Avon wrote to All <=-
The infopack is being updated with a new .NA file containing the
revised echomail areas carried in fsxNet. Note that there have been
some changes to the names of certain echomail areas. You may like to update your message base descriptions accordingly. We've re-jigged the order of the echomail areas in the NA files also.
FSX_GEN General Chat + More..
FSX_BBS BBS Support/Dev
FSX_MYS Mystic BBS Support/Dev
FSX_RETRO Retro Computing/Tech
FSX_GAMING Games/Gaming
FSX_VIDEO Movies/Music + More
FSX_HAM HAM + Radio Chat
FSX_TST fsxNet Test Arena
FSX_NET fsxNet Admin
FSX_CRY Cryptographics
FSX_BOT Automated roBOT Posts
If you have any comments/further feedback, niggles with implementing
any of these changes please discuss them in the FSX_NET (fsxNet Admin) echomail area.
The above naming convention triggers an OCD-ish reaction for me... :-)
Just wondering why three of the echo names are so different (in format) than the others... Couldn't they be:
So that they match the "format" of all the others? Haha! Not a HUGE problem, but if we're re-arranging things anyway... why not? ;-)
Changed description for FSX_HAM echomail area to:
FSX_HAM - Discussions about radio. Transmissions, receptions, hardware
This area caters for all radio enthusiasts - transmitting
and non-transmitting alike. HAM/Amateur and unlicensed
enthusiasts are all welcome. Topics might include (but are
not limited to) CB, PRS, DX, HF, VHF/UHF, FM, LPFM, antennas,
any/all digital modes, LoRa, etc.
Avon wrote to All <=-
Echomail Areas Closing
Today I am announcing changes to the echomail areas carried on fsxNet.
The following echomail areas are to be retired and will close down effective 22 Feb 2025 (New Zealand time)
Avon wrote to Gamgee <=-
The above naming convention triggers an OCD-ish reaction for me... :-)
You're not the only one :)
Just wondering why three of the echo names are so different (in format) than the others... Couldn't they be:
Because it would mean essentially creating new echomail areas and I
don't want to impose that on folks.
So that they match the "format" of all the others? Haha! Not a HUGE problem, but if we're re-arranging things anyway... why not? ;-)
Back in the day all the echomail area tags I was creating were using
that FSX_XXX format but in more recent additions to echomail areas some folks encouraged me (and I listened) to use tags that were more clearly understandable/reflective of the content being carried by the echo.
So.. yeps I created a few such as the ones we're discussing... but I
think in the future any new ones I create will likely revert to the
older FSX_XXX convention...
Yay for OCD :)
Echomail Areas Closing
Today I am announcing changes to the echomail areas carried on fsxNet.
The following echomail areas are to be retired and will close down effective 22 Feb 2025 (New Zealand time)
FSX_ENG ENiGMA 1/2 BBS Support/Dev
FSX_MAG Talisman BBS Support/Dev
FSX_LFE Lifestyle
FSX_SPACE Space/Astronomy
FSX_STA Echomail + Network Stats
FSX_FIL File Announcements
Thanks for the heads up and info Avon!
These are welcome changes from my opinion. I'll make sure to have my BBS updated to read only for those areas on or before 2025-02-22.
Avon, would you please add to the description to include GMRS and FRS? These two services are the big non-ham players in the USA.
I have saved the post and set a reminder to do the changes on the 22nd
Ahhh, yes, OK that makes sense.
Thank you for this info, will sort these echo out on my 1st & 2nd
choice core per the 22/02/2025
I did send a netmail to you unsure if you received it or not.
Avon wrote to TheCivvie <=-
On 16 Feb 2025 at 12:35p, TheCivvie pondered and said...
I have saved the post and set a reminder to do the changes on the
Echomail Areas Closing
Today I am announcing changes to the echomail areas carried on fsxNet.
The following echomail areas are to be retired and will close down effective 22 Feb 2025 (New Zealand time)
FSX_ENG ENiGMA 1/2 BBS Support/Dev FSX_MAG Talisman
BBS Support/Dev FSX_LFE Lifestyle FSX_MUSIC Music FSX_SPACE Space/Astronomy FSX_STA Echomail + Network Stats FSX_FIL
File Announcements
The Enigma 1/2 BBS and Talisman BBS discussions are to move to the
BBS Support/Dev echomail area FSX_BBS which will be able to
accommodate them.
Lifestyle and Space topics are moving to the General Chat + More.. echomail area FSX_GEN
Music topics are being merged into the existing FSX_VIDEO echomail area. The description for FSX_VIDEO will expand to reflect the wider range of topics in this echo.
