they get their moneys worth up here.
--- Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.15; rv:68.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/68.5.0
Thunderbird eh? I can't get mine to post at all, but reading seems
mostly ok. I ran into that same issue with msgid's the same number and caching that was mentioned in fsxnet, but otherwise after fixing up the names i'm able to subscribe and read.
What magic did you perform :)
I'm not posting to Mystic but to SciNet's FTN<->NNTP gateway which is running INN. I am working on releasing a Usenet server to the SciNet members which contains a full text only feed for Usenet with SciNetAhhh, I just got hooked into FSXNET Usenet echo last night ;)
mixed in. More info up on
when you gonna have Arcadian Legends ready? quit yer jabberin and getHaha, just saw the netmail announcing it LOL
on it
when you gonna have Arcadian Legends ready? quit yer jabberin and get
on it
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