On 11-21-18 09:57, apam wrote to vk3jed <=-
I'm wondering if it's possible to use the same
configuration data to both define subs you host, as well as provide a
lit of subs for query responses?
Not sure I follow, can you provide an example?
Well currently, we have to configure any subs we host in mnet.cfg
; Area definitions AreaNo, HostNo, Jam Path, Exports...
; Unless you are a host, this should be filled in by mnetsubunsub
;MSGAREA 1, 1, /home/andrew/mystic/msgs/mn_gen, 2, 3, 4
; The line below is my sub.
MSGAREA 600, 6, /magicka/MagickaBBS/msgs/hnx_vk3jed, 2
MSGAREA 1, 1, /magicka/MagickaBBS/msgs/hnx_gen
MSGAREA 2, 1, /magicka/MagickaBBS/msgs/hnx_pbook
MSGAREA 401, 4, /magicka/MagickaBBS/msgs/hnx_fsx_mag
You have new mail in /var/mail/magicka magicka@bushtrack:/magicka/MagickaBBS/mnet$
But if I want others to be able to find it in a query, I have to put the sub number into queryfile.txt.
magicka@bushtrack:/magicka/MagickaBBS/mnet$ cat queryfile.txt
600, Tony's Chat Sub
I was wondering if there was a way to have a single "mysubs.ini" file that could hold local hosted subs, for example:
; This one is "public" and a mnetquery will reveal it.
Pub 600, 6, /magicka/MagickaBBS/msgs/hnx_vk3jed, Tony's Chat Sub
; This one is "private" and will not be included in query results
Pvt 601, 6, /magicka/MagickaBBS/msgs/hnx_private, Private sub - invite only
It may even be possible to integrate this with the BBS message area configuration too (more thought required).
But don't worry about anything yet, thinking further, I'd like to see how gating could be done (i.e. areas having multiple network types), without needing special utilities or a dedicated gateway. So, more thought required. Consider this an exercise in thinking out loud more than anything. :) If I do come up with something, I could probably try it out on my system with some scripting to test whether it's possible to be a bit more efficient and have as few bits in separate config files as possible. :)
... No one does as much harm as one going about doing good.
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