Methods exist, such as thumnbprint control required to fire, or a locked box requiring double thumb prints to open.
About the only ones who did were security of some sort, shore patrol, etc.
This wasn't a round of tour you all did at least once?
Are the Seals a separate program within the USN who are separated from the main Navy & trained with a greater intensity like the Marines?
His main job was escorting supply boats across the Atlantic.
I think it really sucks that both your houses are partisan. On 6-Jan, 2021 during the coup
Methods exist, such as thumnbprint control required to fire, or a locked boxrequiring double thumb prints to open.
I can see it now, some bad guy is prowling around in someone's home
intent on mischief and the owner has to go through all that to protect himself
Meanwhile the bad guy is locked and loaded ready to do damage without a second thought.
Far more news is made by someone making a mischief than one using a gun
for self defence.
Its like a car, again. There's no news in thousands of drivers going
about their business with no problem. It the one who is involved in an accident that makes the news.
The other guys in SP, even regulars, were armed only with a baton and
mine was made of balsa wood. :)
Of no one (other than us) knew who had a effective baton or not.
The baton was deterrence.
Are the Seals a separate program within the USN who are separated from themain Navy & trained with a greater intensity like the Marines?
No need for a sidearm on a ship.
His main job was escorting supply boats across the Atlantic.A brother was in the Coast Guard for supply ships in the Pacific.
His ship carried whatever was needed somewhere. One time it might be
soap, another TP. He was killed in January 1945 when they were carrying ammo and something happened with the ship blowing up in the harbour at Guadalcanal, with all hands lost, save fou
I was named after him, five years and two days later.
I think it really sucks that both your houses are partisan. On 6-Jan, 2021during the coup
Getting a bit close to modern politics there.
Not to someone hoped up on some thing, or just seriously enraged, beyond reason & awareness, then the balsa holder is in big trouble. Did you carry a proper cosh in your back pocket for such an emergency?
My main defense, if needed, is my brain -- I'll first try to talk down the miscreant, then use what I know about self defense to maximize mty chance of survival
In wartime, I'd hope, as the enemy Seal-types could board you on the quiet sider & attenpt to take over the ship'scontrols.
He was the sole fatality? :(
CP wrote --
Not to someone hoped up on some thing, or just seriously enraged, beyondreason & awareness, then the balsa holder is in big trouble. Did you carry a proper cosh in your back pocket for such an emergency?
No idea what the other SP guys were carrying.
I was in the waiting area for the motor launch back to the ship moored in
the harbour.
Like I wrote, it was temporary duty, filling in. I wasn't regular SP.
I think the worse we had was maybe some guy who had had a bit too much to drink and passed out. :)
We were dealing with other shipmates. My ship, the Newport News was a
heavy cruiser with 1000 men onboard.
My main defense, if needed, is my brain -- I'll first try to talk down themiscreant, then use what I know about self defense to maximize mty chance of survival
Wise thing to do.
And a good judo flip could flatten them for a second, provided they are unarmed.
In wartime, I'd hope, as the enemy Seal-types could board you on the quietsider & attenpt to take over the ship'scontrols.
We didn't have any problems like that on my ship.
During my time we were usually around the Caribbean visiting friendly islands. :)
He was the sole fatality? :(There were 250 who lost their lives.
Like I wrote, it was temporary duty, filling in. I wasn't regular SP.
So you didn't think much of it -- just another assigned task, eh?
Look at that - a ship with its own custom URL & n ot just a Facebook page -- this is different! This is to continue the esprit de corps after y'all swap out?
What, one of the past crewmen made the site for y'all & whoever cares to, donates to keep it going?
We didn't have any problems like that on my ship.
You weren't in the middle of a big war, were you, or were you?
During my time we were usually around the Caribbean visiting friendly islands. :)
Peacetime? Why did the Navy deploy you like that,
It was made by a shipmate long before FB was a gleam in Zuchkerberg's
What, one of the past crewmen made the site for y'all & whoever cares to,donates to keep it going?
I don't think its been updated in many years.
You weren't in the middle of a big war, were you, or were you?Just a little thing called Vietnam.
I was stateside the whole time. I wasn't overseas, something about
giving aid and comfort to the enemy and wanting for us to win. :)
There's a small island down there that was used for target practice.
Most of the Second Fleet would go there on a regular basis as a group.
I started out in a 5" gun, wrestling around big shells and helping load
the gun.
Then I got a promotion the the aft 8" gun, again in the shell room,
moving shells from the elevator into the breech. From there I moved up to the
powder room. Those were packed with gun powder and relatively light.
Then I was moved up to be a telephone talker.
That was a rough job.
I sat on the deck with a mic and headphones relating orders from the
control room. So many degrees to this and that position, etc.
