Glad to see you Nathanael! We voted to move Z6 to Z3 in 2007 as they
Asia has the same time zone as the westernmost part of Z3. Z3 has a number
of time zones, with about 6 hours difference between the eastern margin
and Asia.
David, don't get stupid. Z6 when devolved was only active over Z3. It's actual
time zones were from Diego Garcia to about just short of Baharain.
Fidonet is a technical entity - all of the politics and arguing is just added fluff.
What one does when one doesn't have better things to do...
One thing about Russia. It would be so much easier to travel
those 800k each way on skis rather than having to do it in the
desert on foot.
I'm driving, in air conditioned comfort,
What about your anti-American slam you posted the other day?
As the most hated nation in the western world surely USA has to
expect a little flack from time to time?
If the USA is "the most hated nation in the western world", then
why is it so many folks from around the world want to come here,
rather than someplace else?
Even the most hated nation in the western world is better than some places not in the "western world".
Other than that - marketing has a lot to do with it,
We have another one in the ASIAN_LINK echo (a leftover of Z6 but chatty,
Sure. Zones and regions were born in a day when it was important to limit
long distance phone costs and try to coordinate Mail Hours. The internet
has obsoleted the necessity of all that. Case in point is me: I am in
Taiwan, which used to be Zone 6, but my NC is in southern Australia.
Glad to see you Nathanael! We voted to move Z6 to Z3 in 2007 as they had a same
timezone and a lot of sites that worked well with Z6 connections. We have another one in the ASIAN_LINK echo (a leftover of Z6 but chatty, fun and occasionally about Asia).
I remember explaining to Malcom that the reason to not attach them to Brisbane or
Darwin was they didnt have enough common protocols to connect.
Трахни всех вас, американские ублюдки
"Fuck you all American bastards"
Maybe you should take a break from fidonet...
Sorry, I didn't even know what it meant, I don't speak Russian. I just copied it from another echo. My sincere apologies to all my US friends for what someone other wrote.
Трахни всех вас, американские ублюдки
"Fuck you all American bastards"
Maybe you should take a break from fidonet...
In case you missed it, and you probably cannot translate it properly,
this is an insult that I never saw coming, and I have no idea what caused
What about your anti-American slam you posted the other day? Or have you conveniently forgotten about that?
are still in the nodelist. As this is a volunteer effort on the part of the coordinators some latitude should be granted. I've seen some people
on the planet there really isn't any point in having regions, either. It was a much different story when everything was POTS (Plain Old Telephone
modern networks like FSXnet don't use geographic structures at all in their addressing.
Good luck to you Joacim with your .io vs. .org project. You
seem to have a steep uphill to climb. :(
It won't be nearly so steep once the deadwood is cleared from the
Our nodelist -- even in the miserable state that it partially is
today, with nodelist clerks that does not know shit about how to
maintain it -- still is the glue that keep our network together.
Well, that's a pretty damning indictment: "the glue that keeps our network together is in a miserable state."
Damn right you are, Nathanael from down under!
In fact, I'm in Taiwan. Which is illustrative of the problem. Zone 6 is no
more (so I was dumped into Zone 3) but you wouldn't know that from
scouring, which seems to think only Zone 1 exists (which
up the larger question: what's the point of zones any more?)
Years ago a fellow in North Carolina ran a network that had points all over the planet. His RC eventually threw him out of Fidonet because many if not most of his downlinks were out of his region (I think the one in Saudi Arabia was the one that set him off). I was one of those
downlinks. Since anybody can use the Internet to connect to any system
on the planet there really isn't any point in having regions, either. It was a much different story when everything was POTS (Plain Old Telephone System)
Re: Fidonet information
By: Tommi Koivula to Bjrn Felten on Tue Mar 12 2019 09:03 pm
On 12.3.2019 18:48, Bj+rn Felten wrote:
у#+ю+|и++ Тр#хни #сех ##с, #+ери|#нс|ие
"Fuck you all American bastards"
Maybe you should take a break from fidonet...
