• Guns

    From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Mon Feb 28 05:46:04 2022
    CP wrote --

    Methods exist, such as thumnbprint control required to fire, or a locked box requiring double thumb prints to open.

    I can see it now, some bad guy is prowling around in someone's home
    intent on mischief and the owner has to go through all that to protect himself.
    Meanwhile the bad guy is locked and loaded ready to do damage without a
    second thought.
    Far more news is made by someone making a mischief than one using a gun
    for self defence.
    Its like a car, again. There's no news in thousands of drivers going
    about their business with no problem. It the one who is involved in an accident that makes the news.

    About the only ones who did were security of some sort, shore patrol, etc.

    This wasn't a round of tour you all did at least once?

    The one time I did SP was when they were short handed and volunteered.
    The only person in our group of about 20 was armed, a senior enlisted man who was regular SP.
    The other guys in SP, even regulars, were armed only with a baton and
    mine was made of balsa wood. :)
    Of no one (other than us) knew who had a effective baton or not.
    The baton was deterrence.

    Are the Seals a separate program within the USN who are separated from the main Navy & trained with a greater intensity like the Marines?

    No need for a sidearm on a ship.

    His main job was escorting supply boats across the Atlantic.

    A brother was in the Coast Guard for supply ships in the Pacific.
    His ship carried whatever was needed somewhere. One time it might be
    soap, another TP. He was killed in January 1945 when they were carrying ammo and something happened with the ship blowing up in the harbour at
    Guadalcanal, with all hands lost, save fou
    I was named after him, five years and two days later.

    I think it really sucks that both your houses are partisan. On 6-Jan, 2021 during the coup

    Getting a bit close to modern politics there.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Fri Mar 11 10:42:00 2022
    Methods exist, such as thumnbprint control required to fire, or a locked box
    requiring double thumb prints to open.
    I can see it now, some bad guy is prowling around in someone's home
    intent on mischief and the owner has to go through all that to protect himself
    Meanwhile the bad guy is locked and loaded ready to do damage without a second thought.

    True enough. Best to train these gun owners to take care of their guns & properly lock them up when not in attendence with them.

    Far more news is made by someone making a mischief than one using a gun
    for self defence.
    Its like a car, again. There's no news in thousands of drivers going
    about their business with no problem. It the one who is involved in an accident that makes the news.

    "Dog bites man" is not new, but "Man bites dog" is, unless he's on Coney Island, maybe!

    The other guys in SP, even regulars, were armed only with a baton and
    mine was made of balsa wood. :)
    Of no one (other than us) knew who had a effective baton or not.
    The baton was deterrence.

    Not to someone hoped up on some thing, or just seriously enraged, beyond reason & awareness, then the balsa holder is in big trouble. Did you carry a proper cosh in your back pocket for such an emergency?

    I've seen the knives the army has -- one of those in your boot would seriously increase your self-confidence in any "Situation."

    My main defense, if needed, is my brain -- I'll first try to talk down the miscreant, then use what I know about self defense to maximize mty chance of survival (we had a rash of swarmings where older men were murdered by a crowd of teen thugs--my knowldeghe of this gives me a legal basis to feel my life is in danger & I can use force as warranted & necessary to defend myself--leader is going down & HARD, & he'll probably be crying & mewling after--that'll get half the rest running away.)

    Are the Seals a separate program within the USN who are separated from the
    main Navy & trained with a greater intensity like the Marines?
    No need for a sidearm on a ship.

    In wartime, I'd hope, as the enemy Seal-types could board you on the quiet sider & attenpt to take over the ship'scontrols.

    His main job was escorting supply boats across the Atlantic.
    A brother was in the Coast Guard for supply ships in the Pacific.
    His ship carried whatever was needed somewhere. One time it might be
    soap, another TP. He was killed in January 1945 when they were carrying ammo and something happened with the ship blowing up in the harbour at Guadalcanal, with all hands lost, save fou
    I was named after him, five years and two days later.

    He was the sole fatality? :(

    I think it really sucks that both your houses are partisan. On 6-Jan, 2021
    during the coup
    Getting a bit close to modern politics there.

    Fair enough; I'm sorry.

    I was going more for the philosophic view: that balance is required in all things, especially those involved with groups of people.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Mon Mar 14 07:02:34 2022
    CP wrote --

    Not to someone hoped up on some thing, or just seriously enraged, beyond reason & awareness, then the balsa holder is in big trouble. Did you carry a proper cosh in your back pocket for such an emergency?

    No idea what the other SP guys were carrying.
    I was in the waiting area for the motor launch back to the ship moored in
    the harbour.
    Like I wrote, it was temporary duty, filling in. I wasn't regular SP.
    I think the worse we had was maybe some guy who had had a bit too much to drink and passed out. :)
    We were dealing with other shipmates. My ship, the Newport News was a
    heavy cruiser with 1000 men onboard.

    My main defense, if needed, is my brain -- I'll first try to talk down the miscreant, then use what I know about self defense to maximize mty chance of survival

    Wise thing to do.
    And a good judo flip could flatten them for a second, provided they are unarmed.

    In wartime, I'd hope, as the enemy Seal-types could board you on the quiet sider & attenpt to take over the ship'scontrols.

    We didn't have any problems like that on my ship.
    During my time we were usually around the Caribbean visiting friendly islands. :)

    He was the sole fatality? :(

    There were 250 who lost their lives.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Sat Mar 26 22:54:08 2022
    CP wrote --
    Not to someone hoped up on some thing, or just seriously enraged, beyond
    reason & awareness, then the balsa holder is in big trouble. Did you carry a proper cosh in your back pocket for such an emergency?
    No idea what the other SP guys were carrying.
    I was in the waiting area for the motor launch back to the ship moored in
    the harbour.
    Like I wrote, it was temporary duty, filling in. I wasn't regular SP.

