• Nodelist Statistics

    From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to All on Mon Jan 16 16:24:43 2023
    NetStats 4.0.5 2023/01/16

    Input Nodelist /home/mbse/var/nodelist/nodelist.013
    Date 2023/1/13
    File Size 173.02 KBytes.

    The Nodelist has 911 Nodes in it
    and a total of 1334 non-comment entries.

    Includes 4 Zones
    33 Regions
    165 Hosts
    58 Hubs

    Admin Overhead 260 (28.54%)
    and 94 private nodes
    37 nodes down
    32 nodes on hold

    Offline Overhead 163 ( 17.89%)

    CrashMail capable 830 (91.11%)
    MailOnly Nodes 263 (28.87%)

    Zone Break Down
    Zone 1 - North_America_(012)
    Region 10
    Hosts 53
    Hubs 1
    Sysops 359
    Hold 4
    Down 25
    Pvt 25

    Zone 2 - Eur_(013)
    Region 17
    Hosts 103
    Hubs 55
    Sysops 509
    Hold 27
    Down 12
    Pvt 57

    Zone 3 - Australia_NZ_PNG
    Region 2
    Hosts 4
    Hubs 0
    Sysops 26
    Hold 0
    Down 0
    Pvt 1

    Zone 4 - America_Latina
    Region 4
    Hosts 5
    Hubs 2
    Sysops 17
    Hold 1
    Down 0
    Pvt 11

    Total Active Sysops 911 Excluding Overheads

    The following values include Down, Hold and Private sysops

    Speed Summaries (zero omitted)
    33600 = 24 ( 2.63%)
    9600 = 154 ( 16.90%)
    (H16 = 20 ( 12.99%)
    (HST = 2 ( 1.30%)
    (V32 = 69 ( 44.81%)
    (V32T = 21 ( 13.64%)
    (V34 = 65 ( 42.21%)
    (V42 = 63 ( 40.91%)
    2400 = 1 ( 0.11%)
    300 = 732 (80.35%)
    ISDN = 1 ( 0.11%)

    File Request Statuses (zero omitted)
    XA = 161 (17.67%)
    XR = 5 ( 0.55%)
    XW = 37 ( 4.06%)
    XX = 147 (16.14%)

    IP (zero omitted)
    Flag Protocol Systems
    ===== ======== =======
    IBN Binkp 770 (84.52%)
    IFC Raw ifcico 75 ( 8.23%)
    IFT FTP 60 ( 6.59%)
    ITN Telnet 163 (17.89%)
    IVM Vmodem 15 ( 1.65%)
    INO4 IPv6 only 5 ( 0.55%)
    IP Others 1 ( 0.11%)

    Report produced by Netstats - A P.D and Open Source program
    Updated by Vincent Coen and available from 2:250/1 ]
    and at http://www.applewood.linkpc.net/files/NetStats

    NetStats 4.0.5 2023/01/16

    --- MBSE BBS v1.0.8.2 (Linux-x86_64)
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Vincent Coen on Mon Jan 16 20:02:32 2023
    Total Active Sysops 911 Excluding Overheads

    Bullshit !!


    --- DB4 - MidniteSpecial
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Ward Dossche on Mon Jan 16 20:32:37 2023
    Hello Ward!

    Monday January 16 2023 20:02, you wrote to me:

    Total Active Sysops 911 Excluding Overheads

    Bullshit !!


    Proof ?


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Vincent Coen on Tue Jan 17 00:27:57 2023

    Total Active Sysops 911 Excluding Overheads

    Bullshit !!

    Proof ?

    There are 831 individual listed sysops in the nodelist, give or take a few.
    You probably are counting multiple sysops such as all the versions of "TJ Barlow". "Listed" does not mean "active" ... if of those 831 there are some 150 active then it'll be a lot ...

    You are probably counting bogus sysops such as "nobody". "UUCP", "Oklahoma_City_OK", "Gatekeeper", "N5030_SYSOP", "N5030PK"...

    So please stick to your own segment and drop that crappy software in the trashcan, a few easy clicks will do that.

    While I'm at it, please stop spamming my netmail area every first of the month with statistics I'm not interested in ... you're doing that with other people as well. They don't like it either.

    Take care,


    --- DB4 - MidniteSpecial
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Dan Clough@1:123/115 to Ward Dossche on Mon Jan 16 19:21:00 2023
    Ward Dossche wrote to Vincent Coen <=-

    Total Active Sysops 911 Excluding Overheads

    Bullshit !!

    Proof ?

