On Wednesday December 16, 2020, Warpslide said to Netsurge...
My board back in the day had 3 nodes, I can only remember once or twice when all 3 were in use at once. _Most_ of the time it was once caller
at a time.
Nodes 1 & 2 had internal PCI modems and node 3 had my external 14.4
hooked up.
Not sure whatever happened to that external modem...
We recently moved all of the out of band management of our routers from dial
up to cell modems and I have a pile of 56k modems in my office. I'd love to
get one of those old ISA serial spider cards that gave you 20 or 30 serial ports and run a massive dial up only multi-node bbs. The only problem is no
one would ever "call" it.
[%] frank!netsurge // hysteriabbs.com // zeus 1.7 // amiga 4ooo [%]
[%] SciNet! . the ftn of the bbs scene .
https://scinet-ftn.org [%]
--- Zeus BBS 1.5
* Origin: hysteria - amiga 4ooo - hysteriabbs.com (77:1/111.0)