    So you didn't think much of it -- just another assigned task, eh?

    I think the worse we had was maybe some guy who had had a bit too much to drink and passed out. :)

    Those are everywhere.

    I had to get a buddy home one time, who was pie-eyed neyond the abilityto feel or be aware of the world around him -- it was cvold &slushy. I ordered im to grip the nacjk of my wheelchair & I dragged ghim, walking for the first fewsteps until he fell inot theslush, then I tyelled at him to get the fleep up
    & grab hold again; Ewe went like that for the 2 blocks to my place where I encouraged him, rough-verbally, to crawl through the door & get to he couch, on it & stretch out; I made sure he was angled in case he puked, & took his shoes off, then covered him & wejt to bed. He was feeling it in his head the next day; I never got hungover, no matter what I drank or how much, so I let my cheerful morhning nature tick him off for a while,. giving us both strong coffee to get going.

    The funny part is the bar wouldn't serve me my usual drink (triple Jack Daniels, neat in a rocks glass) for fear I couldn't handle the alcohol. My friend, able-bodied & ambulatory *9no wjhee;chair for him -- just me) was ordering triople black or white Russians constantly & they gave him them all, evern if he ordered 2 at once.

    Yet, he was the one who got too drunk & Io'm the one who got us both home safely, even though I'm left-paralyzed in a wheelchair!

    Oh well; I'm used to people making assumptions about my abilities, & I just don'tcare -- I know myself & that I don't believe in limitations, barriers, or any of that guff. I stay aware of thosewho are thusly biased, & look for opportunities to provide teaching moments, if they're open to them.

    Or I just find ways to show them up in front of those who know me & can translate my words to know they're mocking, not sincere.

    Like "Thank you for looking out for me, since I'm handicapped & can't do stuff" (sdaid in a slow stereotypical voice, of course--causing my friemds to crack right up)

    We were dealing with other shipmates. My ship, the Newport News was a
    heavy cruiser with 1000 men onboard.

    Look at that - a ship with its own custom URL & n ot just a Facebook page -- this is different! This is to continue the esprit de corps after y'all swap out?

    What, one of the past crewmen made the site for y'all & whoever cares to, donates to keep it going?

    My main defense, if needed, is my brain -- I'll first try to talk down the
    miscreant, then use what I know about self defense to maximize mty chance of survival
    Wise thing to do.
    And a good judo flip could flatten them for a second, provided they are unarmed.

    Not a lot of judo moves to be done by a guy with only one working hand & leg!

    Ive received Krav Maga trainig on how to deal with an armed attacker(mugger, etc, when diplomacy won't do the trick; even this guy (BIG, all muscle, & 3rd level Blacjk Nelt sdays he'd prefer to just get away without an altercation; funny, my 7th dan Taekwando instructor said the same!); must be good advice, I figure! When in doubt, follow the experts, I say.

    In wartime, I'd hope, as the enemy Seal-types could board you on the quiet
    sider & attenpt to take over the ship'scontrols.
    We didn't have any problems like that on my ship.

    You weren't in the middle of a big war, were you, or were you?

    During my time we were usually around the Caribbean visiting friendly islands. :)

    Peacetime? Why did the Navy deploy you like that, knowing you're mainly vacationing with the pretty island girls & $1 rum drinks? No woinbder the Army gets mad at you guys! :D

    While they're crawling in mud -- you're having a blast in the Caribbean! ;)

    He was the sole fatality? :(
    There were 250 who lost their lives. https://taskandpurpose.com/news/uss-serpens-coverup/ https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=USS+Serpens

    Eep! So not cool if there's anything to his suspicions. . .

    He used the Freedom Of Informsation Act to request information - how likely is it hat the info he received wasn't 'sanitized'p prior to sending to him?

    Of course, it's SUPPOSED to be largely unedited, but we know that's just a nice dream. Some redaction is necessary to guard secrets that could harm the nation, including her forces, of course, but I suyspect certain embarrassmentsa that are clearly due to individuals, not the system, would 'ddisappear,' too. . I hope he can find the truth & set himself & others emotionally free with it.

    Yup, war is hell, it's been said, & I accept that, sight of war unseen, thank God.

    So grateful that the US pulled ground troops out of Ukraine -- that was just asking for WW3 to start -- once a bit of stray(or not so stray) Russian ordnance kills or injured a US troop, now the war is on 3 continents & incvolving the two world superpowers. . .

    I wouldn't blame the US for responding to such a thing, but I'm glad Biden chose to pull them out to avoid such altogether.

    I think the average American is sick to death of corporations being in charge of how long a war lasts & how many good young people(the strongest & best who are the future of the nation at home); sure would be nice to have a minimum age for new recruits/draftees, instead of a max, & put these CEOs to the front!

    It's all push-button warfare now, so no physical strength & stamina needed, for yhe most part.

    Put a few bankers, politicians, & overpaid CEOs out there, & let's nip war in the bud if there's a next big one!

    Let mothers & fathers enjoy their young men & women safely at home a little longer, building careers & a viable future.

    Believe me, I'm a hawk, when it comes to defensive war, if not forced into being by manipulation, but otherwise, I'm becoming a dove. Whatever results in the feweart deasd bodies, I say.

