• Work and life

    From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to DARYL STOUT on Fri Dec 3 05:54:08 2021
    Daryl wrote --

    I remember working at Burger King over 40 years ago, the sales tax (more aptly, "the hamburger tax"...which part of went to the budget for the local Convention and Vistors Bureau, and the rest to the city, county, state, and the federal government) was 7

    Sales tax in WV is six per cent. This is on everything, except for food
    for immediate consumption. If you buy a pound of hamburger in a grocery
    store its not taxed, but buy a hamburger in a restaurant, that is taxed.

    But I brought death and destruction with me.

    You sure that The Grim Reaper wasn't in tow with you?? :P

    I was beginning to wonder about that.
    I either visited people just in time or hastened their demise.

    Too bad the young people can't comprehend that. Admittedly, growing up, we thought we knew everything. Now, we find out, we didn't know anything.

    I think every generation has thought the older one was backward and
    stupid and the younger generation had all the answers.
    As Mark Twain is credited with saying: When I was 16 I thought my father
    was the dumbest man alive. When I reached 25 I began to marvel at how much
    he had learned. (That's a bit mangled).

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  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Fri Dec 3 17:47:00 2021

    Sales tax in WV is six per cent. This is on everything, except for
    food for immediate consumption. If you buy a pound of hamburger in a grocery store its not taxed, but buy a hamburger in a restaurant, that
    is taxed.

    As my late barber noted, "that makes as much sense as tits on a boar

    I either visited people just in time or hastened their demise.

    No wonder I have atrial fibrillation now. :P Seriously, it was likely
    caused from drinking too much diet green tea citrus, with all the caffeine.
    I have to admit I wonder if the Covid-19 shots are to blame as well.

    I think every generation has thought the older one was backward and stupid and the younger generation had all the answers.

    It's perpetual.

    As Mark Twain is credited with saying: When I was 16 I thought my
    father was the dumbest man alive. When I reached 25 I began to marvel
    at how much he had learned. (That's a bit mangled).

    Close enough.


    ... I thought I was wrong, but I was mistaken.
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