• Re: Medical and lawyers (

    From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Mon Oct 11 09:47:00 2021

    Ain't nutting free. Someone (taxpayers) are paying.

    Robert Heinlein was right with TANSTAFFL (There Ain't No Such Thing As A Free Lunch). However, after I get the treadmill stress test done tomorrow, the local college campus (the University Of Arkansas At Little Rock), is having their
    campus picnic and BBQ lunch. It was cancelled the last 2 years, due to

    I am blessed with good health.

    I wish I was. I made the 3rd trip to the Emergency Room in the last 6 weeks yesterday. This time, it wasn't for atrial flutter/atrial fibrillation...but for urinary and bowel issues. I got a shot in each hip, and I think they used barbed wire for the needle. At least it was a pretty female black nurse who took care of me <G>, but nudity means nothing to them. So, I get to call my gastroenterologist and urologist today.

    I go to health fairs for seniors at times and everything comes out normal. No highs, no lows, just in the middle.

    I believe in the balanced diet...in the belly and in the buttocks. <G>

    I'm on no meds, no problems.

    Overmedicated?? We have a prescription for that. <G>

    They can't believe someone my then age (late 60s, now early 70s) is
    like that.

    Yesterday would've been my Dad's 95th birthday...but he died back in 2007.

    I thought of getting a physical at one time but figured they would
    poke and prod until they found something wrong. I'd rather not know.

    Or make you really feel uncomfortable...and that was before they sent you
    the bill.

    Whereabouts are you? In most big cities we can give you a doctor in your

    Now there's a MEMORY!
    Home doctor visits? You gotta be kidding. :)

    Actually, my Medicare HMO had a female nurse practitioner come by in late September, for a full physical exam...including a full body (nude) scan. Yet, with living alone, you don't have someone to look at your anatomy for certain things that could be hazardous to your health. But, nudity means nothing to them, as noted earlier. She was younger than me, and good looking, but she
    was married...it seems all the good ones are. However, I doubt anyone would want me, seeing how much of a medical basket case I am.

    I saw another website where in prepping for a colonoscopy, once you've scheduled it...prior to it (and the crappy prep work (pun intended)), you contact this company who is offering a blood test beforehand, and someone
    will come to your home to draw blood. They are working on a special blood
    test that may diagnose colon cancer without a stool sample or colonoscopy.
    And, while you have to make the co-pay, afterwards, you get reimbursed $250.

    For details, go to the following website:


    Colon cancer is the second greatest killer of men and women, right behind
    (no pun intended) heart disease and breast cancer...but unlike most other cancers, it's one of the most preventable.


    ... "Either this man is dead, or my watch is stopped." -Groucho
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