It's like an ice skating trick for Democrats called the "Triple
The disgrace is tripled because 1) the president's son committed
atrocious crimes and 2) the president pardoned his son and 3) the president lied about his plans to pardon his son.
49 more days of treason to go. We made it this far. What other crap will Biden do before he hands the keys to Trump?
Great question.. It means that if someone is found guilty by a jury. He will remain a "Non" felon until sentencing. Until sentencing he is a non-felon and could by a gun, carry a gun in the correct jurisdiction,
and do whatever non-felons do.
BTW, did you hear the extent of the pardon... Anything known or unknown since January 1st 2014. A blanket pardon that covers everything.
I wonder if he's going to pardon his brother, sister ex-daughter-in-law and grandchildren who have all been paid money from the crime family activity.
He might as well pardon himself for "any crimes committed between 2020-2024," because there are several.
IB Joe wrote to All <=-
You don't have to go far into the video, ~ 90 seconds, when you find
out the reasons why he was pardoned today and not weeks or so from
@Aaron and @Ron would you like to comment on the first 90 seconds or
Aaron Thomas wrote to IB Joe <=-
49 more days of treason to go. We made it this far. What other crap
will Biden do before he hands the keys to Trump?
He might as well pardon himself for "any crimes committed between 2020-2 because there are several.
Really!? Name one.
49 more days of treason to go. We made it this far. What other crap will Biden do before he hands the keys to Trump?
Hopefully nothing that can't be undone.
BTW, did you hear the extent of the pardon... Anything known or unkno since January 1st 2014. A blanket pardon that covers everything.
Yeah that is ridiculous. They're anticipating that Trump's
administration would prosecute Hunter for something that occurred during that timeframe (so it seems.)
Really!? Name one.
No surprise to me at all. Biden lies and gaslights. He's the
figurehead of a criminal enterprise that's been going on for decades now.
We all knew Biden was going to pardon his mule, regardless of what Biden actually said. The timing was near perfect. Now Hunter gets away with everything.
What needs to happen now is for the legal system to make Hunter use the pardon. Then we can convict him on the crimes that he will commit afterwards - because you know he will.
Great question.. It means that if someone is found guilty by a jury. He will remain a "Non" felon until sentencing. Until sentencing he is a non-felonnd
could by a gun, carry a gun in the correct jurisdiction, and do whatever non-felons do.
FALSE.... unless you are going to claim "they" are law-faring against the Biden's, too.
He might as well pardon himself for "any crimes committed between 2020-2 >> > because there are several.
Really!? Name one.
Treason: the crime of betraying one's country, especially by attempting to kill the sovereign or overthrow the government.
Importing millions of migrants to build new Democrat voting districts fits that description.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
We need to expect the worst from "the unprecedented president."
Executive orders are all he can do I guess. And we know that those can
be reversed in seconds flat.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Constitutional experts and professors Turley and McCarthy both say that there my be room for arguments that the pardon process may be non constitutional in that Biden is trying to expunge Hunter's criminal activity.
Get to the bottom of this corruption.
Yeah that is ridiculous. They're anticipating that Trump's administration would prosecute Hunter for something that occurred dur that timeframe (so it seems.)
This opens Pandora's Box...
Both Johnathan Turley and Andrew McCarthy, Professors of law and Constitutional Experts, both say that Hunter has lost his 5th amendment privileges if this goes through as it stands.
It's also speculated he'll do the same for all those he had
participating in the Lawfare deal... Jack Smith et al., Alvin Bragg et al., Fani Willis et al., and trhe list goes on.
Executive orders are all he can do I guess. And we know that those ca be reversed in seconds flat.
But the problem was never in the Executive Branch. It's in the Bureaucracy. Those people have Legislative power without any accountability. That's why DOGE is going to be so important.
We already have the IRS making an agreement with their employees that
they can continue to work from home. It's unknown how binding that agreement is but it will be used to block DOGE.
heFALSE.... unless you are going to claim "they" are law-faring against
Biden's, too.
There you go again...
No sentencing no conviction.
And that's very interesting. I should read up on Pardons.
But my understanding is that in order to use a Pardon, you need to have been convicted of a crime. After all, what's the Pardon pardoning? In some cases, (like Nixon) he exits with a Pardon in his pocket for something that he hasn't been convicted of yet. Basically a "get out of jail free" card.
But can you pardon unspecified crimes? I'm thinking that the experts
here might be on to something.
IHMO: They should finish the Hunter trial and sentance him. Make him
use the Pardon and let the legal system argue it out. I believe that
the Pardon is a play to make the court just say "why waste time on this
if he's just going to be pardoned?"
Which is what the Deep State is terrified of because some of these
people will be in front of a firing squad.
