Is there a future for the techonology in FTN?
What does the future for FTN look like?
What does FTN really need to improve and advance?
Is FTN "stuck" in supporting the lowest common denominator?
Can some aspects established in the 80's be depricated and abandoned by now?
Can FTN be transformed by taking advantage of things like CockroachDB?
Post YOUR questions, thoughts and ideas.
Is there a future for the techonology in FTN?
That will depend on us. Do we have any developers left in this hobby?
Are they willing to advance the technology?
Be careful what you ask for. :)
Is there a future for the techonology in FTN?
That will depend on us. Do we have any developers left in this hobby? Are they willing to advance the technology?
Not fair. You can't answer a question with another question!
My personal opinion, is the technology will die in the near future.
My personal opinion, is the technology will die in the near future.
Do you have relatives in the Netherlands ?
The technology could be made into a more 'visual' environment, but
it would then not be compatible with the legacy software.
The younger generations are more interested in the "point-and-click" world Twitter, Facebook, or whatever other social medias are being used now. They want to see pictures, links to websites, and other 'visual' aspects. I don' see many, if any, even interested in a basically text environment as this.
future.My personal opinion, is the technology will die in the near
Do you have relatives in the Netherlands ?
I sure hope not... :)
sure it could... the and discord chat stuff is shoehorned over IRC... i know some who participate via their IRC clients without seeing any of the grap hical content rendered... how they do it, i don't know
but i know it is done... in the same fashion, the same could be done
with FTN stuff... hell, look at emai l and news... they still use the original formats and carry a lot of graphical s tuff... there's a lot of folks out there who would be quite surprised to find th at email is
still the same as it ever was... only a lot of it is encapsulated in
MIME these days... the same could be done with FTN stuff if someone
really want ed to do so...
I keep reading from those who ponder about Fido's future, about what the next mailer will look like, the next message format, the next whatever. What I never read, is what the next *user* will look like. Pretty
certain the next user will not be techie like us.
The younger generation that uses messaging and social apps do not care about Linux, multi-protocol database structures or Wan transport topologies when using the apps. So, why expect the same for a new Fido user? Why must new software be the traditional mailer, tosser, nodelist, editor, etc. Why not just focus on messages?
What would be really good is a mobile/tablet app that is so dumbed-down that it just focuses on messaging. Let the newcomer get their feet wet with that, and if they actually are techie or want a taste of nostalgia they can go ahead and experiment with mailers and BBS software.
I was just wondering because it's an aspect about Fidonet that everybody knows ( or should know). "Having Dutch relatives" means presenting stuff in such a way t hat it seems one just made it up immediately after
having invented the water, fi re and wheel ... at the same time ... of course.
What would be really good is a mobile/tablet app that is so dumbed-
down that it just focuses on messaging. Let the newcomer get their
feet wet with that, and if they actually are techie or want a taste
of nostalgia they can go ahead and experiment with mailers and BBS software.
That app would likely be just an extension of someone's BBS or Node,
but could be promoted in a few ways to really give an alternative to Internet discussion forums. Aftershock is a nice app with potential
but certainly not dumb enough.
Oh, yes, I remember users... ;)
You're right. For us, there is a passion involved with getting
everything set up to work properly, and change things to make them different from others. Someone just looking at the technology we are using, won't have that same passion. Is there a way to attract new users into this hobby?
Back when I ran a BBS in high school I used to hand out 3.5" floppys
with a HyperTerm file configured to connect to my board.
I've been considering putting up an ad on Kijiji or something to try
and attract the "normals" to my board.
My latter system was only FTN echomail + email by then.
A similar "pre-packaged" approach is lacking today.
Something that would be presentable on a tablet/smartphone would be good too.
If you feel that's where your target audience hangs out, why not. Let
us know how that goes!
On 07 Jun 2020, August Abolins said the following...
A similar "pre-packaged" approach is lacking today.
Exactly! As much as I would like to get some USB sticks with Syncterm installed & pre-configured to connect to Northern Realms, I don't think that would work in 2020. If someone handed me a free USB stick I would automatically assume it had malware on it.
I would love a high quality app on my iPhone that gets all of my FTN messages.
*fingers crossed*
VERY Good. The extra screen shots are good eye-candy. But, you need to add a little ABOUT the bbs and what it is to the uneducated masses.