Echomail + Network stats will now be posted to the Automated roBOT Posts echomail area FSX_BOT
File Announcements are to move also to FSX_BOT thanks.
The FSX_HAM echomail area now has a more general/expanded radio flavour. The community requested we broaden the scope of this one so it was not just Amateur/HAM radio specific. The FSXNET.NA short description of the echomail area has been updated as has the longer description in FSXNET.TXT See below for more.
Discussions about fsxNet in the FSX_NET echomail area has also received an updated short and long description. See below.
Ads + ANSI Art are now welcome in FSX_ADS .. the feedback from the community was that it was desirable to still have a specific space
for BBS ads and folks liked the ANSI ads being posted for BBS too..
so as an extension of that from time-to-time we do see some ANSI
art shared in echomail areas and figure spotlighting this art in
FSX_BBS would also be a nice thing to encourage. Let's see how it
For avoidance of doubt it's still fine to post ANSI art to other echomail areas in fsxNet but let's see if we can focus most of it in one echomail area... FSX_ADS.
As per fsxNet Housekeeping messages containing ANSI should use a [ANSI] prefix in the message subject line please. This allows members who can not
view ANSI content to opt out reading it if they are unable to do so.
e.g. Subject: [ANSI] Something I drew last night.
De-linking Retired Areas / Read-Only
From 22 Feb 2025 onward please ensure the retired echomail areas listed above are set to 'read only' at your BBS and that no traffic for these echomail areas is exported to your fsxNet HUB.
Your fsxNet HUB admin will also de-link your BBS from the above mentioned echomail areas and make these areas unavailable to link/post to.
Updated FSXNET.NA =================
The infopack is being updated with a new .NA file containing the revised echomail areas carried in fsxNet. Note that there have been some changes to the names of certain echomail areas. You may like to update your message base descriptions accordingly. We've re-jigged the order of the echomail areas in the NA files also.
FSX_GEN General Chat + More.. FSX_BBS BBS Support/Dev
FSX_MYS Mystic BBS Support/Dev FSX_RETRO Retro
Computing/Tech FSX_GAMING Games/Gaming FSX_VIDEO Movies/Music
+ More FSX_HAM HAM + Radio Chat FSX_TST fsxNet Test Arena FSX_NET
fsxNet Admin FSX_CRY Cryptographics FSX_ADS Ads + ANSI
Art FSX_BOT Automated roBOT Posts FSX_DAT InterBBS Data
Updates to FSXNET.TXT =====================
The FSXNET.TXT document that outlines echomail and file areas in fsxNet will be updated with these changes and also contain revised
descriptions for some echomail areas. Here's the notable changes
for your info:
Changed description for FSX_HAM echomail area to:
FSX_HAM - Discussions about radio. Transmissions, receptions, hardware This area caters for all radio enthusiasts - transmitting and non-transmitting alike. HAM/Amateur and unlicensed enthusiasts
are all welcome. Topics might include (but are not limited to) CB,
PRS, DX, HF, VHF/UHF, FM, LPFM, antennas, any/all digital modes,
LoRa, etc.
Changed description for FSX_BOT echomail area to:
FSX_BOT - Non-human automated roBOT posts. Gated or original content
(e.g. weather, telemetry, entertainment etc.) is welcome. Echomail
area statistics, mailer traffic and files received reports also live
here and limited to weekly posts where able and no more than once
per day. Less is more! BBS ads / ANSI Art (FSX_ADS) live elsewhere.
Changed description for FSX_ADS echomail area to:
FSX_ADS - BBS, NETwork Ads and ANSI Art. Run a BBS you want to tell the world about? Have some ANSI art you would like to showcase to others?
Use a roBOT or manually post your BBS ASCII / ANSI ads/art here.
Please don't post the same thing more than once a week (min 7 days)
Changed description for FSX_VIDEO echomail area to:
FSX_VIDEO - Watched a good movie? Seen an awesome TV show? Found a cool streaming series? Reviews are welcome but preface spoilers with
[spoilers] or [sp] in your subject heading. This area also covers all musical topics... from instruments to artists/bands, all formats,
genres and eras.
Changed description for FSX_NET echomail area to:
FSX_NET - Discussions about fsxNet. Administrative news and other network operations announcements (new nodes etc.) are posted here.
Next Steps ==========
We'll be posting announcements into each echomail area where they are to be retired in the coming days or if there has been a change to the focus/ description of the echomail area.