    There are 831 individual listed sysops in the nodelist, give or
    take a few. You probably are counting multiple sysops such as all
    the versions of "TJ Barlow". "Listed" does not mean "active" ...
    if of those 831 there are some 150 active then it'll be a lot ...

    Your *opinions* are not *proof* of anything.

    So please stick to your own segment and drop that crappy software
    in the trashcan, a few easy clicks will do that.

    He can post what he wants, just like anyone else can.

    Perfect illustration of cratchety old fucks who preach a good game, but
    deep down actually *DO* want the Zone Wars to continue/resume. You
    don't fool anybody.

    ... Diplomacy is saying 'Nice Doggy' until you find a rock.
    === MultiMail/Linux v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Palantir * palantirbbs.ddns.net * Pensacola, FL * (1:123/115)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Vincent Coen on Tue Jan 17 08:54:29 2023
    Hello Vincent,

    Tuesday January 17 2023 00:27, Ward Dossche wrote to you:

    While I'm at it, please stop spamming my netmail area every first of
    the month with statistics I'm not interested in ... you're doing that
    with other people as well. They don't like it either.

    I concur. I have no need for that, so Vince please remove me from the list of receivers.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)
  • From Tristan Greaves@2:250/11 to Ward Dossche on Tue Jan 17 08:38:42 2023
    Re: Re: Nodelist Statistics
    By: Ward Dossche to Vincent Coen on Tue Jan 17 2023 12:27 am

    While I'm at it, please stop spamming my netmail area every first of the month with statistics I'm not interested in ...
    you're doing that with other people as well. They don't like it either.

    I find the stats interesting. And I am sure they can be refined.

    Be kind.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: Extricate BBS - bbs.extricate.org (2:250/11)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Dan Clough on Tue Jan 17 11:06:54 2023

    So please stick to your own segment and drop that crappy software
    in the trashcan, a few easy clicks will do that.

    He can post what he wants, just like anyone else can.

    Perfect illustration of cratchety old fucks who preach a good game, but deep down actually *DO* want the Zone Wars to continue/resume. You
    don't fool anybody.

    Please keep sending messages for me to print and wipe my ass with.

    Just so you know, Vince resides in Z2 ... Zone wars?

    He's a big boy, can take some flak and proudly wears his battle scars.


    --- DB4 - MidniteSpecial
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Tristan Greaves on Tue Jan 17 11:07:09 2023

    I find the stats interesting. And I am sure they can be refined.

    Then I wish you a lot of enjoyment with them, I have no need nor desire.

    Take care,


    --- DB4 - MidniteSpecial
    * Origin: Many Glacier - Preserve / Protect / Conserve (2:292/854)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Ward Dossche on Tue Jan 17 19:36:59 2023
    Hello Ward!

    Tuesday January 17 2023 00:27, you wrote to me:


    Total Active Sysops 911 Excluding Overheads

    Bullshit !!

    Proof ?

    There are 831 individual listed sysops in the nodelist, give or take a
    few. You probably are counting multiple sysops such as all the
    versions of "TJ Barlow". "Listed" does not mean "active" ... if of
    those 831 there are some 150 active then it'll be a lot ...

    You are probably counting bogus sysops such as "nobody". "UUCP", "Oklahoma_City_OK", "Gatekeeper", "N5030_SYSOP", "N5030PK"...

    Yes it does not do any analysis of the names used - it could prove some what tricky as to what are valid and what are not.

    The Host for these should be controlling such matters but clearly they fall down on that job as they do from many admin tasks.

    So please stick to your own segment and drop that crappy software in
    the trashcan, a few easy clicks will do that.

    The service is offered to all not just "you" - personally I find it
    interesting that the counts just keep going downwards over, not a long time period.

    While I'm at it, please stop spamming my netmail area every first of
    the month with statistics I'm not interested in ... you're doing that
    with other people as well. They don't like it either.

    My system sends out a list of connected eCho and files to all connected system but I have removed you from that standard option - (it defaults to on) and no
    I am not involved in such like.


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Michiel van der Vlist on Tue Jan 17 19:43:44 2023
    Hello Michiel!

    Tuesday January 17 2023 08:54, you wrote to me:

    Hello Vincent,

    Tuesday January 17 2023 00:27, Ward Dossche wrote to you:

    While I'm at it, please stop spamming my netmail area every first
    of the month with statistics I'm not interested in ... you're
    doing that with other people as well. They don't like it either.

    I concur. I have no need for that, so Vince please remove me from the
    list of receivers.

    Removed but you could have done so yourself using the normal filemgr and areafix tools at any time.