No more dancing with shells and powder cases.
I asked how I got there and told the other liked my smooth Southern
accent, :)
The training* cruises just happened to during winter up north and we were
in the 70s and 80s in January-February. What are the odds?
One year we were sent to New Orleans when there had been reports a VC
gunboat was seen on the Mississippi. And just so happened to be during Mardi Gras. What are the odds of that as well? :)
One story you might like.
We went to Montego Bay, Jamaica for a few days, after visiting Gitmo in "Cuber".
Pot was popular among some crew members.
Walking along a street one day I saw some fellow shipmates across the
street buy some off a sidewalk dealer.
They walked away and the "salesman" pointed them out to a cop who was catty-corner away.
The cop stopped the guys, had a short conversation and took back the pot along with a full dollars. He walked back to the dealer, handed over the
pot and went back across the street.
Shortly a couple more came walking along and the same thing happened.
Turnout they were cohorts, of course.
The dealer sold the pot, the cop busted them, took a bribe and it
continued, several times over.
*The only time we faced anyone firing back at us was on one of these
A popular past time was watching other ships fire, with a few friendly
wagers on how close they came to the target.
A group of us were on deck when suddenly the ship made a very sharp turn
to starboard (that's "right" to landlubbers). Now my ship was large and
this sudden turn threw us to the deck. We were getting up and wondering what in the world was going on when we
Someone had made a mistake in aiming and instead of the island they were targeting us!
The shell landed just to our aft and made a big splash.
If the helmsman hadn't steered as quickly as he did, and the ship turned
when it should, that shell would have gone down a smoke stack, which would have put a dent in our otherwise enjoyable day.
Just nice to know it's there, eh? A reminder of times, & cohorts, past?
You were dating a North Viet girl?
gunboat was seen on the Mississippi. And just so happened to be during Mardi Gras. What are the odds of that as well? :)
Jeeze, no wonder the army & marine boys resent yas! *G*
They're crawling around in sub-zero mud, & you're enjoying sunshine & bikinis!
Did you tell your shipmates about the scam? That's scammy as heck -- not unsurprising, though. . .
when it should, that shell would have gone down a smoke stack, which would have put a dent in our otherwise enjoyable day.
Would it have sunk yas, or blown you up, or just make a huge mess to fix & clean up?
CP wrote --
Just nice to know it's there, eh? A reminder of times, & cohorts, past?Cohorts are getting fewer and fewer every day.
You were dating a North Viet girl?Shh, no one was supposed to know about that. :)
Mardi Gras. What are the odds of that as well? :)gunboat was seen on the Mississippi. And just so happened to be during
Jeeze, no wonder the army & marine boys resent yas! *G*
They're crawling around in sub-zero mud, & you're enjoying sunshine &
We all had our jobs to do...
Did you tell your shipmates about the scam? That's scammy as heck -- notunsurprising, though. . .
Nope, they found out on their own.
I didn't smoke pot and figured if they wanted to do that they would find
most of my life, my best friends were 20+ years older than me (so I'd have intelligence & wisdom to learn from; my peers were & are, shallow & dumb *sigh*)
You were dating a North Viet girl?Shh, no one was supposed to know about that. :)
How's that happen? Sounds like an interesting story
*LOL* Not your fault for choosing a branch whose training was more amenable to comfort, eh?
Greatest Generation, indeed.
& I'm surrounded by the "Me Generation." *sigh*
I don't recall if you've said -- are you married? Have kids? Grandkids?
CP wrote --
most of my life, my best friends were 20+ years older than me (so I'd haveintelligence & wisdom to learn from; my peers were & are, shallow & dumb *sigh*)
I always preferred to be around older people as well.
I have always been interested in history, and not the big stories, but
"what was life like" whenever.
Too many people think history only started when they were born.
While "everyone" my age was interested only in what was going on at the
time I was more interested in what happened before and was the cause of what is. Not just that something happened, but what brought it on.
As for music, I liked what was popular at the time, but also older music, from the early 1900s to the (then) present.
Same with movies, and everything else.
I haven't had an interest in pop culture in many years.
I was reading recently about current celebs, for example, and have no
idea who they are other than some "mega star".
That was a joke son, I say that was a joke. :)You were dating a North Viet girl?Shh, no one was supposed to know about that. :)
How's that happen? Sounds like an interesting story
*LOL* Not your fault for choosing a branch whose training was more amenableto comfort, eh?
When I got my letter from Uncle Sam and given 30 days to make up my mind
or have it made up for me, I thought about which branch to join.
I wasn't interested in the Marines, to tough and ruled them out at once.
I have a fear of heights so that ruled out the Air Force. (My brother
had been in the AF).
