============================================================================== Latest files to arrive at Xibalba since Sun, February 9th, 2025 ==============================================================================
Area: Articles - 20 file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Way_More_Information_Than_You_Wanted_to_Know_About_NES_Tetris's_Playfield.pdf - 1.91 MB - up'd by N/A
Way More Information Than You Wanted to Know About NES Tetris's Playfield
tags: articles
sha1: c186a641243924e9f47ac137020820eb7f75d296 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Was BASIC that horrible or? better.pdf - 12.71 MB - up'd by N/A
Was BASIC that horrible or? better
tags: articles
sha1: e2647e39eda72849eae5cd43100cfef5ceea5813 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Revisiting the DOS memory models.pdf - 1.04 MB - up'd by N/A
Revisiting the DOS memory models
tags: articles
sha1: 33c98b21be662057cfed1287293b90e90a63595f ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reverse_Engineering_A_Win95_Game.pdf - 208.71 KB - up'd by N/A
Reverse Engineering A Win95 Game
tags: articles
sha1: 366d5f146cfe281296ba7b8338ba649e7e6a292a ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Reverse Engineering DOS Software as if It Were 1990.pdf - 300.33 KB - up'd by N/A
Reverse Engineering DOS Software as if It Were 1990
tags: articles
sha1: 8173a31a2eafad68a64941b786248d47f504d02c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Programming_with_DOS_Debugger.pdf - 124.01 KB - up'd by N/A
Programming with DOS Debugger
tags: articles
sha1: be4a07bcfb3c20094f26f0b4fca3024431b219a6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Programming With DOS Debugger.pdf - 143.01 KB - up'd by N/A
Programming With DOS Debugger
tags: articles
sha1: 5feab18b6ca47d91ab210a7896d74658acf84cb6 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PC Floppy Copy Protection - Part 2 - Softguard Superlok.pdf - 3.39 MB - up'd by N/A
PC Floppy Copy Protection Part 2 Softguard Superlok
tags: articles
sha1: 1f031c3457d48e742cc326865e814623bc87f34c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PC Floppy Copy Protection - Part 1 - Formaster Copy-Lock.pdf - 2.93 MB - up'd by N/A
PC Floppy Copy Protection Part 1 Formaster Copy Lock
tags: articles
sha1: a1bfc72842e50349fb8accbbff148aca61372313 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
PC Floppy Copy Protection - Electronic Arts Interlock.pdf - 2.65 MB - up'd by N/A
PC Floppy Copy Protection Electronic Arts Interlock
tags: articles
sha1: f7dd43d366f1d568b57bed49563369f38edd6829 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Oversimplified History of Retro Game Consoles for Programmers.pdf - 3.28 MB - up'd by N/A
Oversimplified History of Retro Game Consoles for Programmers
tags: articles
sha1: 20442b68ccfcce9b73702570e930eb7e66aa4abe ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Modern_TLS-SSL_on_16-Bit_Windows.pdf - 561.58 KB - up'd by N/A
Modern TLS SSL on 16 Bit Windows
tags: articles
sha1: c11960b0c6dd7ebe1cf4e6dff1513b3e1ef0426d ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mini Micro and MiniScript - A Great Retro Programming Combination.pdf - 4.02 MB - up'd by N/A
Mini Micro and MiniScript A Great Retro Programming Combination
tags: articles
sha1: 0fd4ac6499cf9fbfc6fc7dae32ef30fdd03fa5b0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Mels_Hack-The_Missing_Bits.pdf - 249.25 KB - up'd by N/A
Mels Hack The Missing Bits
tags: articles
sha1: 79b2316842bece32bf5c2aab54914cc511a1d012 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Making_a_ASCII_Particle_Engine_in_Janet.pdf - 278.64 KB - up'd by N/A
Making a ASCII Particle Engine in Janet
tags: articles
sha1: 0c9b196832757adba0d8b07e22a7c9105a8677e7 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Graphics Tricks from Boomers.pdf - 849.36 KB - up'd by N/A
Graphics Tricks from Boomers
tags: articles
sha1: cc099e3597df5f0f10e1d42075bae592c3a37999 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DOS_4GW_and_Protected_Mode.pdf - 791.97 KB - up'd by N/A
DOS 4GW and Protected Mode
tags: articles
sha1: bd32ce631c4519bc0bf1d6486a962065269595c4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
C64 BASIC Tutorial - Using String Manipulation to Write a Text Adventure.pdf - 5.72 MB - up'd by N/A
C64 BASIC Tutorial Using String Manipulation to Write a Text Adventure
tags: articles
sha1: 8b05d2c55cfb3d15a71558fd0f1d9cae189611f9 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Binary Golfing in Commodore BASIC.pdf - 182.45 KB - up'd by N/A
Binary Golfing in Commodore BASIC
tags: articles
sha1: b246164802219cb4e2e0b6426b55dc698b795921 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
B800_Text.pdf - 144.56 KB - up'd by N/A
B800 Text
tags: articles
sha1: a52c732f4428b6c65d8fcbfb31cc204e9ed3af3c ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41.39 MB total added to area
7 additional file(s) not listed ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Area: Artscene - 2 file(s) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ hortau2024.zip - 363.81 KB - up'd by N/A
tags: artscene
sha1: ddcbe524219b832da057ce5c8918f040b99ca4c3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
mist-30.zip - 81.75 MB - up'd by N/A
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