• Partridge Family

    From George Pope@1:153/757 to All on Tue Mar 15 08:03:22 2022
    Rewmember the controversy over Milli Vanilli in the 1980s, that they, *GASP!* lip-synced their singing in concerts (like EVERY artist does)

    The Partridge Family was created, loosely based on the Cowsills, a real rock & roll playing famly.

    Only 2 members of the PF could play an instrument & only one could sing -- the rst played air &/or lip-synced.

    Millions of dollars in album & concert revenues, & they were frauds from the get-go!

    I'm sure the producers kept most of it & paid out piddling salaries to the child stars & actresses.

    Now Danny Bonaduce (Danny Partridge) is famous, on radio, tv, etc, all because of lies. (if the newsmedia could use such weighted language to describe Milli Vanilli, it's valid for me to use fior the same purpose)

    I'm not defending Milli -- I wasn't into their music anyway. . .

    I'm only questioning the hypocrisy & the unawareness of the buying public.

    I'm guessing some of yas had to buy these records for your kids, especially if you had girls?

    Were you or they aware that this was just a tv family & not real arists, but just liked the sound anyway?

    Did they put on a good show at their concerts over & above the value of the soundtrack playing in the background?

    Silliness & Hollywood's so worried about 'pirates' downloading music for free!

    I download freely. Because I'm stealing nothing -- theft removes some thing from someone else -- I don't-I just copy it for my own enjoyment, leaving the original unaffected.

    [But you're stealing the price of the CD]

    Nope, because I wasn't going to buy that overpriced($19.95-$24.99) POS anyway, just for 1 or 2 songs!

    I've been challenging them to take me to court for years, as I've got some surprises up my sleeve if they do. but nothing. I'm bummed.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Wed Mar 16 06:14:18 2022
    CP wrote --

    Millions of dollars in album & concert revenues, & they were frauds from the get-go!

    Same thing with The Monkee'e, the "pre-fab four".

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to GEORGE POPE on Thu Mar 17 17:13:00 2022
    Rewmember the controversy over Milli Vanilli in the 1980s, that they, *GASP!* ip-synced their singing in concerts (like EVERY artist does)

    It was also because they apparently contributed little, if anything, to the recording of their songs.

    Now Danny Bonaduce (Danny Partridge) is famous, on radio, tv, etc, all because
    of lies. (if the newsmedia could use such weighted language to describe Milli
    Vanilli, it's valid for me to use fior the same purpose)

    One difference... Danny, and the rest of the Partridge family, also had a
    TV show that people liked. I think they got paid, and famous, for being TV stars much more so than for "their" music.


    * SLMR 2.1a * The real world is a special case.
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Al Thompson@1:229/426.27 to George Pope on Tue Mar 22 01:51:04 2022
    on *15.03.22* at *15:03:22* You wrote in area *MEMORIES*
    to *All* about *"Partridge Family"*.

    Rewmember the controversy over Milli Vanilli in the 1980s, that they, GASP! lip-synced their singing in concerts (like EVERY artist does)

    The Partridge Family was created, loosely based on the Cowsills, a real rock & roll playing famly.

    I'm only questioning the hypocrisy & the unawareness of the buying

    Did they put on a good show at their concerts over & above the value of the soundtrack playing in the background?

    I think the difference was that Milli Vanilli was marketed as a legit pop group, while the Partridge Family was marketed as a kid's TV show.

    I wasn't aware that the Partridges ever did concerts. Certainly nobody expected the Partridges to be a peer of Led Zeppelin, but Milli Vanilli was sold as being a peer of Michael Jackson.

    --- WinPoint 400.2
    * Origin: What's the Point (1:229/426.27)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Sat Mar 26 23:28:32 2022
    CP wrote --
    Millions of dollars in album & concert revenues, & they were frauds from the
    Same thing with The Monkee'e, the "pre-fab four".

    Buytthe Monkees were known to be just an excuse for tyhe tv show & vice-versa - - the Partridge family didn't even play themselves -- they were not musicians. I think the Monkees were, no?

    The only albums I got of theirs cost me $1-$2m, so I'm not going to go seeiing refunds! *LOL*

    Whoever was behind the sound -- it's a fun listen when I'm the mood for '70s bubble-gum music!

    I never got into the members nam,es *7 bios -- I just knew which bands & artists liked.

    The ony artist in rock I noted & paid attention to who he played with, was Eric Clapton -- the King of Rock & Roll Acoustic Guitar, I'd say. .

    Every album he's on (whether solo, or Cream, or the others) was a #1 seller with multiple gold & platinum singles. Impressive indeed.

    I'm starting, out of curiosity, to backtrack a few favourite bands to their previous formations (e.g. Earth for Black Sabbath--not easy to find)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Tue Mar 29 06:00:04 2022
    CP wrote --

    - the Partridge family didn't even play themselves -- they were not musicians.

