For any of you that might be interested in the "memories" of the Welland
Canal region, check out..
It is a site that I first started building in 2010 for a couple a ladies
that prefer to be known only as S & B. ;)
It is still running on the original design from 10 years ago. But since
then, it has been "split" into 3 sections due to the accumulated data.
I've only added a random banner image to the MAIN site a few years ago
to dress it up a bit.
1. MAIN SITE = (this one loads slow, so be patient)
2. TALES (normal loading speed)
3. EVENTS (normal loading speed)
Each section has independent Search. A minimum 4-character search
yields better results. Search skims through all articles, photos and
user comments.
The ladies transcode the newspaper articles from the original material,
full citations maintained, and send then to me. I add any photos and
adjust any editing.
The picture Gallery in the MAIN (albiet slow) section is the most popular.
It may be prudent to eventually move the Gallery into its own section,
but that will have to wait for now.
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