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Vincent Coen on Tue Jan 17 16:26:41 2023
    On 17 Jan 23 19:36:59, Vincent Coen said the following to Ward Dossche:

    The Host for these should be controlling such matters but clearly they fall down on that job as they do from many admin tasks.

    You're starting to sound like our fascist keyboard-warrior Nodelist Police.

    They're always looking for problems, always pouncing on imperfections, always with their little effeminate passive aggressive micromanaging techno-dick mannerisms and rudeness. Week after week... all over a silly textfile.

    All because I refused to play dictator, refused to tell my Sysop neighbors how to keep their backyards clean.

    Maybe if you and some others were to start paying IT-admin salaries, that
    file would be taken seriously here and kept to your expectations.

    The service is offered to all not just "you" - personally I find it interesting that the counts just keep going downwards over, not a long time period.

    Leonard Cohen wrote a song where "Everybody knows" that the ship is sinking.

    Stats stopped being interesting around '96, '97 and became annoying when they became shoved down my throat every week or month. Always from Linux systems, always from some Linux weirdo who loves playing mathematician.

    Please remove me from the Areamgr/Filemgr Netmails as well. Thank you.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)
  • From Vincent Coen@2:250/1 to Nick Andre on Wed Jan 18 00:46:23 2023
    Hello Nick!

    Tuesday January 17 2023 16:26, you wrote to me:

    On 17 Jan 23 19:36:59, Vincent Coen said the following to Ward

    The Host for these should be controlling such matters but clearly
    they fall down on that job as they do from many admin tasks.

    You're starting to sound like our fascist keyboard-warrior Nodelist

    Not hardly, I look after my region at 25 and that includes trying to ensure that there is nothing incorrect, duplicates, etc, etc so I see no reason why other cannot do the same, it is after all takes very little time.

    They're always looking for problems, always pouncing on imperfections, always with their little effeminate passive aggressive micromanaging techno-dick mannerisms and rudeness. Week after week... all over a
    silly textfile.

    See above - other wise providing the system is working I dont give a shit !

    All because I refused to play dictator, refused to tell my Sysop
    neighbors how to keep their backyards clean.

    Maybe if you and some others were to start paying IT-admin salaries,
    that file would be taken seriously here and kept to your expectations.

    Did that with a payroll over $200m py - I am retired so do not have to concern myself other than checking the royalty, dividents keep appearing with appropriate anounts.

    The service is offered to all not just "you" - personally I find
    it interesting that the counts just keep going downwards over, not
    a long time period.

    I keep very few such stats and only got involved with Netstats when I found of load of errors in the source.

    Leonard Cohen wrote a song where "Everybody knows" that the ship is

    Stats stopped being interesting around '96, '97 and became annoying
    when they became shoved down my throat every week or month. Always
    from Linux systems, always from some Linux weirdo who loves playing mathematician.

    Stats are useful to some sysops who wish to try and keep their systems working at peak. For me it is a habit grown from working on mainframes over a few years
    - like 60+.

    Please remove me from the Areamgr/Filemgr Netmails as well. Thank you.

    Done - all helps to cut down on paper.


    --- Mageia Linux v8 X64/Mbse v1.0.8/GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: Air Applewood, The Linux Gateway to the UK & Eire (2:250/1)
  • From Michiel van der Vlist@2:280/5555 to Vincent Coen on Wed Jan 18 14:04:50 2023
    Hello Vincent,

    On Tuesday January 17 2023 19:43, you wrote to me:

    I concur. I have no need for that, so Vince please remove me from
    the list of receivers.

    Removed but you could have done so yourself using the normal filemgr
    and areafix tools at any time.

    Why should the burden of switching it off rest the receiver? You say it is "on" by default but that was not always so. In any case it was not when I set up a link with you many years ago. It was switched on without me asking for it. Such "features" should never be "on" by default. I have more then three dozens links. It would severely cloud my netmail area if all links would have this "feature" enabled.

    OK, thanks for switching it off.

    Cheers, Michiel

    --- GoldED+/W32-MSVC 1.1.5-b20170303
    * Origin: http://www.vlist.org (2:280/5555)
  • From Nick Andre@1:229/426 to Vincent Coen on Wed Jan 18 08:31:27 2023
    On 18 Jan 23 00:46:23, Vincent Coen said the following to Nick Andre:

    Stats are useful to some sysops who wish to try and keep their systems wor at peak. For me it is a habit grown from working on mainframes over a few years
    - like 60+.

    I have a few processes that run here to ensure uptime and that the mail and nodelists are moving. Other than that I really have no need to do housekeeping or babysitting. Almost everything on this system was automated long ago.


    --- Renegade vY2Ka2
    * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)