Hi, Denis! Recently you wrote in a message to All:
I do this for small amounts of things used
for flavoring like yellow pepper.
What is yellow pepper?
I'd suggest you look up "sweet pepper", "bell pepper", or "capsicum". These things come in various colours including yellow, orange, and red.... :-)
What means: sprinkle with the salt,
Didn't you use the word "sprinkle" not long ago WRT something Aussies (and others) use to decorate cookies? Usually "sprinkle" indicates the item in question is scattered more or less sparingly. It can be a noun or a verb.
cover, and refrigerate overnight?... Why?
Some food items may be best chilled for awhile before going on to the next stage, and they're usually covered so they don't dry out or pick up odours from e.g. the onions & well-aged cheese sharing fridge space with them.... :-Q
--- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
* Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)