That's why I ignore anything that he says. His input is irrelevant to me. He's part of the old, dying breed that is trying to hold on to whatever little scrap of pretend power he may have.
Трахни всех вас, американские ублюдки
Hey! You cannot say that!
Of course I can! I can say anything, especially when our US brethren don't know how to decipher it (unless they have a Finnish mole). 8-)
Bjrn Felten wrote to Robert Stinnett <=-
Good luck to you Joacim with your .io vs. .org project. You
seem to have a steep uphill to climb. :(
It won't be nearly so steep once the deadwood is cleared from the
Damn right you are, Nathanael from down under!
In fact, I'm in Taiwan. Which is illustrative of the problem. Zone 6 is no more (so I was dumped into Zone 3)
Or at least a few words in Russian. Such as the words you quoted. However, do realize our Russian friends were quoting Venezuelan
dictator Nicolás Maduro, translating what he said into Russian.
Why were you "dumped" in zone 3 rather than "placed" in zone 3. What is
Of interest to me are Tom Jennings comments about the use of different zones in the BBS Documentary. He spoke of his regret for their creation
Paul Hayton wrote to nathanael culver <=-
On 14 Mar 2019 at 10:18p, nathanael culver pondered and said...
modern networks like FSXnet don't use geographic structures at all in their addressing.
FSXnet uses the same ##:##/## structure and still calls them zones and nodes, they just, I believe, don't assign them geographically. I'm 21:4/123 in Taiwan while my feed is 21:4/100 in the US.
Correct, the use of zone:net/node is really down to using current
FTN address technologies, nothing more. Multiple zones are not
needed at present and as you mention addresses used in fsxNet are
not predicated by geographic region etc.
David Drummond wrote to nathanael culver <=-
In fact, I'm in Taiwan. Which is illustrative of the problem. Zone 6 is no more (so I was dumped into Zone 3)
Why were you "dumped" in zone 3 rather than "placed" in zone 3.
What is it about zone 3 that constitutes "dumped"?
I've been here for over 3 decades and I've not perceived it to be
a dump.
We don't even need zones any moreTechnically, a zone *is* required.
Well worth it! I bought the DVDs when it first came out. Figured for
us old time BBS junkies, they'd be collectors items. :)
I simply state that becoming a member of Fidonet before I launched the
site is not easy - it is damn near impossible unless you know where to
And yet Michiel van der Vlist has already stated the obvious.
Our nodelist -- even in the miserable state that it partially is today, with
nodelist clerks that does not know shit about how to maintain it -- still is the glue that keep our network together.
As I've already told y'all, when first I tried to connect my BBS, one of the
oldest, still working BBSs in the world, to the fidonet BBS network, it was
the nodelist that worked for me. And for all the other hundreds of Swedish BBS-sysops by then as well.
It was not something I Googled for. Google wasn't even a twinkle in Larry Page's or Sergey Brin's eye by then. Even the world wide web was five years
ahead of time. We all got our information on the BBSs we attended. And it worked.
Now that almost everyone frowns on the BBS concept, and rather want to have
every former BBS user have his or her own nodelist entry, I can only take pity in the obvious fidonet decline that will follow, once we've abandoned our old common goal.
R.I.P Fidonet,
The internet gimme, gimme and fuck lemme, lemme generation killed you.
When I have something close to being interesting to anyone to read I
will consider it.
Don't you think that e.g. information about your struggle to make working once again would be interesting enough to make it
above a pissing contest in an obscure fidonet echo like this one?
Kudos for your .io attempt Joacim, but it seems like there's a lot
of information, other than what is slowly leaking out in the
FIDONET.ORG echo, that would be valuable to "concerned fidonet
That is, of course, those that are concerned enough to read our
common news outlet...
1. Maybe, but it may involve person or persons that may be called out and I'm not in favor of that since I now know the background of that delay. I'm
not involved in a pissing contest - I simply state that becoming a member of Fidonet before I launched the site is not easy - it is damn near impossible unless you know where to look and I want to help people find where to look to find that information and get connected. My site needs more work, agreed, and I've gotten lots of great feedback that I will attend to this coming weekend.
