• Guns (was: Inventions)

    From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Sat Feb 19 07:18:20 2022
    CP wrote --

    My method would ensure every gun made would be on file, with the unique pin marks & barrel striations in a central law enforcemnent database.

    No problem there.
    It would be a safe guard if ones gun fell into the wrong hands and
    reported missing right way.

    The guy(or gal, or minor) who is well-trained & practiced, is not the problem.


    I'm sure you've seen the expos˙ vidfs of guys buying AR15s or worse at a gun show while masquerading as an ex-con planning to kill his neighbour asap.

    Not the fault of the gun, but the seller.
    Its like holding the damage done by a car to the manufacturer of the car
    and not the driver.

    Unless every gun, at point of manufacture is set to be identified easily almost anytime down the line.

    Again, if its a stolen gun who used it isn't held responsible but the one
    who owned it who had nothing to do with its use.

    Did you also do small arms training/drills?

    We didn't carry side arms in the Navy.
    About the only ones who did were security of some sort, shore patrol,
    I don't recall ever holding a live weapon while in the Navy, other than
    one time.
    The closest we came to that was in boot camp where we carried wooden
    rifles. The only thing one could do with one of those was hit someone with it.

    I guess you suport gun rights mainly for those who, like yourself, have a healthy appreciation for what guns are and can do, eh?

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Sun Feb 27 13:14:38 2022
    CP wrote --
    My method would ensure every gun made would be on file, with the unique pin
    marks & barrel striations in a central law enforcemnent database.
    No problem there.
    It would be a safe guard if ones gun fell into the wrong hands and
    reported missing right way.

    My thinking is regasrdless of reporting it stolen -- the registered rightful owner would have the responsibility of not allowing his gun to be stolen orused in thefirst place.

    Methods exist, such as thumnbprint control required to fire, or a locked box requiring double thumb prints to open.

    I'm sure you've seen the expos˙ vidfs of guys buying AR15s or worse at a gun
    show while masquerading as an ex-con planning to kill his neighbour asap.
    Not the fault of the gun, but the seller.

    True, but I'd both are the problem.

    The laws already exist regulating both's improper actions.

    Its like holding the damage done by a car to the manufacturer of the car
    and not the driver.

    Nah, becaise the car is not inherently a man-killing device. It's main purpose is transportation; homicide by vehicle is an unintended misuse; a handgun's intended purpose is to kill a human being; exrtortion is an unintended misuse.

    Unless every gun, at point of manufacture is set to be identified easily
    almost anytime down the line.
    Again, if its a stolen gun who used it isn't held responsible but the one
    who owned it who had nothing to do with its use.

    The original owner, up here, is trained on how to safekeep his/her weapon from others getting it, even in a B&E when they're out.

    Of course, ways around this will be found, such as putting a gun to one's head &forcing them t o oen the thumbprint safe, but then the owner's responsibility is to immediately report it's loss to the police, who would update the database to reflect this.

    If they don't report it (every cop investingating a burglary needs to ask, "Did you have & lose a gun?"), themn one might wonder if they faked the whole thing, to get a nice cash payment for the gun by a bad guy.

    Did you also do small arms training/drills?
    We didn't carry side arms in the Navy.
    About the only ones who did were security of some sort, shore patrol,

    This wasn't a round of tour you all did at least once?

    Are the Seals a separate program within the USN who are separated from the main Navy & trained with a greater intensity like the Marines?

    I don't recall ever holding a live weapon while in the Navy, other than
    one time.

    Wasn't the Navy's mandate, eh, to engage in person to person combat?

    If attacked by a ship, you sink it with the big mounted mini cannon, eh?

    Buddty of mine (now RIP) enlisted in the Cdn Navy after, Dec 7, when the Japanese bombed your Pearl Harbour. & also Vancouver here. He was in the highest rank of veterans for benefits, being he joined during wartime -- so no stars in his eyes of a safe tour & lots of benefits, like education, after.

    God thing, he became disabled from his time. His main job was escorting supply boats across the Atlantic. He hated when they had to rescue one, & pull these men out of the icy Atlantic, with the thuds of them slamming into the ship's side while they tried to haul him up to safety.

    But he did it & he's who I think of when I remember our veterans & how they defendeed our freedoms. He wasn't already owned nb the military & sent off to war. He voluntarily, knowing he'd see combat of some sort, enlisted in the area he had the most affinity with (he was a fisherman; his fellow small fishers became multi millionaires during the war, but he'd given up his boat & dreams to take on a clear & present threat in the manner of a true Prairie Son.

    A good man, indeed (we were friends for quite a while before going into a home, being too "active" & having his daughter take him out of province, & cutting off accesss to his past.

    The closest we came to that was in boot camp where we carried wooden
    rifles. The only thing one could do with one of those was hit someone with it

    Walking forward saying, "bangity, bangity" but watch out for the guy going "tankity-tankity," eh?

    I guess you suport gun rights mainly for those who, like yourself, have a
    healthy appreciation for what guns are and can do, eh?

    I wish all were like you, then the problem/issue would be done & maybe there could no longer be thousands of little children being slaughtered at school.

    I nearly cry every time I hear of the next one. There shouldn't have been a first one & all the rest are extra ter8bke rejminders that the system around 2A ius broken terribly.

    The worst is how after one of the big ones, wherea kid with an AR15 killed hundfedsd, sales of specifically AR15s skyrocketed for a coule weeks after, as if people are thinking, "I don't want to miss out on MY chance to have my child kill hundreds of his classmates & get our name iun the papers."


    A true lover of the 2A, who was a parent, would be outside these stores, beating the crap out of every one who bought an AR15 right after a school slaughter, then wrecking their gun somehow.

    & that guy who filmed the gun show morons deliberately endangering society & community, should hacve showed that tape to some people who would go back & administer a "We the People" penalty to the moron.

    Everone for all, or nobody for nobody & all will fall.

    Washington, Jefferson, & the boys did not pick & choose how to interpret things -- they focused on building a cohesive natuion, & God bless all of them, wherever they fell.

    I don't necessarily agree with all they did, but I resprect them for being true to their mission/vision.

    Any one of them might've declared himself king after the revolution, & had the people support it, but they were Godly men of honour.

    I know -- I'm aweird Canaduan -- I'm suposed to hatre the USA & everuything about youse, but I don't rote accept orders or assumptions -- I research & form my own conclusion as to whom I like or don't & ditto for respect.

    I generally like the American people, & generally dislike their institutions (corporations, governments especially.)

    America was founded to be a Democracy, not a Plutocracy, nor an Oligarchy.

    I think it really sucks that both your houses are partisan. On 6-Jan, 2021 during the coup, the DC police4 should have waded in there wuith the National Guard & struck it down immediately as any foreign invading force trying the same thing, to shut down t he rightfully & Democratically elected government

    Shgameful that they dithered for even a minute, let alone the entire time.

    Trump should've been taken out by a sniper early on, as the ringleader, without overthinking it.

    BOOM! Done. No more screams of goading them by their cultic leader.

    Then go in & clean up with tear gas & other riot gear.

    Any group attacking the Capitol any time is a wartime invasion, & should be responded to as such.

    I hope they're now making the chambers impenetrable when locked for such from within, with a couple days' supplies (medical, food & water), & an underground telephone cable connection to the outside.

    This should not have happened as it did & it really needs to be a one & done deal. Sincethere were no real consequences this WILL be tried again, mark my words, & the body count for the defenders will be much higher next time.

    A law unenforced is a permission/invitation.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)