• Re: Sure is quiet...

    From Daryl Stout@1:19/33 to August Abolins on Wed Jul 21 12:56:00 2021

    The few, the proud, the Memories people.
    I guess we are an elite group.

    See above. A group of 3. :/

    Then, we have a crowd. :)

    I don't get that as much as being called "sir", "thank you,
    sir" ..when younger people interact with me at the shop. I'm
    over 60 but not yet 65, but the "sir" only started 2 years ago.

    Getting old is not for sissies. I like what Jeff Foxworthy said
    in one of his routines..."the kids are coming out of diapers, and
    the grandparents are going in them". :P

    When a little kid might be allowed to partake in the payment
    process (cash or POS machine) I'll address the pre-teen boys
    "little sir" or "yes, sir", "thank you, sir". The girls - I'd
    use "little lady".

    Good for you. Respect is so hard to come by nowadays.


    ... Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't.
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