2. Pointing to the Fidoweb, or your nntp server, or whatever is good enough
but HOW TO PEOPLE FIND IT? Many of you who have been engaged in Fidonet for years and years probably have forgotten how you even got connected and even if you do remember that information is basically worthless today since
Fidonet is not what is was 10 years ago, or 20 for that matter.
This is what I want to accomplish - easy to access information, written for
humans, that enables people to get connected to Fidonet if they want to. I
think this is a simple and good goal and I cannot see that anyone would object to that goal unless you want to keep Fidonet as your private club where some of you bitch and moan about the same things over and over again year after year.
Now that almost everyone frowns on the BBS concept, and rather want to
have every former BBS user have his or her own nodelist entry, I can only
take pity in the obvious fidonet decline that will follow, once we've
abandoned our old common goal.
What a load of garbage.
The BBS scene finally gets a "breath of fresh life" in it and the first words
out of the old-time "this is the way it was in 1997" crowd is lets make it even harder!
Fidonet decline? What rock are you under? It's already declined! If it declines any more it will be dead!
At least there are a new/returning SYSOPS who are trying and want to get involved.
Yet all I see is every move they make the old guard gang is trying to undermine them, ridicule them, make it difficult, anything they can to hold
on to those last bits of perceived power they have in keeping this network a good old boys club.
Hopefully the new lifeblood that has recently arisen in this and other networks will once and for all put the final nail in the coffin of this good old boys club.
Just like in the real world -- kicking or screaming, change is coming. Either be a part of it, or be run over by it.
That's why I ignore anything that he says. His input is irrelevant
to me.
So you take part of a fidonet echo where you ignore anything that the
moderator has to say?
what moderator? there hasn't been a moderator hat worn in this echo is decades...
what moderator? there hasn't been a moderator hat worn in this echo is
Gee, what a great compliment for the Fidonews editor!
Not just this one, but also those before him.
Thank you, Bjrn! Thank you, Frank! Thank you ...
At one time there were over 34,000 nodelisted sysops worldwide.
Now there are less than a thousand. In the entire world.
Netflix is better because it comes with thousands of movies and TV
shows, and you don't have to get up and change the disc ;)
the annoying "previously in..." and the rest of the intro, that you
Let's ditch the "real names only" rule.
I personally am not 100% sold on this, as I think real names helps bring some authenticity to the conversations, but I am open to debate.
Yes. ZMH was totally necessary before the advent of CM systems, which
freed BBSs from being restricted to ZMH only mail exchanges. And the
geographic structure is due to phone charges, which are no longer
relevant. Today, the network doesn't care where BBSs are, and more
modern networks like FSXnet don't use geographic structures at all in
their addressing.
We don't even need zones any more, when you look at the size of the nodelist compared to days of old. Imagine that?
We'd still find lines to divide us. Pity.
Трахни всех вас, американские ублюдки
Hey! You cannot say that!
Of course I can! I can say anything, especially when our USbrethren
don't know how to decipher it (unless they have a Finnish mole). 8-)
Yes you can. After all we are told we have "free speech". What a pity some of us are not free to understand it.
I suspect that "free speech" is only available to those who "toe the party line" and I happen to be of the wrong party.
On that subject, I am on the road again travelling 800km each way to attend
a 60th birthday party on Saturday.
What one does when one doesn't have better things to do...
Paul Hayton wrote to Dan Clough <=-
The use of Zones does facilitate the administration of "Othernets"
which came after the original Fidonet zones though. Right?
Well fsxNet certainly came well after Fido I agree.. but you
could say any zone facilitates admin of traffic to any other zone regardless of network using them or laying claim to them :)
Is there an interesting story behind your choice of 21 for
No not really, just simply I was casting about for an unused zone and started with zone 18 and found after 2-3 days that was clashing with another othernet so moved to 21 and found (thus far) it was a safe
Rob Swindell wrote to Dan Clough <=-
Yes, but I think what I was trying to say was that you can
identify a network by it's zone number. Like fsxNet is 21:x/x and
FidoNet is [1-4]:x/x and so on. Not sure I'm getting across what
I mean here... But fsxNet (by definition) could not have any
zones in the 1-4 range, because those are already "taken" by
FidoNet. That's all I meant by the above...