    Well, hopefuly I'm not crossing the guidelines here; I'm trying to avoid "current politics" per se, by sticking to a philosophical look at war.

    Best to all of you & your families, both near & far. . .

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Sun Mar 27 07:24:26 2022
    CP wrote --

    Like I wrote, it was temporary duty, filling in. I wasn't regular SP.

    So you didn't think much of it -- just another assigned task, eh?

    They were short handed for some long forgotten reason and I volunteered
    to help out. I think there was some bribe, uh, "perk" to the assignment.

    Look at that - a ship with its own custom URL & n ot just a Facebook page -- this is different! This is to continue the esprit de corps after y'all swap out?

    It was made by a shipmate long before FB was a gleam in Zuchkerberg's

    What, one of the past crewmen made the site for y'all & whoever cares to, donates to keep it going?

    I don't think its been updated in many years.

    We didn't have any problems like that on my ship.

    You weren't in the middle of a big war, were you, or were you?

    Just a little thing called Vietnam.
    I was stateside the whole time. I wasn't overseas, something about
    giving aid and comfort to the enemy and wanting for us to win. :)

    During my time we were usually around the Caribbean visiting friendly islands. :)

    Peacetime? Why did the Navy deploy you like that,

    There's a small island down there that was used for target practice.
    Most of the Second Fleet would go there on a regular basis as a group.
    I started out in a 5" gun, wrestling around big shells and helping load
    the gun.
    Then I got a promotion the the aft 8" gun, again in the shell room,
    moving shells from the elevator into the breech. From there I moved up to the powder room. Those were packed with gun powder and relatively light.
    Then I was moved up to be a telephone talker.
    That was a rough job.
    I sat on the deck with a mic and headphones relating orders from the
    control room. So many degrees to this and that position, etc.
    No more dancing with shells and powder cases.
    I asked how I got there and told the other liked my smooth Southern
    accent, :)
    The training* cruises just happened to during winter up north and we were
    in the 70s and 80s in January-February. What are the odds?
    One year we were sent to New Orleans when there had been reports a VC
    gunboat was seen on the Mississippi. And just so happened to be during Mardi Gras. What are the odds of that as well? :)
    We hung around a week or so, never saw anything and after Mardi Gras
    returned to Norfolk.
    One story you might like.
    We went to Montego Bay, Jamaica for a few days, after visiting Gitmo in "Cuber".
    Pot was popular among some crew members.
    Walking along a street one day I saw some fellow shipmates across the
    street buy some off a sidewalk dealer.
    They walked away and the "salesman" pointed them out to a cop who was catty-corner away.
    The cop stopped the guys, had a short conversation and took back the pot along with a full dollars. He walked back to the dealer, handed over the
    pot and went back across the street.
    Shortly a couple more came walking along and the same thing happened.
    Turnout they were cohorts, of course.
    The dealer sold the pot, the cop busted them, took a bribe and it
    continued, several times over.
    *The only time we faced anyone firing back at us was on one of these
    A popular past time was watching other ships fire, with a few friendly
    wagers on how close they came to the target.
    A group of us were on deck when suddenly the ship made a very sharp turn
    to starboard (that's "right" to landlubbers). Now my ship was large and
    this sudden turn threw us to the deck. We were getting up and wondering what in the world was going on when we
    Someone had made a mistake in aiming and instead of the island they were targeting us!
    The shell landed just to our aft and made a big splash.
    If the helmsman hadn't steered as quickly as he did, and the ship turned
    when it should, that shell would have gone down a smoke stack, which would
    have put a dent in our otherwise enjoyable day.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Tue Mar 29 12:52:34 2022
    It was made by a shipmate long before FB was a gleam in Zuchkerberg's
    What, one of the past crewmen made the site for y'all & whoever cares to,
    donates to keep it going?
    I don't think its been updated in many years.

    Just nice to know it's there, eh? A reminder of times, & cohorts, past?

    You weren't in the middle of a big war, were you, or were you?
    Just a little thing called Vietnam.

    Never officially a war, as that would mean you lost one & that's not good propaganda, I believe. I think y'all won Korea, but it's not a "war" either.

    Kinda lost the Bay of Ham, though. . . well, that's coin toss, maybe. . . :)

    I was stateside the whole time. I wasn't overseas, something about
    giving aid and comfort to the enemy and wanting for us to win. :)

    You were dating a North Viet girl?

    There's a small island down there that was used for target practice.
    Most of the Second Fleet would go there on a regular basis as a group.
    I started out in a 5" gun, wrestling around big shells and helping load
    the gun.
    Then I got a promotion the the aft 8" gun, again in the shell room,
    moving shells from the elevator into the breech. From there I moved up to the
    powder room. Those were packed with gun powder and relatively light.
    Then I was moved up to be a telephone talker.
    That was a rough job.
    I sat on the deck with a mic and headphones relating orders from the
    control room. So many degrees to this and that position, etc.
    No more dancing with shells and powder cases.
    I asked how I got there and told the other liked my smooth Southern
    accent, :)
    The training* cruises just happened to during winter up north and we were
    in the 70s and 80s in January-February. What are the odds?
    One year we were sent to New Orleans when there had been reports a VC
    gunboat was seen on the Mississippi. And just so happened to be during Mardi Gras. What are the odds of that as well? :)

    Jeeze, no wonder the army & marine boys resent yas! *G*

    They're crawling around in sub-zero mud, & you're enjoying sunshine & bikinis!

