I'm grateful ithat has[t been a propblem for me since leaving the
hospital & there they were prepared to deal with it. Only was an
issue briefly, while my body retrainesd muscles to take over the key holding-it-in roles.
Now it's the opposite issue -- I go once or twice a week, & feel full
most of the time. I'vecut back on the real pain killers (Percocets)
but I have this as an ongoing body issue, not just in response to
opium. Whgen I have to take one, I take 3 of the stool softenersat
the same time -- helps balance out the bindert effects! (only
somewhat,. but I'll take any help I can get); I eat lots of fibre, too.
I avoid laxatives, as they can really harm your inner digestive exit processes.
Or. let's make it topical: do you remember your crappiest medical issue
relating to controlled or not disposing of digestive wastes?
As you get older, your urinary and anal sphincter muscles get weak.
That's why there's a market for things like Depends. As Jeff Foxworthy
noted, "the kids are coming out of diapers, and the grandparents are
going into them".
I started eating wheat bread exclusively, and I have fig bars here, and
a stool softener as well if I need it. But, it's true that many folks don't get enough fiber in their diet.
Or Facebook recently changed its name to Meta -- and rumor has it that Twitter will become Mucil. So, we'll be on MetaMucil all day...and that explains why social media is so crappy. <G>
There are some cases where they've had to do "a fecal enema" because a person's colon was messed up, and they had to get it back into sync, as it were. I don't know all the details on it, but I'm sure it's on places like WebMD.
George Pope wrote to Daryl Stout <=-
Moderen wheart is actually harmful -- the leading cause of many health problems, including obesity, diabetes, & others.
& the generation in between must change both!
Moderen wheart is actually harmful -- the leading cause of many health problems, including obesity, diabetes, & others.
Oh, I knew it was crappy before the name changes. . .
Eventually YouTube, Twitter, & Facebook will merge into one super
social medium: YouTwitFace.
I've heard of this, yes -- it's basically a sh*t transplant - they
shoot someone else's feces up your butt.
Some prefer to eat the capsules containing fecal matter -- I'm a firm
no on both.
My Japan-type toilet seat provides a warm water enema when I need it,
then washes, rinses, & dries the area after.
George Pope wrote to Daryl Stout <=-Unfortunately, too true.
Moderen wheat is actually harmful -- the leading cause of many health
problems, including obesity, diabetes, & others.
I've had people who spend a great deal of time in other countries. They avoid
wheat products here in the U.S. because it causes them various issues. Yet when they have those same products made in other countries they don't have those issues.
We've bred our wheat to be more disease resistent, temperature resistent, drought resistent, etc. But never "more healthy".
I wan tto try this, but I'm too hoked on my toast &sandwiches, so I need to f
d an edible(to my taste) substitute product.
Trying to talk my wife into making a big batch of toaster slot-sized naan usin
chickpea flour. if so, then I'll do it -- comletely quit that evil Monsanto rp crap!
We do have organic products, is there no such thing as organic wheat?
We do have organic products, is there no such thing as organic wheat?
I bought some organic ketchup the other day to save money. For me, it's
not as good as the regular, but I was short on funds.
I mentioned this to a friend, as his dachshund eats better than he or
his significant other...and he said "Organic!! What makes you think my dachshund (my "nephew" <G>) is a vegan??!!" <G>
Daryl Stout wrote to Mike Powell <=-
I bought some organic ketchup the other day to save money. For me,
it's not as good as the regular, but I was short on funds.
I mentioned this to a friend, as his dachshund eats better than he or his significant other...and he said "Organic!! What makes you think my dachshund (my "nephew" <G>) is a vegan??!!" <G>
Because the natives of the planet Vega look like dogs.
& the generation in between must change both!Exactly. Politicians are like diapers...both must be changed often, for the same reason.
Moderen whert is actually harmful -- the leading cause of many healthThey say practically everything is harmful. I guess they want everyone to just go hungry and starve to death.
problems, including obesity, diabetes, & others.
Oh, I knew it was crappy before the name changes. . .It still is.