    Shirley Jones, who played the mother, was a Broadway and movie singer.
    Married at one time to Jack Cassidy, (David's father) who was also a Broadway and movie singer.
    I think David recorded a few songs on his his.
    And baby brother Shaun (not on the show) cut made some records as well.

    Whoever was behind the sound -- it's a fun listen when I'm the mood for '70s bubble-gum music!

    I was into bubble-gum and disco. Never cared for heavy metal. It was
    all noise to me.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Al Thompson on Tue Mar 29 11:29:20 2022
    I think the difference was that Milli Vanilli was marketed as a legit pop group, while the Partridge Family was marketed as a kid's TV show.

    Makes sense.

    I wasn't aware that the Partridges ever did concerts. Certainly nobody expected the Partridges to be a peer of Led Zeppelin, but Milli Vanilli was sold as being a peer of Michael Jackson.

    I wasn't suyere about that one, myself, but it fit the narrative.

    Funny thing -- KISS sold far more than the Beatklesmbut are they called kings of rock & roll? ACDC, likewise, who are still touring, making 8 figures a year. . .

    Rock & Roll ain't dead, but the labels are trying to convert everybody's attention to the generic yhomogenous pablum they can churn out cheap & easy (I'm prertyty sure there's an AI writing the lyrics of many of today's 'hits.')

    Well, I for one, prefer real rock & I'll keep listening to it Sadly, no good new stuff, as the kids have no clue & only want to emulate rappers. But not the reality, just the perception in their 'music' videos.

    Pop is pablum for your ears.

    Even churches are going pop, with their modern hymns/psalmns

    Old: Upon the broad pastures doth hover the spirit of God Newer: God blesses the grass upon which the lambs, the pretty lambs, which we all are, graze
    New: The pastures, the green green pastures; green pastures, green, green, gre pastures. Hallelujah, Amen! (Repeat 6X)

    Give me the old lyrics, built from deeply felt/created poetry.

    Give me a band of youjng pu8nks who hasve adream & have music & emotion exploding in their veins, until thery can borrow a garage & go at it, with no thought of becoming a business -- just to play, sing, & get girls(let's be honest)

    & just enough of any available psychedelics(LSD, 'shrooms, peyote, etc.) to boost their ability to write interesting lyrics.

    More about sound than noise.

    I especially like the ones who are classically trained, but their hearts & spirits moved them to use those learned skills in new & interesting ways. (think Jethro Tull & Deep Purple, both of whom I have multiple original vinyl LPs for, & love their output.)

    Pat Benatar for voice, who was trained as a classical opera singer.

    & others who likewise had voices that knew what they were doing -- like Freddie Mercury -- I've no idea if he got classical training, but his voice still had the greatest range of any singer before or since his time)

    The youngsters try to say they like music -- I feel I need to correct them, in that "music" means "the harmonious interplay of sound"; what they listen to is technically best described as "noise."; They say, "Okay, Boomer" & I reply, "That's GenX to you, Zoomer."

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Tue Mar 29 13:34:32 2022
    CP wrote --
    - the Partridge family didn't even play themselves -- they were not
    Shirley Jones, who played the mother, was a Broadway and movie singer. Married at one time to Jack Cassidy, (David's father) who was also a
    Broadway and movie singer.
    I think David recorded a few songs on his his.

    Yup, I read the same - the group, per se, did not create & record together -- Shirley would sing with a taped recording of another band's music, while the guys played air instruments.

    Whoever was behind the sound -- it's a fun listen when I'm the mood for '70s
    bubble-gum music!
    I was into bubble-gum and disco. Never cared for heavy metal. It was
    all noise to me.

    I like both, depending on mood -- & it has to have quality to it -- I want musicians who work well together and have asolid understanding of the harmonious interplay of sound that defines "music"

    I like Deep Purple, becayuse they are all classcal/symphony musicians (they even wrote a symphony they performed, with the London Philharmonic Orchestra)

    I liked others, like Blacjk Sabbath,. for the nice interplay of instruments, but also fort the powerful & deep lyrics Ozzy wrote.

    My favourite anti-war song is "War Pigs' by Black Sabbath."

    I like 1970s country, too! On accuradio I can mix my favourite sub-gemnres together to create one nearly perfect statio -- I can even mix in some comedy, too, for variety. . . (I love when Bob Newhart does one of his talking stories, like the ad exec trying to create an "Abraham Lincoln" that'll stand the test of time, in spite of Abe's objecftions to some of the silliness, like having to write his speeches on the backs of envelopes, & giving him a General Grant's detractors squelch (buy him his favourite brand & ship it to him))


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)