    One story you might like.
    We went to Montego Bay, Jamaica for a few days, after visiting Gitmo in "Cuber".
    Pot was popular among some crew members.
    Walking along a street one day I saw some fellow shipmates across the
    street buy some off a sidewalk dealer.
    They walked away and the "salesman" pointed them out to a cop who was catty-corner away.
    The cop stopped the guys, had a short conversation and took back the pot along with a full dollars. He walked back to the dealer, handed over the
    pot and went back across the street.
    Shortly a couple more came walking along and the same thing happened.
    Turnout they were cohorts, of course.
    The dealer sold the pot, the cop busted them, took a bribe and it
    continued, several times over.

    Did you tell your shipmates about the scam? That's scammy as heck -- not unsurprising, though. . .

    *The only time we faced anyone firing back at us was on one of these
    A popular past time was watching other ships fire, with a few friendly
    wagers on how close they came to the target.
    A group of us were on deck when suddenly the ship made a very sharp turn
    to starboard (that's "right" to landlubbers). Now my ship was large and
    this sudden turn threw us to the deck. We were getting up and wondering what in the world was going on when we
    Someone had made a mistake in aiming and instead of the island they were targeting us!
    The shell landed just to our aft and made a big splash.
    If the helmsman hadn't steered as quickly as he did, and the ship turned
    when it should, that shell would have gone down a smoke stack, which would have put a dent in our otherwise enjoyable day.

    Oh, I ken starboard & port; I use them exclusively when on the water.

    I know, to many people port is the heavy wine that you drink after dinner wi8th cigars, while the ladies enjoy their tea, & it makes many a genteel man run audio tests on his waste disposal system.

    I prefer sherry as my dessertif.

    So not always a simple & fun tropical cruise, eh? Lucky you had a solid & alert guy on the job there, eh?

    Would it have sunk yas, or blown you up, or just make a huge mess to fix & clean up?


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Wed Mar 30 07:02:06 2022
    CP wrote --

    Just nice to know it's there, eh? A reminder of times, & cohorts, past?

    Cohorts are getting fewer and fewer every day.

    You were dating a North Viet girl?

    Shh, no one was supposed to know about that. :)

    gunboat was seen on the Mississippi. And just so happened to be during Mardi Gras. What are the odds of that as well? :)

    Jeeze, no wonder the army & marine boys resent yas! *G*

    They're crawling around in sub-zero mud, & you're enjoying sunshine & bikinis!

    We all had our jobs to do...

    Did you tell your shipmates about the scam? That's scammy as heck -- not unsurprising, though. . .

    Nope, they found out on their own.
    I didn't smoke pot and figured if they wanted to do that they would find

    when it should, that shell would have gone down a smoke stack, which would have put a dent in our otherwise enjoyable day.


    Would it have sunk yas, or blown you up, or just make a huge mess to fix & clean up?

    Wouldn't have done us any good.
    I doubt it would sink us, unless it hit just right, but would have made
    for a messy clean up. :)

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Fri Apr 1 08:46:50 2022
    CP wrote --
    Just nice to know it's there, eh? A reminder of times, & cohorts, past?
    Cohorts are getting fewer and fewer every day.

    Damn, eh? :(

    I'm having that problem -- but my cohorts were't collegaues -- just friends, as most of my life, my best friends were 20+ years older than me (so I'd have intelligence & wisdom to learn from; my peers were & are, shallow & dumb

    You were dating a North Viet girl?
    Shh, no one was supposed to know about that. :)

    How's that happen? Sounds like an interesting story -- most guys hooked up, if they did, with a South Viet gal?

    gunboat was seen on the Mississippi. And just so happened to be during
    Mardi Gras. What are the odds of that as well? :)

    Jeeze, no wonder the army & marine boys resent yas! *G*
    They're crawling around in sub-zero mud, & you're enjoying sunshine &
    We all had our jobs to do...

    *LOL* Not your fault for choosing a branch whose training was more amenable to comfort, eh?

    Did you tell your shipmates about the scam? That's scammy as heck -- not
    unsurprising, though. . .
    Nope, they found out on their own.
    I didn't smoke pot and figured if they wanted to do that they would find

    & by then you were already tired of people staring at you vacantly as they were whacked out on drug(s) of choice, hmm?

    Sucks to think youre chatting with someone only to realize you're actually chatting with a pipe dream.

    You've had an interesting life there, Joe.

    I jusrt found out one of my favourite "Canadian bands" was acvtually formed by adraft dodging American & his fellow-American wife,. his brother & his sister- in-law.

    Turns out the draft was illegal so he was exonerrated of the draft evasion charges, & it was safe to return to the US to tour.

    He was just one of many who were posted to Canada for the duration of that war.

    I got no beef with concientious objectors, but I have no respect at all for mere cowards.

    Itend to think, "If I don't get in the way of danger, then who is that job left to?"; I'm clearly ineligible for military service (paralyzed on one side since I was 22)

    I'm against war(agessive/corporate-initiated, not defensive, or righteous(like the one that ended slavery for youse)), but understand that once it's begun, no matert how or why, non-combatants need to be protected, and real men step forward three steps.

    I had a fri8end/bneighbour who enlisted in the Canadian Navy AFTER hearing onthe radio that Pearl Habor was bombed -- wa was not a distant European mystery -- it was HERE on the coast he so loved fishing near. He was given a special Vet status, as someone who joined during wartime & never wanted for anything if the veterans' affairs could help (all the tech needed to overcome his service-gained disabilities, daily meals deliveries; no need for income top up, as he had multiple pensions, including disabled veteran's, & lived in subsiudized housing. Helluva mnam -- left the prairies by train in 1929 to seek fortune on a fishing boat in Vancouver (got hired same day, even though he had only first seen ocean & stepped aboard a boat that day, at age 17)

    Ended up building himself into an accomplished owner/operator commercial fisherman; those he left behind when he enlisted became multimillionaires during the war(WW2) -- he didn't resent this or regret his choice. A real man, IMO.