Eventually YouTube, Twitter, & Facebook will merge into one superBasically.
social medium: YouTwitFace.
I've heard of this, yes -- it's basically a sh*t transplant - theyThat's because their colon is out of whack.
shoot someone else's feces up your butt.
Some prefer to eat the capsules containing fecal matter -- I'm a firmJust like the way China is doing the Covid-19 swabs...rectally. The male prostate check is bad enough.
no on both.
My Japan-type toilet seat provides a warm water enema when I need it,That reminds me of the joke in the aircraft, where this guy needs to use
then washes, rinses, & dries the area after.
the toilet badly. The men's room is taken, but the women's room is open;
so the stewardess reluctantly lets him use the ladies room, but warns him
PP - Powder Puff -- for a feeling of softness and freshness.
That's what you get for not following directions.
Most people don't take any of the time or effort to be involved to have the government they can actually be proud of. Either from a lack of
time &/or a surfeit of apathy.
I consider it my obligation & privilege to keep an eye on those
humpers, even the ones I like & trust.
One of the longtime members whom I like & have voted for every 4 years
for the past 20, likes that I sit where I can see everybody & I watch them when they spea, & I take notes to some times address them personally, later, or for me to take the dais & ask them publically
right there.
I'm fortunate to have the time, right now; also that I can refuse to
allow apathy to rule over me.
When you're diabetic, as you know, you need to watch your sugar intake.
Monsanto is evil, as are those in power who are partnered with them & raking in millions a day by monopolizing and controlling critical food supplies.
Very simple to starve any nation or continent by withholding the
Monsanto branded DNA-altered fertilzers required to make their seeds
grow into mass food crop amounts
Working on changing my habits from being so wheat-centred for my diet. (love toast in the morning(or whenever),. & sandwiches whenever; 50
years of food habits is hard to break)
Yup, I meant it was ALSO crappy before -- now it just means somewone
els is openly claiming ownership of the portions of our lives we spend
on Facebook or Instagram(owned by FB, after a $1.1bn purchase). Screw hard work to get to success -- just invent a way to steal mass numbers
of people's private info & sell out to a big corporation for enough to finance you well, for life!
I can easily do the math to figure it out -- but I'll save that for
when I draw up our contracts. I'm just chattimg now.
So a 10% holder would get over $330bn on exit. Even Kevin O'Leary
would have his pants tighten on hearing that!)
I only pop on rarely to check on family, & to sometimes give answer to ridiculous claims that I see on my newsfeed.
Yeah, that's not listed as a diagnostics port in my user manual(unpublished).
I'm afraid of the day when I need a colorectal endoscopy, that the
tube'll go in so far, it'll trip my uvula into gag reflex.
time (might've beebn an intersting home movie -- there are patches tio
can apply to redesign elements like making the stones look like the
Dark Side's ships, & the laser head to look like the photon torpedos
on the USS Enterprise! (That would've been AWESOME -- I'd be pissing
off both sets of obsessive nerds for getting it 'wrong' (it's creative fiction, boys; I just know how to manipulate that, exercising my
Creative License I have in my other wallet)
Yup; mine has the female rinse, but that's it -- the rest of the water features are for the back cargo doors. (scrub, rinse, massage, enema) & there's a warm air dryer for all.
We do have organic products, is there no such thing as organic wheat?
The first thing I thought of was chickpea flour. Some of my favorite
dishes are made with chickpeas and their flour.
I tell folks if you don't vote in an election...whether it's for taxes
or millage, or people involved...you have no right to complain about the outcome.
When they know someone is there who will stay involved, they're a bit
more likely to behave themselves, so to speak...and get the work done, instead of just collecting a paycheck. Before elections, they give us the thumbs up...afterwards, they give us "the bird". :P
Apathy Error: Strike any key, or none for that matter. <G>
When you're diabetic, as you know, you need to watch your sugar intake.My A1C has never been below 5.4, and never above 6.1 -- when I was in the
ER the other night (heart rate had dropped to 44...they think it was a bad reading from the pulse oximeter), the sugar was 110...right in the middle of the normal range. I'm most likely to become type 2 diabetic, although my BMI (body mass index) has me as "obese class II".
