Hello Martin Foster!
** On Monday 17.01.22 - 11:31, Martin Foster wrote to Dale Barnes:
@TID: InterEcho 1.21 00000000
@MSGID: 1:106/201 180ebc1e
Testing, have not seen any traffic for 5 days....
No traffic for 5 days is not unusual for this echo.
Maybe there's nothing new or extraordinarly bad to report in
the realm of pointing. :D
I'm still trying to wrap my head over the adhoc Origin line
feature in OXP. Dunno what to do with it. I thought it would
be better if it could access an associated text file and paste
things akin to a tagline in there, or drop something
preconfigured in a random way. But as it sits right now, its
usefulness seems wanting.
It is critical to know in advance how many chars the line can
support including the space occupied by the node number.
And.. the adhoc one is replaced one with the static one if
there is a need to re-edit the message body before sending it.
What is the designer's/programmer's idea behind the function?
How is anyone else using it?
--- OpenXP 5.0.51
* Origin: System Up Time: 0 D, 0 H, 11 M, 46 S (2:221/1.58)