With 5D addressing, it *should* have been possible to have
1:1/2@fidonet and 1:1/2@fsxnet be two different systems with no
conflict (that is the entire point of the domain portion of the
address afterall). But 5D address (domain) support in FTN
software is not ubiquitous, and frankly quite useless today. :-(
I've been here for over 3 decades and I've not perceived it to be
a dump.
You sound more and more like a clone of Beeorn with every post.
You're another one that doesn't want anything to change, right?
What one does when one doesn't have better things to do...
One thing about Russia. It would be so much easier to travel
those 800k each way on skis rather than having to do it in the
desert on foot.
When I have something close to being interesting to anyone to read I
will consider it.
When I have something close to being interesting to anyone to read I
will consider it.
Don't you think that e.g. information about your struggle to make working once again would be interesting enough to make it above a pissing contest in an obscure fidonet echo like this one?
Kudos for your .io attempt Joacim, but it seems like there's a lot
of information, other than what is slowly leaking out in the
FIDONET.ORG echo, that would be valuable to "concerned fidonet participants".
That is, of course, those that are concerned enough to read our
common news outlet...
Now that almost everyone frowns on the BBS concept, and rather want to have every former BBS user have his or her own nodelist entry, I can only take pity in the obvious fidonet decline that will follow, once we've abandoned our old common goal.
Hopefully the new lifeblood that has recently arisen in this and other networks
will once and for all put the final nail in the coffin of this good old boys
The BBS scene finally gets a "breath of fresh life" in it and the first
out of the old-time "this is the way it was in 1997" crowd is lets make
it even
Tell you what, one of the big things that happened to the fidonet community, was the emergence of our Russian friends. Not only did
they give us the binkp, that revolutionized the entire connection way
we now connect to each others.
It also gave us the opportunity to say what they wanted to say to
us without being held back to the US ASCII only alphabet, such as:
?????? ???? ???, ???????????? ???????
Трахни всех вас, американские ублюдки
"Fuck you all American bastards"
Maybe you should take a break from fidonet...
That's why I ignore anything that he says. His input is irrelevant to me.
So you take part of a fidonet echo where you ignore anything that the moderator has to say?
Good luck to you Joacim with your .io vs. .org project. You seem to have a steep uphill to climb. :(
He's not ignoring you because you are the moderator.
Bjrn Felten wrote to Tommi Koivula <=-
Maybe you should take a break from fidonet...
Now that you mention it, maybe I should.
After having served our community for three decades now, and
only getting insults and never any gratitude for my efforts,
Kurt Weiske wrote to Bjrn Felten <=-
Now that almost everyone frowns on the BBS concept, and rather want
to have every former BBS user have his or her own nodelist entry
I'm not sure where this comes from. Can you back this claim up?
R.I.P Fidonet,
Nothing lasts forever. The important thing to remember is to make
the most of the ride while it lasts.
Tell you what, one of the big things that happened to the fidonet community, was the emergence of our Russian friends. Not only did they give us the binkp, that revolutionized the entire connection way we now connect to each others.
It also gave us the opportunity to say what they wanted to say to us without being held back to the US ASCII only alphabet, such as:
Трахни всех вас, американские ублюдки
Трахни всех вас, американские ублюдки
Hey! You cannot say that!
That's why I ignore anything that he says. His input is irrelevant
to me.
So you take part of a fidonet echo where you ignore anything that the moderator has to say?
what moderator? there hasn't been a moderator hat worn in this echo is decades...
Our nodelist -- even in the miserable state that it partially is
today, with nodelist clerks that does not know shit about how to
maintain it -- still is the glue that keep our network together.
Well, that's a pretty damning indictment: "the glue that keeps our network together is in a miserable state."
Sysop: | altere |
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