    He was on escort boats crossing the Atlantic, ensuring supplies made it to the front. He most hated when the Germans bombed a supply boat & he had to help fish the men overboard out & up into the Navy vessel. (the bodies' thunking into the side of the boat, while being hauled up from the icy sea, was a sound that forever haunted him)

    I met many like him -- lived through the Dirty Thirties, but never worried about unemployment, as you worked, you didn't lament the difficulty of finding work.

    Greatest Generation, indeed.

    & I'm surrounded by the "Me Generation." *sigh*

    Oh well; I just keep trying to instill the values I've learned, as being on the cusp of Boomers to GenX, to those who have no interest in considering anything I have to say.

    Oh well, worst case scenario, I have natural mortality to look forward to! heh

    My mom's in that spot now -- she's ready to move & avoid the tradh that the world seems to be headed for (she was always into preservation of resources for the future generations -- recycling years before it was in vogue, but now watching, in pain, as the inheritors are squandering it away wholesale.)

    I try to keep her ideals going; Thankfully my family is careful to not waste & to recycle all that can have any further life. My son is semi-enthusiastic (waning as he leaves childhood behind)

    I don't recall if you've said -- are you married? Have kids? Grandkids?

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Sat Apr 2 09:06:50 2022
    CP wrote --

    most of my life, my best friends were 20+ years older than me (so I'd have intelligence & wisdom to learn from; my peers were & are, shallow & dumb *sigh*)

    I always preferred to be around older people as well.
    I have always been interested in history, and not the big stories, but
    "what was life like" whenever.
    Too many people think history only started when they were born.
    While "everyone" my age was interested only in what was going on at the
    time I was more interested in what happened before and was the cause of what is. Not just that something happened, but what brought it on.
    As for music, I liked what was popular at the time, but also older music, from the early 1900s to the (then) present.
    Same with movies, and everything else.
    I haven't had an interest in pop culture in many years.
    I was reading recently about current celebs, for example, and have no
    idea who they are other than some "mega star".

    You were dating a North Viet girl?
    Shh, no one was supposed to know about that. :)

    How's that happen? Sounds like an interesting story

    That was a joke son, I say that was a joke. :)

    *LOL* Not your fault for choosing a branch whose training was more amenable to comfort, eh?

    When I got my letter from Uncle Sam and given 30 days to make up my mind
    or have it made up for me, I thought about which branch to join.
    I wasn't interested in the Marines, to tough and ruled them out at once.
    I have a fear of heights so that ruled out the Air Force. (My brother
    had been in the AF).
    I wasn't interested in marching and eating beans in a rainy rice paddy so that ruled out the Army.
    I always liked the water and going places so decided on the Navy.
    Besides, they had snappy looking uniforms. :)
    (AF uniforms make they all look bus drivers)

    Greatest Generation, indeed.

    & I'm surrounded by the "Me Generation." *sigh*

    Yep, today its "all about me". And so many of the kids today have all
    sorts of mental and emotional problems and one dare not question them.

    I don't recall if you've said -- are you married? Have kids? Grandkids?

    Nope, been lucky there.
    I nearly got married a couple of times.
    The first time the girl broke up with me after planning our wedding, etc.
    I asked "Is there someone else?" She replied "That has to be" :)
    I've never really cared for kids. I can take them in small doses only.
    I've come from a long line of bachelors and spinsters. :)
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Mon Apr 11 11:35:46 2022
    CP wrote --
    most of my life, my best friends were 20+ years older than me (so I'd have
    intelligence & wisdom to learn from; my peers were & are, shallow & dumb *sigh*)
    I always preferred to be around older people as well.
    I have always been interested in history, and not the big stories, but
    "what was life like" whenever.

    Exaxtly; this is what it means "to learn from history" -- learn the whys & wherefors, not the when/where/who of it all. . .

    School history focuses exlusively on the later, which deletes the former, leaving all of us due for the "must repeat it" & most often the least likeable parts. . . *sigh*

    Too many people think history only started when they were born.
    While "everyone" my age was interested only in what was going on at the
    time I was more interested in what happened before and was the cause of what is. Not just that something happened, but what brought it on.

    That's the key -- what wwere the key influences & causes (how else are we going to know what the power-seeking sociopaths are up to today? Hmm. . .coincidence?)

    You & I, & others, spent our time learning, rather thAn amassing influence, position,. & power, so our main job remains just to be a warning bell that nobody believes nor even understands.

    As for music, I liked what was popular at the time, but also older music, from the early 1900s to the (then) present.
    Same with movies, and everything else.
    I haven't had an interest in pop culture in many years.

    Makes sense -- those seekng just the profits (those who own the entertainmemnt industry, all participants & players included) want it simpler & simpler, as that's more easy to control.

    Make evertuything the same & copyright challenges become a matter of finding out what part of your industry the judge owns shares in. Anythig can be cjhallemged & every challemge can be refuted, depending on which end of the challenge that the oldest money's on.

    I was reading recently about current celebs, for example, and have no
    idea who they are other than some "mega star".

    Likewise -- I can erecoignizea few names & sorta know their area, but only becauise I lolve doing croissword puzzles, even though more are devolving to pimping the names of entertainers (I include athletes in this category)

    You were dating a North Viet girl?
    Shh, no one was supposed to know about that. :)

    How's that happen? Sounds like an interesting story
    That was a joke son, I say that was a joke. :)

    Okay, a joke. . wink-wink, got it! Haha haha.

