What version of NetFoss are you using? There was previously an issue (fixed in 1.23R or sometime around there) which caused a false loss of carrier from time to time. Is BRE getting this situation every time
the door loads or just on occasion? The NetFoss bug was pretty intermittent.
I changed to D3 Exec /w DOSXTRN (Win32)
Data c:\bbs\mystic\mydoors\fsxnet\bre\bre.bat %3
but after the no to enter bre it didnt enter jast came back to menu
D3 is used to shell to 32 bit doors. It doesn't actually load DOSXTRN.
You'll need to use DX instead. Also, have you manually installed DOSXTRN.EXE to the Mystic directory and SBBSEXEC.DLL to
Don't forget to stop loading NetFoss when using this option. DOSXTRN provides its own FOSSIL driver.
To stop using FOSSIL support in BRE you'll need to edit the game's RESOURCE.DAT file and set the FOSSIL option to NO. Depending on your setup you might have more than one of the resource files to edit.
Yes I notice I put it on D3 instead of DX but done now and downloaded DOSXTRN.rar from mysticbbs\downloads and put Mystic directory and SBBSEXEC.DLL to Windows\System32?
I downloaded this version and tried it. This version of DOSXTRN does
not have UART emulation. It does function as a FOSSIL driver, but
that's what you're attempting to get rid of.
Be patient for a day. A newer version may somehow appear on your BBS.
okay is is my Data c:\bbs\mystic\mydoors\fsxnet\bre\bre.bat %3 line
Can you post your BRE.BAT file if it isn't too huge? I don't think
it's the problem but let's make sure.
I had a go at but doesn'y work for me, nothing happens after I press
the no of bre on the menu
What do you see in the BBS window for that node when it attempts to run the game?
Do you have a physical serial port at COM1 on the BBS machine? If so, BRE is using that if it runs with the Fossil option set to No. You should see the game running but with no data going to the remote user.
If you don't have one I would expect the NTVDM to barf when BRE
attempts to un.
Cool, I wait for the newer version.
@echo off
cd \bbs\mystic\mydoors\fsxnet\bre
bre planetary
cd \bbs\mystic
mis poll 21:1/10
If you don't have one I would expect the NTVDM to barf when BRE
attempts to un.
yes I got that NTVDM when I was using nefoss the first time.
Cool, I wait for the newer version.
Check your inbound directory for a newer copy along with the latest NetFoss.
While reinstalling dosxtrn in my test machine I re-discovered something I didn't mention. If you are using a version of Windows later than XP you'llneed to copy sbbsexec.dll to both the Mystic root directory AND
the WindowsSystem32 directory. Mystic won't launch DX doors unless it's in the Mysticdirectory but Windows needs it in the System32 directory.
@echo off
cd \bbs\mystic\mydoors\fsxnet\bre
bre planetary
cd \bbs\mystic
mis poll 21:1/10
There's an issue here but it's not likely the cause of your other problems. Asit's set up now, BRE will use another player's data if someone runs the gamefrom other than the first node. Let's get things
set back up and runningbefore tackling this one. It's an easy fix but tedious.
If you don't have one I would expect the NTVDM to barf when BRE attempts to un.
yes I got that NTVDM when I was using nefoss the first time.
Was that with the FOSSIL option in BRE set to Yes? If so, there
something moregoing on here.
I think we have a language barrier here. Can you ask this again
would I just change port to say 24 or would I have to insert it in
another line with out the # save a reboot.
You would either remove the # and change it to say "Port 24" or insert another line with only "Port 24". The # indicates the rest of the line is a comment so it's ignored by SSHD...
I tend to always insert a new line with my configuration and leave the original commented one in. It helps me remember the default values
when I'm messing with things.
It's just as easy to forward to port 2222 as it is 22.
do you mean What I have done in mystic config server port 22 to 24
and set the router up for port
Yes, just have your router forward to whichever port you have set up instead of 22.
That's cool all fixed now with your help thank you
Great! Glad it's working.
just a question in bre per mystic data command line
mine is c:\bbs\mystic\mydoors\fsxnet\bre\bre.bat %3
is this setting okay to use for the node1 node2 node3 etc
Yes, %3 passes the node # which is what you want to use. %N would also be fine.
Sysop: | altere |
Location: | Houston, TX |
Users: | 68 |
Nodes: | 4 (0 / 4) |
Uptime: | 00:40:34 |
Calls: | 949 |
Files: | 7,951 |
Messages: | 296,342 |