I never thought of kijiji as a place for that kind of thing. But, I
guess some people "live" there and look for all kinds of things to discover.
Kijiji to the aide of BBSing.. who woulda thunk.
My Telegard system had internet email back in the day. I offered
each user a free email address of <username> I'm
toying with the idea of setting that up again, though I can't for
the life of me remember just how I had that set up.
i'm not saying it is easy but it is a lot easier than it used to be when shoestring and bubble gum were the glue -=B-)
Is there a future for the techonology in FTN?
That will depend on us. Do we have any developers left in this
hobby? Are they willing to advance the technology?
Not fair. You can't answer a question with another question!
Actually, I answered it with 2 questions. ;)
My personal opinion, is the technology will die in the near future.
As we, as Sysops, are shutting down our systems for whatever reasons.
There are too few developers interested in trying to support legacy technologies. For those of you that are, I applaud you!
The younger generations are more interested in the "point-and-click"
world of Twitter, Facebook, or whatever other social medias are being
used now. They want to see pictures, links to websites, and other
'visual' aspects.
I don't see many, if any, even interested in a basically text
environment as this.
The technology could be made into a more 'visual' environment, but it would then not be compatible with the legacy software. That is what is holding this hobby back.
At some point, we need to decide if we just want the hobby and FTN technology to move forward and stop with the "We need to maintain
legacy support", or we let the technology wither away and become a footnote in history.
Not fair. You can't answer a question with another question!
Actually, I answered it with 2 questions. ;)
That's even worse! LOL
As we, as Sysops, are shutting down our systems for whatever reasons.
I haven't been monitoring the growth or decline of systems, but ipingthereforiam purports to report over 1800 telnettable systems.
Surely you don't mean that FTN systems should have a tworking echo that supports video clips? LOL
The underpinning tech, the part the moves the messages around from
system to system is not really a problem. The structure of messages and all of its FTSC documented components is not necessarily the problem either. But as you pointed out, traditional FTN presentation lacks the visual punch that people are accustomed to on their tablets and smartphones.
Other than some really old references like 300 baud in the nodelist,
what legacy elements would you be referring to?
On 06-06-20 17:52, mark lewis wrote to Black Panther <=-
sure it could... the and discord chat stuff is shoehorned
over IRC... i know some who participate via their IRC clients without seeing any of the graphical content rendered... how they do it, i don't know but i know it is done... in the same fashion, the same could be
done with FTN stuff... hell, look at email and news... they still use
the original formats and carry a lot of graphical stuff... there's a
lot of folks out there who would be quite surprised to find that email
is still the same as it ever was... only a lot of it is encapsulated in MIME these days... the same could be done with FTN stuff if someone
really wanted to do so...
On 06-07-20 02:23, Nick Andre wrote to Black Panther <=-
I keep reading from those who ponder about Fido's future, about what
the next mailer will look like, the next message format, the next whatever. What I never read, is what the next *user* will look like. Pretty certain the next user will not be techie like us.
The younger generation that uses messaging and social apps do not care about Linux, multi-protocol database structures or Wan transport topologies when using the apps. So, why expect the same for a new Fido user? Why must new software be the traditional mailer, tosser,
nodelist, editor, etc. Why not just focus on messages?
What would be really good is a mobile/tablet app that is so dumbed-down that it just focuses on messaging. Let the newcomer get their feet wet with that, and if they actually are techie or want a taste of nostalgia they can go ahead and experiment with mailers and BBS software.
That app would likely be just an extension of someone's BBS or Node,
but could be promoted in a few ways to really give an alternative to Internet discussion forums. Aftershock is a nice app with potential but certainly not dumb enough.
On 06-07-20 10:37, Dan Richter wrote to mark lewis <=-
To the best of my knowledge there are a few people out there working on different ways of implementing FTN technology, but they keep running
into resistance from the "legacy support" individuals.
On 06-07-20 10:48, Dan Richter wrote to Nick Andre <=-
In my opinion, it's not just the messages, but there would also need to
be a graphical interface for them as well. Let's face it, in their
lives, all they have known is the point-and-click, and tapping. Most of them would be lost at a command prompt.
Very good point. At this point, there really isn't even a good way to access the technology via a mobile device. Granted, I haven't looked at all of them, but from what I've seen, they are clumsy to work with.