Monsanto is evil, as are those in power who are partnered with them &There are a bunch of lawsuits out there right now for various things.
raking in millions a day by monopolizing and controlling critical food
With so many farmers quitting, due to the high costs, that's going to
mean less food overall. Many folks who go out to eat waste so much food
that it's pathetic. I remember seeing a sign at a buffet that noted "take
all you want, but eat all you take".
I don't spend as much time on Facebook as I used to...mainly on there now
for my ham radio traffic net groups. My internet was out for 4 1/2 hours Tuesday afternoon and evening, so I couldn't browse the web or do email (except minimally through my smartphone), and could only do BBS things via the host console. But, I just logged on to do QWK Mail (always), then some minor file section and bulletin updating, and very few doorgames. While I
am on Twitter and Skype, both are used very sparingly.
I can easily do the math to figure it out -- but I'll save that forMost kids nowadays are lost above a count of 10 fingers and toes, if
when I draw up our contracts. I'm just chattimg now.
they don't have some sort of calculator. I can do a lot of calculations
in my head, but I'll never be as fast as my late father was. He was the comptroller for the local Swift Independent Packing Company office in
town for many years...it was that job that transferred us from Miami,
Florida to Little Rock, Arkansas 45 years ago.
So a 10% holder would get over $330bn on exit. Even Kevin O'LearyBut, they take none of that with them when they die. Everyone came
would have his pants tighten on hearing that!)
into this world as naked and broke as I did, and they're going out the
same way.
I dropped all my "friends", and while folks can "message me", I don't
have a "friends list", per se...and don't even post on my timeline.
It's your exhaust pipe and exit ramp. :P
I told my wife one night that "my head was so far up my butt, that I
could see my throat". Without missing a beat, and grinning wryly, she
said "That's why your eyes are so brown!!". <ZING!!>
Since I rarely drink carbonated beverages in any form any more, and have given up chocolate, caffeine, and candy, I haven't had a kidney stone in
over 2 years, and my heart rate (with medication) is half of what it was
when I was diagnosed with atrial fibrillation last summer.
Yup; mine has the female rinse, but that's it -- the rest of the waterI wish I could afford one...but right now, finances are tighter than a
features are for the back cargo doors. (scrub, rinse, massage, enema) &
there's a warm air dryer for all.
frog's butt underwater.
A1C is the blood sugar level?
So you went from under 6.1 to a hundred and ten?! & that's a normal reading? I thought 7 was the maximum for healthy?
Health is all we got, at times -- it's important to do our part to keep
everuything going.
Yup, & they laugh, as they bring in 5 $600/hour lawyers against the country farmer's one volunteer(pro bono) lawyer, & a whacjk of
scientific evidende thyat says, simply that there was Monsanto DNA
found growing in his field -- the judges rarewly sdes beyond that &
have to aghree, the man had patented product in his possession, & look
at the nicve men from Monsanto,. not forcing it to become a criminal issue & arrest/imprisonment, so yes, we'll award Monsanto 50% of the man's shrinking acreage, all his remaining cash-on-hand, after legal feesfor the community lawyer to go beyond his mandates in a trial.
Too many pols are monetarily corrupted by this corporation to grow a
set & stand up to this assault on decent farmers everywhere. Shut the /blanks/ down, outright!
I can't afford pure organic stuff, but I try for healthiest as we can afford.
The Japanees AYCE I like, has a rule: anything you can't eat will be packaged up for take out & charged at full alas carte prices (not
cheap); when the former big boss was in, he'd waive it or charge me a token $2 for even $30 worth of leftovers to take home! I'm more
careful now & able to plan my re- ordering to be within the limits of
all at the table.(a few pieces of sashimi for the pets is okay,
After one long power outage a couple years ago, I bought external
battery charging packs, enough for every device & we keep these at
100% load, for emergencies -- as Hydro(electricity) tells you, while
in their voicejail, to check info on outages at www. somewhere you
can't get to if you have no electricity! &, to save hours on hold, I'm happy to go to the site (now bookmarked on my phone)
I could always do up to 3 figure arithmetic, even some thing random
like 482*93 in my head, often faster than someone else could put it
into a calculator & get the answer, just to see the answer I called out was fully correct!