This Hunter thing needs to be reviewed by the senate or by the USSC. Pardoning Hunter for 1 crime would be reasonable, but "from this date through that date" seems like abuse of power, and Biden should be impeached for it.
People not even charged with a crime? That's even worse.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dr. What <=-
We already have the IRS making an agreement with their employees that
they can continue to work from home. It's unknown how binding that agreement is but it will be used to block DOGE.
But what's wrong with them working from home? Doesn't that save us
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Nixon's pardon was the first one of the type that covered crimes he may have or may not have committed... A blanket pardon. Ford's idea, as I understand, he didn't want congress digging around trying to find
another way to skin the cat.
Hunter's pardon goes back to the time he started Burisma in Ukraine and works its way forward. Any and all crimes committed... So if he was at
P. Diddy's place he has nothing to worry about.
The prosecutor for the California case wants to follow through with the convictions and the Judge in Delaware wants to do the same. They cite that there is no law preventing them from doing so.
Congress needs to expose all the corruption in the Biden crime family. ALL!!
Interesting. I need to get "pardons" higher priority on my list of
things to research.
And that's why I think there will be plenty of argument about whether the pardon is valid or not.
Of course, once we dig into the 2020 election and find out that they cheated and Biden was not a legitimate President, the pardon might just
be null and void.
Surprising. You'd think that those areas would be more friendly to the Biden Crime Family.
And I've heard that by using the Pardon, Hunter loses his 5th Amendment protection. So they can still haul him into court and make him spill
all the beans - or be charged with something new which would not be
under the Pardon.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
The news has been talking about... They call them pocket pardons... For Liz Cheney, Adam Schiff and Dr. Fauci to name a few. For crimes they
may or may not have committed.
Adam Schiff was talking about Trump w2hen he said this... That you
can't pardon your way out of a crime to hide facts and evidence...
Makes sense... Judge Napolitano said that the pardons are
At this point who cares... As long as these parasites are exposed... completely... Forever in the history books as being corrupt.
He was pissed that Biden said he prosecuted Hunter for political
reasons and that wasn't the case.
Yup... and jail time if he doesn't comply!!! All the nice things like contempt and whatnot.
If they think they need pardons, then they know that they committed crimes.
IHMO: This is admission of guilt.
Yup. As many have talked about, taking the pardon means no 5th
Amendment plea. They have to spill the beans.
But if Biden is found not to have been a legitimate president....
I'd like to see the paracites squashed, but I'll settle for exposure if that's all I can get.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
The problem is is simple... The constitution does say there is a limit,
or whatever. If Joe pardons the remaining 8 members of his family and
the others the news is talking about will talk volumes about the situation.
I think Adam Schiff said it correctly, though correct, he might not be constitutional in his thinking. Adam said that Trump couldn't use the pardon system to pardon his family and the like to conceal evidence and avoid prosecution. Makes sense to me... but the constitution says what
is says.
I would argue that if Biden does all this they should impeach him while he's out of office, evidence permits, like they did to Trump. Air all this out to the public and make sure the history books understand the level of corruption in his administration.
There might not be a legal conclusion but there definitely will be a political one.
I'm not sure they thought this all out. The talk seems to be that
Kamala was going to win and she was going to pardon Hunter... Welp...
that never happened... HAHAHA Funny AF!!!
The problem of going too far down whatever Rabbit Hole you go. This
will be a future president that the democrats will use against future non-Democrtat Presidents.
Biden is the legitimate President and he's the face of the Democratic party!!!
Loving it!!!!
One step at a time.
I think both of these are applicable to the Biden Crime Family.
Especially the "as a way to benefit oneself or others". I think a good case can be made that Hunter's pardon is invalid.
Shifty Schiff is just doing the "Rules for thee, but not for me" thing that all Elitists do. If Trump can't pardon his family, then neither
can Biden.
Once Biden leaves office, he can't be impeached - that's only for public officials and once out of office, Biden is no longer a public official.
IHMO: Joe won't live long after he's out. They'll cut off his supply of meds since he'll be useless to the Elitists and his dimensia will finish him off.
Certainly. The Democrat party is done. But the Left ruins everything it touches.
And we will never forgive the Democrats for doing this.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
I think there needs to be a full and open investigation into Hunter's dealing with Ukraine and whatever else the Biden Crime family has been involved in.
I think there needs to be a full and public investigation into J6 and
it needs to be expansive and explores all the areas... Such as FBI operatives and who unlocked the magnetic locks and who didn't order the National Guard, and what not.
I would argue, if the US Government and the original J6 committee was culpable in any way, they should be open to personal lawsuits and or criminal charges. To be slightly more specific... If its found that
the J6 committee hid evidence, purposefully from the public or
defendants there should be a consequence.