On 06-07-20 10:51, Dan Richter wrote to Ward Dossche <=-
I was just trying to state that things like supporting legacy software should be stopped, and work on advancing the technology so the hobby hopefully doesn't die a slow, horrible death...
On 06-07-20 14:18, August Abolins wrote to Nick Andre <=-
What would such a thing actually look like to the user?
Would participation be feasible without an actual keyboard?
Tommi's sample screenshot of Hotdoged on his Samsung A50 looked
insanely small to work with.
Maybe something like a stipped-down interface like but adapted with menu commands for navigating echos, threads, searching ..could work.
Instead of:
Home Profile Messages Notifications(2) Chat(6) Friends(11) Pages(14) Groups(3)
we have..
Home | Profile | Echos | Msgs | Chat | Favorites | BBSes | Othernets
The decluttered look of is not a bad model.
Could FTN grow-up and allow sending attachments, pgp encoded messages, etc? What would the newcomer WANT? Could FTN adapt to that?
MAYBE, FTN could comprise of a growing subset of BBSes that allow the above to support their newcomers.
What would such a thing actually look like to the user?
Would participation be feasible without an actual keyboard?
I'd say so. New generation menus might be more event driven, with the event being either a mouse click on a particular button, text or part of the screen, or a hotkey. It should be possible to navigate anywhere on the BBS using a mouse (or by screen tapping, of course).
Who says that it has to be purely text based? The front-end can have icons that represent different BBSes or different echos. Maybe even the icons can be user-selected for their liking.
Browsing through messages can be point-and-click. Many FTN interfaces already support clickable links to external sites. But replies would still require the traditional text input.
I'd say so. New generation menus might be more event driven, with
the event being either a mouse click on a particular button, text
or part of the screen, or a hotkey. It should be possible to
navigate anywhere on the BBS using a mouse (or by screen tapping,
of course).
The presentation layer is not the realm of Fidonet. There is
nothing in Fidonet that addresses the user experience.
If FTN adopted some of Reddit's ideas, like using markdown for linking
& images along with a half decent mobile and/or web app, that would be
a huge step forward to modernizing the technology.
/me wonders how many will be surprised to find out that there is at least o terminal app that supports mouse clicks and BBSes that react to those click on their hotspots...
Unfortunately, Aftershock has some serious shortcomings under the hood - it designed as a point, which is the wrong model. Users who have multiple dev (e.g. phone, tablet, PC) should be able to switch devices and see the syste the same state (other than any messages actially being edited on a device).
Try hatching out a file that has a long filename. See how many Sysops start screaming about how it messed up their file database.
FTN is transport... it has nothing to do with the presentation... underneath it all, it is still raw text...
On 08 Jun 20 09:51:57, Mark Lewis said the following to Kees Van Eeten:[snip]
least o terminal app that supports mouse clicks and BBSes that react to
those click on their hotspots...
Searchlight and MajorBBS I believe were the only BBS packages that really got it "right".
/me wonders how many will be surprised to find out that there is at
least o[ne] terminal app that supports mouse clicks and BBSes that
react to those click on their hotspots...
I tried implementing the one, back in the 90's. Only a few of my
users ended up using it, but to be fair it was a bit clunky and tacked-on.
Searchlight and MajorBBS I believe were the only BBS packages that
really got it "right".
FTN is transport... it has nothing to do with the presentation...
underneath it all, it is still raw text...
So then should we move this discussion to another more relevant echo?
FTN is transport... it has nothing to do with the presentation...
underneath it all, it is still raw text...
So then should we move this discussion to another more relevant echo?
I remember visiting a few ShotGun bbses.
I remember visiting a few ShotGun bbses.
i think Shotgun BBS was the one i could not remember in my earlier
I remember visiting a few ShotGun bbses. The client/server approach was really cool. Shotgun-specific VGA games were amazing, especially when you realized that the connection was just a modest dialup.
I tried implementing the one, back in the 90's. Only a few of my
users ended up using it, but to be fair it was a bit clunky and tacked-on.
not sure which one you're speaking of... RIPscript was one... there was
Searchlight and MajorBBS I believe were the only BBS packages that really got it "right".
i never used or visited any systems running those packages... especially if had to use a dedicated/specific terminal for them... i was one of those use
I remember visiting a few ShotGun bbses. The client/server approach wasreally cool. Shotgun-specific VGA games were amazing, especially when you realized that the connection was just a modest dialup.
