On 2017 Jan 27 08:16:22, you wrote to j b l:
Hello j,
On Thu Jan 26 2017 19:50:18, j b l wrote to All:
I have some FPC code, that isn't working the way it should.
if FileExists(fn+'.PK2') then shell('/usr/bin/mv '+fn+'.PK2
Was this a typo? Or should the first instance of "fn" have a "+" before it as well?
no, not a typo... read the ""properly formatted""* routine like this
if FileExists(fn+'.PK2') then
shell('/usr/bin/mv ' + fn + '.PK2 ' + fn + '.MIX');
the pluses, in this case, are appending strings together...
i'd be interested in what the variable "fn" contains... i'd also be concerned about that forced caps stuff with ".PK2" which may be lower case on some file systems which may be case sensitive...
[* NOTE: formatting discussions/disagreements have resulted in some extremely heated battles.]
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