Saw a scene in a sitcom yesterday:
Missy: Can I borrow your calculator? Sheldon: I'm using it
Missy: No, you'rter jnotk you're playing a game. Sheldon: *points tyo head* Yes, & that's how I'm currently using it.
I prefer to have a bunch of people I actually know as "friends" on Facebook, as I can interact some with people I like, & usually their friends are not too far awry from their & my core values.. . It reduces the amount of garbage I see when I do go in & scroll through my
timeline for a bit.
Yup. & it does a fine job, usually, in that capacity -- I do the occasional audio test to confirm it's in working order.
I told my wife one night that "my head was so far up my butt, that I
could see my throat". Without missing a beat, and grinning wryly, she
said "That's why your eyes are so brown!!". <ZING!!>
Nice one! *time-travel High-Five with Janice*
I'm the same re sodas, but I do drink a lot of caoffee -- as a
medicine, not as a simple beverage. I don't eat candy -- any I get,
winnds up in my kids' mouths before I can blink!
I ti8hnk that's what I'm atrisk for -- mny doc said if I go into any tachycardia(fast fluttering pulse/heartbeat) I'm to call 911 without delay.
I wish I could afford one...but right now, finances are tighter than a frog's butt underwater.
And that's water-tight!
A1C is the blood sugar level?I think it's 2 different terms, but related to a diabetic diagnosis.
So you went from under 6.1 to a hundred and ten?! & that's a normalThe threshold for type 2 is 6.4 on the A1C -- your blood sugar can be elevated, especially after eating. There is a new way you get get your
reading? I thought 7 was the maximum for healthy?
blood sugar and A1C readings, via a smartphone app (DexGo, I think),
that doesn't require you to prick your finger. Obviously, you have to
have a presciption for it...but it saves money on lancets, alchohol
swabs, etc. Like so many other health issues, many with diabetes don't
even know they have it.
Health is all we got, at times -- it's important to do our part to keepI just got out of the hospital for the 4th time since last summer...all related to atrial fibrillation. Yet so far, I don't need any ablation surgery. But, when you have sinus tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, and respiratory palpitations, it's time to call the ambulance (that was my
everuything going.
case this past Sunday).
The young lady friend I know is a vegetarian (that from her parents).
Well, I can respect her view on that, but I think of this tagline:
How can you eat one of God's Creatures?? In a sandwich. :P
I rarely go out to eat anymore...buffets or otherwise. I can't afford it.
I think my wallet and bank account will have the heart attack and stroke
for all the medical visits in the last 9 months.
I forgot to take the plug in charger for my phone to the hospital, so
my phone was off most of the time.
Nature and a nightmare woke me, but I'm having a hard time staying awake
to finish this QWK packet before strong thunderstorms arrive later this morning.
I could always do up to 3 figure arithmetic, even some thing randomPeppermint Patty (from Peanuts) is asleep in the classroom, and as he
like 482*93 in my head, often faster than someone else could put it
into a calculator & get the answer, just to see the answer I called out
was fully correct!
head lops back, she suddenly wakes up, and screams "I'M AWAKE!! THE ANSWER
IS 12!!" <G>
There was an episode of "The Big Bang Theory" one night (my brother
loves that show...I rarely watch TV anymore), where Sheldon is telling
this guy "you can't make me change my mind about my decision". Well, the
guy pulls out to beautiful large turquoise balls that Sheldon starts to
drool over. <G>
Remember...July is National Baked Bean Month <frap!> :P
Nice one! *time-travel High-Five with Janice*She put me in my place more than once...and got me fat on humble pie
and salted crow. :P
That's what I had this past Sunday...heart rate of 144. But, I have no
idea what set it off. That's why the BBS was down for 2 days.
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