Ahhhhhhhh, Shotgun! I forgot that one.
Also forgot about Roboboard/FX...
and Excalibur, but that was a piece of crap.
I owe you royalty payments...
On 06-08-20 12:36, Kees van Eeten wrote to Tony Langdon <=-
The presentation layer is not the realm of Fidonet. There is nothing in Fidonet that addresses the user experience.
On 06-08-20 10:54, Nick Andre wrote to Tony Langdon <=-
My understanding is that Points were (are) extremely popular in Zone 2. Personally I didn't really understand it - The same software is essentially in play and the same end-goal is accomplished by being an unlisted/unpublished Node who connects to another system.
You see this now in an echo designed for testing; one person is so
adamant that writing messages via a Point is somehow much better than using a BBS to write messages. The result of using either approach is
the same... a message.
Bringing us to my "point" about how if we take away the techie-aspect
from newcomers and focus on a decent mobile/tablet app, thats a step in the right direction.
The presentation layer is not the realm of Fidonet. There is
nothing in Fidonet that addresses the user experience.
That's a succinct way of putting it, and I agree totally.
Bringing us to my "point" about how if we take away the techie-
aspect from newcomers and focus on a decent mobile/tablet app, thats
a step in the right direction.
I agree totally.
If I was to use a mobile app for BBS messaging, I'd want a mobile
friendly touch screen interface, with more or less the same features
as an offline reader, including the ability to work offline if needed
(I do go into places with iffy or non existent mobile coverage).
Forum based concepts like threading would be good too,
and auto conversion of emoticons to emojis, where a commonly
understood text representation is available - :-) or :) would result
in a smiley face, for example.
I also expect that I can switch between the mobile app and the PC and
pick up where I left off (that rules out point and traditional NNTP
based solutions).
A mobile app that's user friendly would be a great asset to BBSing.
Guvf rpub vf abg yvzvgrq gb gur qvfphffvba bs gur uvqqra jbexvatf bs gur cebgbpbyf naq grpuavpny zrpunavfzf gung hfref qb abg frr.
Whfg bar rknzcyr, gur Bevtva yvar vf n qvfgvpgyl svqbarg vqragvsvre naq vf
vagraqrq gb or frra. UBJ, gung trgf cerfragrq gb gur hfre va zrffntrf vf
yrsg gb gur vzntvangvba.
One example of a step forward to useability is the ability to capitalize on lauching http:// links in messages with a simple keystroke directly at a bbs or within an offline reader. As a couple of others in the echo alluded to, there is room for designing new markup language distinct to fidonet that bbs systems and reader programs can understand.
On 06-21-20 17:43, August Abolins wrote to Tony Langdon <=-
Hello Tony!
** On Tuesday 09.06.20 - 19:05, Tony Langdon wrote to Kees van Eeten:
The presentation layer is not the realm of Fidonet. There is
nothing in Fidonet that addresses the user experience.
That's a succinct way of putting it, and I agree totally.
Succinct, but not entirely correct. ;) See, "Presentation Layer"
I posit that even new FTN-specific jargon that represents the
technology it describes can be invented.
New tools, information servers, etc.. that can enchance the end-user experience could be helpful.
As per an earlier vision of what this echo would encompass, how to "advance means of access", and "keep Fidonet attractive" include a
visual component in the scope of discussions.
One example of a step forward to useability is the ability to
capitalize on lauching http:// links in messages with a simple
keystroke directly at a bbs or within an offline reader. As a couple
of others in the echo alluded to, there is room for designing new
markup language distinct to fidonet that bbs systems and reader
programs can understand.
Let's not forget about the user in the discussions of the future for
this technology.
On 06-21-20 19:07, August Abolins wrote to Tony Langdon <=-
How could those features be invoked? Would they be ushered from hot
areas on the edges (like some adaptive websites work with the
"hamburger" icon) to pull up a menu? I imagine that most additional controls would have to be out of sight inorder to maximize the reading pane.
and auto conversion of emoticons to emojis, where a commonly
understood text representation is available - :-) or :) would result
in a smiley face, for example.
That goes without saying! But there would be so many to process!
People seem to be inventing new ones all the time. Personally I
wouldn't want to spend too much time looking through a pull-up of all
the choices when writing a message on mobile. But the inline decode
could be appreciated.