The fsxNet infopack will be updated this week with the new information detailed in this announcement as will the fsxnet.nz website.
If you have any comments/further feedback, niggles with implementing any of these changes please discuss them in the FSX_NET (fsxNet Admin) echomail area.
Thanks to everyone who gave their thoughts to the recent discussions about this subject in the fsxNet Admin echomail area. Like all things these changes are a work in progress. At their heart is an effort to try and strike the right balance between the number of echomail areas carried
in fsxNet, the demand for specific echomail areas for certain topics and all while trying to keep things [F]un, [S]imple, and e[X]perimental :)
I'm sure we'll end up making more changes along the way but I'm happy
with reducing the number of echomail areas down a bit. After trying to expand things based on prior demand/feedback etc. I think we've got to a point where a bit less will be more.
Best, Paul AKA Avon
Kerr Avon [Blake's 7] 'I'm not expendable, I'm not stupid and I'm not going' avon[at]bbs.nz | bbs.nz | fsxnet.nz
--- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: Agency BBS | Dunedin,
New Zealand | agency.bbs.nz (21:1/101)
I'm still getting messages from FSX_STA and FSX_FIL.
I have a head like a sieve :)
I'm still getting messages from FSX_STA and FSX_FIL.
Pretty sure the 22nd is when they will be shut off. So there will still
be messages until that date. If you want, you can disable those areas
via your hub's areafix.
Shurato wrote to Avon <=-
Echomail Areas Closing
Today I am announcing changes to the echomail areas carried on fsxNet.
The following echomail areas are to be retired and will close down effective 22 Feb 2025 (New Zealand time)
FSX_ENG ENiGMA 1/2 BBS Support/Dev FSX_MAG Talisman
BBS Support/Dev FSX_LFE Lifestyle FSX_MUSIC Music FSX_SPACE Space/Astronomy FSX_STA Echomail + Network Stats FSX_FIL
File Announcements
I'm still getting messages from FSX_STA and FSX_FIL.
Avon wrote to TheCivvie <=-
On 18 Feb 2025 at 09:49a, TheCivvie pondered and said...
I have a head like a sieve :)
Hi Steve :)
Shurato wrote to Avon <=-
Echomail Areas Closing ======================
Today I am announcing changes to the echomail areas carried onfsxNet.
The following echomail areas are to be retired and will close down effective 22 Feb 2025 (New Zealand time)
FSX_ENG ENiGMA 1/2 BBS Support/Dev FSX_MAG Talisman BBS Support/Dev FSX_LFE Lifestyle FSX_MUSIC Music FSX_SPACE
Space/Astronomy FSX_STA Echomail + Network Stats FSX_FIL File Announcements
I'm still getting messages from FSX_STA and FSX_FIL.
Did you miss the "effective 22 Feb 2025" part above? ;-)
Pretty sure the 22nd is when they will be shut off. So there will
still be messages until that date. If you want, you can disable
those areas via your hub's areafix.
It's like you read my mind :)
Hey Avon!
On Wed, Feb 19 2025 20:41:44 +1300, you wrote ..
Pretty sure the 22nd is when they will be shut off. So there will
still be messages until that date. If you want, you can disable those >> areas via your hub's areafix.
It's like you read my mind :)
Either that, or it is the only viable option. :)
On 18 Feb 2025 at 03:00p, Shurato pondered and said...
I'm still getting messages from FSX_STA and FSX_FIL.
Yes you will be until either you opt to de-link your BBS from your HUB using Areafix netmail to the HUB, or the HUB admin does this for you in a few days time :) The change hasn't happened yet but there's nothing stopping you to opt out of the feed for the soon to be defunct echomail areas now :)
And I ended up using areafix to
disable them as suggested.
slacker wrote to Shurato <=-
How does one do this via areafix? I gather its a netmail but not sure beyond that.
And I ended up using areafix to disable them as suggested.
Noob here on this.
How does one do this via areafix? I gather its a netmail but not sure
beyond that.
Send a netmail to Areafix to the
hub address with the subject of
your areafix
password, then in the body put the
below 2 lines:
Send a netmail to Areafix to the
hub address with the subject of your areafix password, then in the
body put the below 2 lines: %HELP
Awesome! Thanks for the help!!
Sysop: | altere |
Location: | Houston, TX |
Users: | 68 |
Nodes: | 4 (0 / 4) |
Uptime: | 03:38:28 |
Calls: | 952 |
Calls today: | 3 |
Files: | 7,951 |
Messages: | 296,568 |