    *LOL* Not your fault for choosing a branch whose training was more amenable
    to comfort, eh?
    When I got my letter from Uncle Sam and given 30 days to make up my mind
    or have it made up for me, I thought about which branch to join.
    I wasn't interested in the Marines, to tough and ruled them out at once.
    I have a fear of heights so that ruled out the Air Force. (My brother
    had been in the AF).
    I wasn't interested in marching and eating beans in a rainy rice paddy so that ruled out the Army.
    I always liked the water and going places so decided on the Navy.
    Besides, they had snappy looking uniforms. :)

    This is why the trope is of the sexy girls trying to meet the sailors, eh?

    My dad wore a Royal Canadian Air Force uniform when he & my mom met -- she loves how he looked in the uniform & that's why they got married (her version
    *LOL* Along with how when he asked her to marry him, she never answered until in front of the mayor(the rules in France were that a couple must be married by the mayor to live together, even on a Canadian base)

    The planning went on, & so the engagement was valid & active.

    Apparently they met in the Navy transport ship's cafeteria(mess?) & my dad told her, after an hour of conversation, that they'd be married within 2 years (beat it by 4 months, it turned out)l she laughed to herself, as she didn't like him much then.

    But they had over 60 years together, all told!

    & I'm surrounded by the "Me Generation." *sigh*
    Yep, today its "all about me". And so many of the kids today have all
    sorts of mental and emotional problems and one dare not question them.

    Yup, & these problems continue on ointo adulthood & others look at them & think, "So I can be that morally & ethically lazy & still be considered a functioning adult-- cool, why try harder?"

    WhenI ewas young, we smacked the loudmouthed lying kid upside the head a fewtimes in the wschoolyard, whether he was autistic or not. (hey, you're in with us, you're one of us & we treat you the same as any other of us--we didn't need empathy/etc. training to think in terms of equality); these kids, autism or not, grew up knowing how to behave in a society.

    You promise something, but then renege, you got a pretty serious beating (for 8-year-olds); now you don't pull that crap off as an adult -- a wonderful sysyem that got shut down with the "there's no excuse for fighting, ever."

    Thankfully most of us duly ignore that when it's important, like when our loved ones are under attack or even plausible threat.

    But the basic playground give & take was interrupted & ruined/lost/forgotten.

    & now look around, eh? Lewdity, crudity, & rudeness everywhere.

    I was extremely crude & lewd, but not in front of adults, nor girls -- I had that basic respect taught to me at home, as you did. Thankfully I had a little sister so my dad taught me the difference in how we treat them vs a little brother.

    I don't recall if you've said -- are you married? Have kids? Grandkids?
    Nope, been lucky there.

    *LOL* I userd to figure it that way, too, but eventually I wanted to have what my parents had, but with the chance to make a few tweaks I believed(& still do) would improve things (it has, somewhat--not nearly as much as I thought was mutable by my actions/choices; I'm happy with my situation; I'll have someone to blame, if I want, on my deahbed,for anything, & I have children who will, hopefuly go on succeed better than I, at improving the world we live in, & who will, hopefully, be even happier at age 55 than I am now!)

    So far, so good. . . I'm proud of all of them, as much as it is my domain to be proud (not of their accomlishments--that's theirs to be proud of), but of my making the choices that got us all, as a family, to 2022, breathing, & with endless possibilities ahead.

    My son has made the observation, when I've mentioned times I nearly died, "If you had died, them none of us would be here."; I'm just happy he still considers that to be a negative. I wouldn't have been that sure at his age. (jhust exited thecold war -- no A-Bomb drills, but we learned what to do, if it ever happened; we were far from any likely targets--my biggest worry was, & a bit is, fallout from nuclear missiles being shot down overhead somewhere )

    I nearly got married a couple of times.
    The first time the girl broke up with me after planning our wedding, etc.
    I asked "Is there someone else?" She replied "That has to be" :)

    ?? IOW, shewasstating her comlpete doneness with the you & her thing, not necessarily because of someone else, but maybe so, eh?

    My last GF,. before my wife, with whom I was planning to wed, had a way of responding to the discussions that gave me pause.

    I approached her one day, whewn it wasquiet & asked her point blank if she felt she'd be happier if we backed up a stage (to friends with benefits, without commitment for the future); she wet-eyedly nodded yes, & I said, "Done deal."

    I figured it was somehow my job to do this clarification of her feelings. Must;ve been, as she got a lot hapier, as she'd once been, until I met someone who was someonedeswireable & with whom we chose to have a marriage & kids.

    When I let the former know that awedding dae had been set, she said she couldn't stay friends, as it was too painful to see me having, with another, what she had hoped for to have with me (women are goofy! Beautiful, but goofy!)

    I kept an eye on her a bit longerm, through a mutual friend & kind of felt I dodged a bullet -- she's okay, but it wouldn't have worked for us as a couple. No regrets. I'm in the life I chose for myself, through a series of tiny choices along the way. (My dad also taught me personal responsibility--another thing today's generations have no clue of, especially those elected!)

    C'est la vie! ("La vie")

    I've never really cared for kids. I can take them in small doses only.
    I've come from a long line of bachelors and spinsters. :)

    Bachelorhood is genetic -- if your father didn't have children, chances are you won't either!

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Wed Apr 13 07:09:18 2022
    CP wrote --

    Exaxtly; this is what it means "to learn from history" -- learn the whys & wherefors, not the when/where/who of it all. . .