The justice department needs to look in to the Lawfare thats happened
to Trump and other conservatives.
And they tried to impeach Trump while he was out of office. Most of
these offenses were when he wasn't in office this time anyway.
I don't care if it's a weekend at Bernie's... The truth needs to be revealed... Even if its just for the history books.
Certainly. The Democrat party is done. But the Left ruins everything it touches.
I don't think so... They said they are moving ahead with there DEI and Transgender mandate.
Wait until Trump reminds the voters what a real leader looks like. One that loves his country and the citizens in it.
I think the majority of people think so too. The Pardons are intended to derail this. "If he's already been pardoned, why look in to it?" At worst, they look into it, find lots of crimes, but the culprits have already been pardoned.
I think this one has more success. Too many people involved. And many
of the "higher ups" are not longer useful to the Deep State. That means that they might be thrown under the bus.
And they did do that. That's why they desperately need a Pardon.
I see many prosecutors and judges going to prison here.
But everyone knew from the start that it was bogus.
I think most people already know this. It just took 4 years of
socialism to make them see.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
All the elites need to be exposed. All the corruption needs to be exposed. The sinister BS behind Trump's first impeachment needs to be exposed.
Something a little heavier than a bus... Liz will have to be under
there and Daddy Dick won't be able to save her.
History books need to see how political things got. Wait until the
normal democrats find out that the Orange man wasn't bad or a threat to democracy.
Trump will Make America Great Again, Again
Sadly, I doubt this will happen. The people at the bottom are too well hidden and insulated. We'll see plenty of their operatives "commit suicide".
The Cheneys have no political clout anymore. So I think this is a high probability. That's why I still say that many of them will go on "vacation" soon and disappear. Maybe the old Nazis in South Americal
will help them out. The Elitists and Nazis always got along well.
Trump will Make America Great Again, Again
A lot of people are hoping for that.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Sadly, I doubt this will happen. The people at the bottom are too well hidden and insulated. We'll see plenty of their operatives "commit suicide".
Not so... They commit suicide if the Clintons are implicated. I say we don't go down that rabbit hole and take everyone else out.
Oh, we will probably do that. I'm just pointing out that at some point, someone will collapse the rabbit hole to block us from getting "too
close" to the real problem people.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Oh, we will probably do that. I'm just pointing out that at some point, someone will collapse the rabbit hole to block us from getting "too
close" to the real problem people.
If I'm found suicide'd please enquirer...
If I'm found suicide'd please enquirer...
That is the bright spot here. We are probably not important enough to "commit suicide".
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
You do know... Looks like Hillary might get a preemptive pardon, not
that she's guilty of anything. Me getting suicided might be covered
under her pardon.
I saw Bill on the view asking Joe not to pardon her... I think Bill
wants to see her in jail so he can relax for whatever years he has
Bill's a simple minded person. He's not playing the 3D Chess like the rest of the Elitists.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Bill's a simple minded person. He's not playing the 3D Chess like the rest of the Elitists.
And he just wants to live out his life... Quiet!!!! BTW, they probably have a new Sex Trafficker for the elites... Bill wasn't some fresh
Bill used to be someone with power that could be manipulated by the Elitists inoto doing things for them. Now he's nothing.
I agree that he wants to just live out his life quietly - hoping that he doesn't have to take responsibility for his crimes. But Hillary was the one covering them up and her power is waning fast.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
I think Barry has hit the wall as well. He once was the Democrat
darling and now he's out to pasture with Bill.
His use to the Elitists is over. He can do nothing for his masters.
These people do nothing, contribute nothing. They are just mouth pieces who have some charisma and can move people to do stuff (like vote for
them even though their policies are crap). But the first Trump administration ripped the mask away and Biden's disasterous regime
wrecked everything so completely that even the most die hard liberal had no choice but to recognize what was going on.
The only people who think Osama was a good president is that small Woke minority that can't think for themselves.
IB Joe wrote to Dr. What <=-
Well, I'm glad to see Barry on his way out... He should have just
retired like all the presidents did in the past.
Funny AF... All the Hollywood elites who talked for Kamala have now
lost major contracts and have been fired from the Studios... The
Studios have learned that it's not profitable to have people on the payroll with opinions like George Clooney.
implements his policies the rest of the Democrats who were sleeping
will join in on all the fun. The non-Elites anyway. It doesn't look
like the Democrats learned any lessons from the last election(s) so
we'll be seeing some fun!
I thought it was funny that Lisa was all angry that people would dare consider voting out your Senator if they don't represent you any more.
We have an elected official that doesn't believe elected officials
should be held accountable during the primary process.
Elites took a hit and never learned a thing.
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