I wasn't interested in marching and eating beans in a rainy rice paddy so that ruled out the Army.
I always liked the water and going places so decided on the Navy.
Besides, they had snappy looking uniforms. :)
& I'm surrounded by the "Me Generation." *sigh*Yep, today its "all about me". And so many of the kids today have all
sorts of mental and emotional problems and one dare not question them.
I don't recall if you've said -- are you married? Have kids? Grandkids?Nope, been lucky there.
I nearly got married a couple of times.
The first time the girl broke up with me after planning our wedding, etc.
I asked "Is there someone else?" She replied "That has to be" :)
I've never really cared for kids. I can take them in small doses only.
I've come from a long line of bachelors and spinsters. :)
Exaxtly; this is what it means "to learn from history" -- learn the whys & wherefors, not the when/where/who of it all. . .
School history focuses exlusively on the later, which deletes the former, leaving all of us due for the "must repeat it" & most often the least likeable parts. . . *sigh*
You & I, & others, spent our time learning, rather thAn amassing influence, position,. & power
Likewise -- I can erecoignizea few names & sorta know their area, but only becauise I lolve doing croissword puzzles
Besides, they had snappy looking uniforms. :)
This is why the trope is of the sexy girls trying to meet the sailors, eh?
Along with how when he asked her to marry him, she never answered until in front of the mayor(the rules in France were that a couple must be married by the mayor
But they had over 60 years together, all told!
I was extremely crude & lewd, but not in front of adults, nor girls -- I had that basic respect taught to me at home, as you did.
I don't recall if you've said -- are you married? Have kids? Grandkids?Nope, been lucky there.
*LOL* I userd to figure it that way, too
but eventually I wanted to have what my parents had
?? IOW, shewasstating her comlpete doneness with the you & her thing, not necessarily because of someone else, but maybe so, eh?
I like "the small stuff", this led to that, which caused something else, which became this...
History didn't just happen. Still doesn't.
Oh once in a while there was some big event (Country A wanted what
Country B had and grabbed it) but for the most part its a series of small even
that lead to big events.
IOW, events very seldom happen full blown out of nothing.
I try to live a simple life, and I'm not given to trying to keep up
with the Joneses. I don't need, or necessarily want the newest,
biggest, best whatever.
Girls love guys in uniforms. :)
I was a model child. (Pardon me while I adjust my halo). :)
I've never been interested in having kids.
But when see little kids today I often wonder what kind of world
will they live in? Will it still be crazy like to day or will people return to their senses?
CP wrote --
Exaxtly; this is what it means "to learn from history" -- learn the whys &wherefors, not the when/where/who of it all. . .
I like "the small stuff", this led to that, which caused something else, which became this...
History didn't just happen. Still doesn't.
Oh once in a while there was some big event (Country A wanted what
Country B had and grabbed it) but for the most part its a series of small events
that lead to big events.
IOW, events very seldom happen full blown out of nothing.
You & I, & others, spent our time learning, rather thAn amassing influence,position,. & power
Never been interested in any of that.
Never been interested in having more than the other guy.
I try to live a simple life, and I'm not given to trying to keep up with
the Joneses. I don't need, or necessarily want the newest, biggest, best whatever.
Unless it comes time to replace something because its outdated (however
one wants to define that), or broken beyond repair/cost of maintaining, I'm happy with what I have.
Likewise -- I can recoignizea few names & sorta know their area, but onlybecauise I lolve doing croissword puzzles
I prefer the large Sunday style crosswords, which I do a regular basis.
I often be stumped when a clue is "star of this or that big tv show".
I don't have a tv, (haven't for years) and have no idea what shows are
Now ask me about something 30-35 years ago and earlier and I know.
This is why the trope is of the sexy girls trying to meet the sailors, eh?Girls love guys in uniforms. :)
Along with how when he asked her to marry him, she never answered until infront of the mayor(the rules in France were that a couple must be married by the mayor
Been embarrassing if she said no at that point. :)
My brother and SIL were high school sweethearts and married right after
she graduated high school in 1958. They are still together. Had a girl and a boy and several grandkids and great-grandkids.
I was extremely crude & lewd, but not in front of adults, nor girls -- I hadthat basic respect taught to me at home, as you did.
I was never that way.
I was always polite and all, called my elders sir and ma'am, etc.
Never used foul language, never talked back, etc.
I was a model child. (Pardon me while I adjust my halo). :)
I neglected the last time in answer to the question if I had kids to say
"not that I know of". :)
Frankly I don't care too much for children. I can take them in small
doses through.
I found later I was on her rebound.
She went back to her old boy friend, married and had a couple of kids.
They then divorced after a couple of years, and a daughter.
I found all this out later from mutual friends.
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