• Old books and weather (was:Re: Insurance)

    From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Wed Dec 1 05:56:00 2021
    Cyberpope wrote --

    regularly for any need. (I start to think, "cool!" then I remember reading Orwell's "Animal Farm"(on my own--it's been out of the curriculum since before I was born)

    One can find all sorts of out-of-print books in .pdf on the net, often
    for free download.
    A couple of winters ago I read several theological works from the 16th
    and 17th centuries I had heard of by never read.

    Every time I hear a pol or talking head say, "climate change" I yell at the TV: "It's called weather, ya dummy!";

    Absolutely. I think that ball of fire in the sky has more to do with our weather than anything humans can do.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757.2 to JOE MACKEY on Wed Dec 1 10:59:56 2021
    One can find all sorts of out-of-print books in .pdf on the net, often
    for free download.

    Like The Gutenberg Project, but it has to be older than 100 years or so before they'll carry it.

    A couple of winters ago I read several theological works from the 16th
    and 17th centuries I had heard of by never read.

    I've grabbed a couple like that, too - fun stuff! My latest acquisition is a couple of English's first dictionaries.

    Every time I hear a pol or talking head say, "climate change" I yell at the TV: "It's called weather, ya dummy!";

    Absolutely. I think that ball of fire in the sky has more to do with our weather than anything humans can do.

    & you'd be 100% right, per my research!

    We've been far warmer than the 1`C they're afraid we'll heat things up to, millions opf years before human existed, & we've had far more atmospheric CO2 than all that humans have produced, in toto.

    With greater atmospheric carbon, came greater speciation (evolution)& with lower levels came mass extinctions.

    Maybe a few more species of plants might produce a panacea 1,000X better than garlic!

    That Iceland volcanic eruption about 10-15 years ago produced more CO2 in one minute than humans have produced in total, ever.

    Volcanos have been an integral part of Earth's carbon & climate cycles since day one.

    The sun has several interlinking cycles & in the one we're in now, we're actually a tad cooler than in previous ones of the same configuration.

    There's no money in trying to get people to believe we're coopperating with Nature as she is. But try to headbutt against her & it's a never-ending losing battle, you can blame on those not paying you enough to stop it.

    My other take on the situatoin relies more on others' cynicism, as I've noted the climate change criers are the ones burhning more fossil fuels than any of the rest of us!

    Gore's plantation-sized complex uses 5X+ more energy than thestate average.

    & it's funny how all the leaders of the movement have recently spent 7-figures each buying ocean-front properties (That's like paying thousands for a sand castle as the tide is coming in)

    I do my part by not wasting materials/food/plastic/etc & recycling where possible.

    I'm not part of the problem, even if it is as described by these self serving billionaires, so I ain't going to sweat it. When the carbon cards come out I'll have no choice but to pay to support the scam,. but when have I had a choice where taxes are concerned -- oh, yeah, once, & we voted it out, now they don't give us the opportunity any more! *LOL*

    Your friend,

    Cyberpope, Bishop of ROM
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Linux
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757.2)