    I like "the small stuff", this led to that, which caused something else, which became this...
    History didn't just happen. Still doesn't.
    Oh once in a while there was some big event (Country A wanted what
    Country B had and grabbed it) but for the most part its a series of small events
    that lead to big events.
    IOW, events very seldom happen full blown out of nothing.

    School history focuses exlusively on the later, which deletes the former, leaving all of us due for the "must repeat it" & most often the least likeable parts. . . *sigh*


    You & I, & others, spent our time learning, rather thAn amassing influence, position,. & power

    Never been interested in any of that.
    Never been interested in having more than the other guy.
    I try to live a simple life, and I'm not given to trying to keep up with
    the Joneses. I don't need, or necessarily want the newest, biggest, best whatever.
    Unless it comes time to replace something because its outdated (however
    one wants to define that), or broken beyond repair/cost of maintaining, I'm happy with what I have.

    Likewise -- I can erecoignizea few names & sorta know their area, but only becauise I lolve doing croissword puzzles

    I prefer the large Sunday style crosswords, which I do a regular basis.
    I often be stumped when a clue is "star of this or that big tv show".
    I don't have a tv, (haven't for years) and have no idea what shows are
    Now ask me about something 30-35 years ago and earlier and I know.

    Besides, they had snappy looking uniforms. :)

    This is why the trope is of the sexy girls trying to meet the sailors, eh?

    Girls love guys in uniforms. :)

    Along with how when he asked her to marry him, she never answered until in front of the mayor(the rules in France were that a couple must be married by the mayor

    Been embarrassing if she said no at that point. :)

    But they had over 60 years together, all told!

    My brother and SIL were high school sweethearts and married right after
    she graduated high school in 1958. They are still together. Had a girl and
    a boy and several grandkids and great-grandkids.

    I was extremely crude & lewd, but not in front of adults, nor girls -- I had that basic respect taught to me at home, as you did.

    I was never that way.
    I was always polite and all, called my elders sir and ma'am, etc.
    Never used foul language, never talked back, etc.
    I was a model child. (Pardon me while I adjust my halo). :)

    I don't recall if you've said -- are you married? Have kids? Grandkids?
    Nope, been lucky there.

    *LOL* I userd to figure it that way, too

    I neglected the last time in answer to the question if I had kids to say
    "not that I know of". :)

    but eventually I wanted to have what my parents had

    I've never been interested in having kids.
    Frankly I don't care too much for children. I can take them in small
    doses through.
    But when see little kids today I often wonder what kind of world will
    they live in? Will it still be crazy like to day or will people return to their senses?

    ?? IOW, shewasstating her comlpete doneness with the you & her thing, not necessarily because of someone else, but maybe so, eh?

    I found later I was on her rebound.
    She went back to her old boy friend, married and had a couple of kids.
    They then divorced after a couple of years, and a daughter.
    I found all this out later from mutual friends.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to JOE MACKEY on Wed Apr 13 15:30:00 2022
    I like "the small stuff", this led to that, which caused something else, which became this...
    History didn't just happen. Still doesn't.
    Oh once in a while there was some big event (Country A wanted what
    Country B had and grabbed it) but for the most part its a series of small even
    that lead to big events.
    IOW, events very seldom happen full blown out of nothing.

    WWII is a perfect example. There were many small, and not-so-small, events that happened throughout the 1920's and '30's that lead up to the larger
    events of 1939.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Modesty is a *vastly* overrated virtue...
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Wed Apr 13 20:20:00 2022

    I try to live a simple life, and I'm not given to trying to keep up
    with the Joneses. I don't need, or necessarily want the newest,
    biggest, best whatever.

    Same here.

    Girls love guys in uniforms. :)

    Just like the song "bell bottom trousers, coat of navy blue". :P

    I was a model child. (Pardon me while I adjust my halo). :)

    What are those red antenna holding up the halo?? <g,d,r>

    I've never been interested in having kids.

    To quote W.C. Fields "Go away, son...you bother me". <G>

    But when see little kids today I often wonder what kind of world
    will they live in? Will it still be crazy like to day or will people return to their senses?

    They treat their parents like crap, and have no respect for their elders; never mind folks like us. :P


    ... STRESSED spelled backwards is DESSERTS!!
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Fri Apr 15 13:00:32 2022
    CP wrote --
    Exaxtly; this is what it means "to learn from history" -- learn the whys &
    wherefors, not the when/where/who of it all. . .
    I like "the small stuff", this led to that, which caused something else, which became this...
    History didn't just happen. Still doesn't.
    Oh once in a while there was some big event (Country A wanted what
    Country B had and grabbed it) but for the most part its a series of small events
    that lead to big events.

    Tru 'nough. But knowing the date & location of a battle that took place in the 19th century does little to prepare you for the leaders trying to recreate another war, so they can increase the value of their stock holdings in Big Steel.

    IOW, events very seldom happen full blown out of nothing.

    Yup, same as divorce -- it's never the one thing named by one person as the cause -- it's a series of omissions by both (mostly omitting to work on cementing the marriage, &/or on focusing on the betterment & happiness of the other.)

    I warn young couples, pre-marriage: Some times you will argue -- I guarantee it & I further guarantee that both of you will be wrong, & maybe both will be a little right.

    I point out even in the little things likewatching YV, it pays to place the marriage first.

    Miss, you'l be watching a show together & you'll point out that the girl's boobs are fake; he doesn't care.
    Sir, you'll be watching maybe the same show,& point out that the fit lead, whom she's looking at a lot, is gay; she doesn't care.