I also expect that I can switch between the mobile app and the PC and
pick up where I left off (that rules out point and traditional NNTP
based solutions).
I can appreciate that aspect more and more now. I wouldn't mind
catching up with messages with OXP on one pc, but when I go to TB on another pc, deja vu is not always a pleasant experience.
A mobile app that's user friendly would be a great asset to BBSing.
Maybe someone could come up with a mockup app that demostrates how
things could look and operate.
One example of a step forward to useability is the ability to
capitalize on lauching http:// links in messages with a simple
keystroke directly at a bbs or within an offline reader. As a
couple of others in the echo alluded to, there is room for
designing new markup language distinct to fidonet that bbs
systems and reader programs can understand.
What you want with url's works on my terminal, it is part of
the presentaionlayer of my terminal program.
I see no way how e.g. a BBS could launch a webbrowser on my
If it could I would consider it a security hazard. Even if
it could, it would be a feature of the BBS and not of Fidonet.
Unfortunately, Aftershock has some serious shortcomings under the hood
- it's designed as a point, which is the wrong model. Users who have multiple devices (e.g. phone, tablet, PC) should be able to switch
devices and see the system in the same state (other than any messages actially being edited on a device). This is the problem I personally
have with both point based systems and NNTP. You wouldn't expect on Facebook or a web forum to be up to date on one device, then have to re-mark messages as read on your other devices!
On 07-29-20 23:50, Pasquale Monti wrote to Tony Langdon <=-
Interesting point of view! But there is already everything, just read
the messages from BBS instead of the point perhaps via WEB!
what i speak of above works with any terminal program that recognises CTerm (i think) ANSI mouse sequences... deuce and digital man have been working together to get it into synchronet and syncterm...
What would be really good is a mobile/tablet app that is so dumbed-
down that it just focuses on messaging. Let the newcomer get their
feet wet with that, and if they actually are techie or want a taste
of nostalgia they can go ahead and experiment with mailers and BBS
Very good point. At this point, there really isn't even a good way to access the technology via a mobile device. Granted, I haven't looked
at all of them, but from what I've seen, they are clumsy to work
[3] Each account is tied to the phone number for the user. That might
be fine for the user (analogous to a BBS user or a point), but inorder
to work, the BBS sysop would have to sacrifice their phone's Telegram account to identify as the gateway-ID.
[3] Each account is tied to the phone number for the user. That might
be fine for the user (analogous to a BBS user or a point), but inorder
to work, the BBS sysop would have to sacrifice their phone's Telegram
account to identify as the gateway-ID.
That's not strictly true! You only need a phonenumber for the account verification process. Once you have created the Telegram account you don't need it anymore:
[3] Each account is tied to the phone number for the user. That
might be fine for the user (analogous to a BBS user or a point), but
inorder to work, the BBS sysop would have to sacrifice their phone's
Telegram account to identify as the gateway-ID.
That's not strictly true! You only need a phonenumber for the account
verification process. Once you have created the Telegram account you
don't need it anymore:
Thank you for posting that.
It is cool to be reminded about alternative ways to get a temporary phone number forwarded to one's "real" cellphone. I heard of some of them some time ago. I may even employ one of the methods to minimize exposing my real cell number for general use.
But the title of the article is misleading. You ultimately still need
a real cellphone to forward the temporary one since the verification process is via text. A plain landline phone nummber isn't going to
It is good to know that my assumption about sacrificing a cellphone
for a dedicated gate with Telegram is wrong.
(BTW.. the site is a horrible advertising mess with a constant feed of ads
refreshing + animations + popups, and wasting my data, and ads placed
within the body of the text every new page-down. The main article of the
text was loaded but data continued to stream up to 6MB within 2 minutes
while reading the article, and no signs of slowing down before I cut it
But the title of the article is misleading. You ultimately still
need a real cellphone to forward the temporary one since the
verification process is via text. A plain landline phone nummber
isn't going to work.
Nope, but you do need a working internet connection, with a browser, on your connection device...
(BTW.. the site is a horrible advertising mess with a constant feed of
ads refreshing + animations + popups, and wasting my data, and ads
placed within the body of the text every new page-down. The main
article of the text was loaded but data continued to stream up to 6MB
within 2 minutes while reading the article, and no signs of slowing
down before I cut it off.)