    As it should be -- look, enjoy, even point out ideal specimens to one another, but be a committed couple at all times! Real love is commitment, otherwise it's just infatuation, what we used to call "puppy love."

    Jmy wife & I, married nearly 15 years now, are "wed, not dead" & "married, not buried"(yup those two rhyme here!) & we enjoy the feast for the eyes that exists every summer here. . . & is on TV 24/7, to boot!

    We're not going anywhere but to be with each other any time soon.

    She'll point out some Rubenesque young lovely while we're out & note, "You like 'em like that, right?" I gave up on trying to do the same for her, as I'm always wrong. Her & her daughter do well enough pointing guys out to each other, so I'm not worried.

    One year, in exchange for my getting to go out & plat poker every Wednesday evening, I had to get her a Fireman calendar -- I did, because so what?

    I'd also order & pay for a pizza delivery as I left the house. . .

    You & I, & others, spent our time learning, rather thAn amassing influence,
    position,. & power
    Never been interested in any of that.
    Never been interested in having more than the other guy.
    I try to live a simple life, and I'm not given to trying to keep up with
    the Joneses. I don't need, or necessarily want the newest, biggest, best whatever.
    Unless it comes time to replace something because its outdated (however
    one wants to define that), or broken beyond repair/cost of maintaining, I'm happy with what I have.

    You've described me exactly!

    I was raised that way--not to be envious of my brother's gifts over mine & vice versa.

    I only need "enough" (a word as lost to the current generations as "phone book")

    Thankfully my wife is likewise or I'd be in trouble!

    I don't need to be in charge of anything -- I'm content with being an influencer and assistant to those taking on the added stress of leadership.

    When I need to have it, I'll start my own business; but for nowm, I respect those who have made that leap into running a business that can afford to hire me, & appreciate, just fine, being in my part of it.

    I was dumbfoubnded when I learned one servers' union was demnanding a sya in restaurant design as part of their requirement to sitgn a contract. I was thinking, "What? You want to design a restaurant, BUY one or start one!"

    Another one was hlding up negotiations by demanding their birthday off with pay each year! Hey, your birthsay's not special -- everybody alive & who has ever lived has/had one! Congratulations, nobody stopped the Earth's orbit this year
    & you made it around the sun for another full orbit.

    I get they want extra personal days off, but I say you ask ncely for them, & make the necessary arrangements for shift coverage before asking.

    If I asked for time off, it was because I had an emergency medical or dental appointment, not to party.

    Likewise -- I can recoignizea few names & sorta know their area, but only
    becauise I lolve doing croissword puzzles
    I prefer the large Sunday style crosswords, which I do a regular basis.
    I often be stumped when a clue is "star of this or that big tv show".
    I don't have a tv, (haven't for years) and have no idea what shows are
    Now ask me about something 30-35 years ago and earlier and I know.

    & those are the ones I don't know, except from crosswords. . . I'm not into entertainment, or when I am, I'm not into the performers' personal info (marriage, kids, former shows, et al)

    ok, I looked up a couple singers to find out how creepy I was being in admiring their stage apearance. Nmot very, it turned out. . .

    This is why the trope is of the sexy girls trying to meet the sailors, eh?
    Girls love guys in uniforms. :)

    Except any uniform that comes with a paper cap & fryer grease.

    Along with how when he asked her to marry him, she never answered until in
    front of the mayor(the rules in France were that a couple must be married by the mayor
    Been embarrassing if she said no at that point. :)

    I wondered about that, & they both said they continued with the planning it together, so the presumption was solid that it was a go.

    My folks got married twice that week -- once by the mayor to settle the legal part, & once more in chapel my dad found because my mom always wanted to involve church in her wedding. This was 20 months before I was born, so nobody can call me a bastard with any degree of validity!

    They told my grandpa she was pregnant to get his signature (needed then(1965))

    My brother and SIL were high school sweethearts and married right after
    she graduated high school in 1958. They are still together. Had a girl and a boy and several grandkids and great-grandkids.


    I was extremely crude & lewd, but not in front of adults, nor girls -- I had
    that basic respect taught to me at home, as you did.
    I was never that way.
    I was always polite and all, called my elders sir and ma'am, etc.
    Never used foul language, never talked back, etc.
    I was a model child. (Pardon me while I adjust my halo). :)

    Different peer group milieus (geographical & generational); I wished I'd been more like you, actually, but I had a path of ;learning to go down,. & these were weeds I had to figure out were a problem & get out of my way.)

    I neglected the last time in answer to the question if I had kids to say
    "not that I know of". :)

    Same; well I know of one for sure & one who's fifty-fifty, but others? Unlikely but not a zero possibility.

    Frankly I don't care too much for children. I can take them in small
    doses through.

    I don't mind them, too much, depending who's raised them, though. & small doses are always best.

    I found later I was on her rebound.
    She went back to her old boy friend, married and had a couple of kids.
    They then divorced after a couple of years, and a daughter.
    I found all this out later from mutual friends.

    I had one of those, too, & I was like 'meh' when I found out, from her, she'd gone backl to her 'first'; we didn't have a serious time together -- just one nice date. I had met her on the BBS network here, & fallen hard in love before I even met/saw her.

    Talked to her mom online & by phone -- she adored me & I her.

    I understand that's the way to kill a romance -- be liked by the girl's mother.

    Yup, her mom did not like the other guy & saw, in contrast, how different he & I were. I was kinder & more reswpectful in just liking her daughter, while he was actively dating her.

    Experiences. . .Knowledge. . .

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)