I don't see them because of add-blocker plugins in my browser. ;-)
Nope, but you do need a working internet connection, with a browser,
on your connection device...
Ah.. yes, with the service from FreePhonNum and ReceiveSMS, an actual phone is not required at all and can be triggered on a completely different device such as a laptop.
Those two above just blow my mind. They're kinda like echomail for sms. <LOL>. The sms texts are totally public! Anyone can read the sms texts. But hopefully the one that pertains to you will show up in a few minutes and stand out.
I don't see them because of add-blocker plugins in my browser. ;-)
I had uBlocker and noScript on my XP pc for a few years. But
eventually Firefox disabled them. :( Meanwhile, this recent
experience has been the incentive I needed to look for an alternative plug-in. Found one. is also notorious
for streaming ads. The new plugin blocked 66 ads in 3 minutes, and the number keeps increasing while reading just one specific page. Sheeesh.
Ah.. yes, with the service from FreePhonNum and ReceiveSMS.. Those
two above just blow my mind. They're kinda like echomail for sms.
<LOL>. The sms texts are totally public! Anyone can read the sms
And I don't think you need a phone for google voice either...
In my firefox I use Ghostery, Privacy Badger, and especially against adds: uBlock Origin.
I hardly see any commercial content that way. Even the adds "in" youtube video's are gone...
And I don't think you need a phone for google voice either...
True. It's a total pc/webbased solution.
Is google voice available in your country? It seems to be only available in the USA.
I hardly see any commercial content that way. Even the adds "in"
youtube video's are gone...
I gave up on watching YT directly online primarily because of the
injected commercials. Good to hear that the commercials disappear with your combination of ad-blocker plugins. Instead, I download the file, store it in a USB stick and watch it a home later.
BTW, Stas has indicated that he has hooked up to this echo. Hopefully he'll jump in soon and expound on his Telegram/fidonet gateway.
He explained a couple of things in netmail. I might write it up as a report and post some of it here.
BTW, Stas has indicated that he has hooked up to this echo. Hopefully
he'll jump in soon and expound on his Telegram/fidonet gateway.
We'll see. ;)
BTW, Stas has indicated that he has hooked up to this echo.
Hopefully he'll jump in soon and expound on his Telegram/fidonet
We'll see. ;)
He has indicted to me that he sent one to post on Sunday, but it
hasn't shown up here.
That's not strictly true! You only need a phonenumber for the account verification process. Once you have created the Telegram account you don't need it anymore:
That's not strictly true! You only need a phonenumber for the
account verification process. Once you have created the Telegram
account you don't need it anymore:
Thank You. It's wery interesting for me.
That's not strictly true! You only need a phonenumber for the
account verification process. Once you have created the Telegram
account you don't need it anymore:
Thank You. It's wery interesting for me.
Did you use your own mobile number to create the Fido2telebot Telegram account?
Did you use your own mobile number to create the Fido2telebot
Telegram account?
Not. You don't need a phone number to create a bot. However, Brother Rabbit
in the telegram used the real number for registration. ;)
Did you use your own mobile number to create the Fido2telebot
Telegram account?
Not. You don't need a phone number to create a bot. However, Brother
Rabbit in the telegram used the real number for registration. ;)
I know since yesterday. I experimented a bit with a Telegram bot,
and was able to send a message from a linux machine to my Telegram account, without registering a new account by telephone number. ;)
I know since yesterday. I experimented a bit with a Telegram bot,
and was able to send a message from a linux machine to my Telegram
account, without registering a new account by telephone number. ;)
HOW do you send a message without registering?
I succeeded getting through to the next level with one of the numbers. The SMS code showed up at I entered the code and then
I was transported to an "enter your cloud password" panel. What is that?
I could not get passed that.
On 14 Aug 2020, August Abolins said the following...
I succeeded getting through to the next level with one of the
numbers. The SMS code showed up at I entered the
code and then I was transported to an "enter your cloud password"
panel. What is that?
I could not get passed that.
It sounds like someone has already registered a Telegram account with
that phone number & has enabled two factor authentication.
Sysop: | altere |
Location: | Houston, TX |
Users: | 68 |
Nodes: | 4 (0 / 4) |
Uptime: | 03:40:10 |
Calls: | 949 |
Files: | 7,951 |
Messages: | 296,402 |