Dear Dads,
On July 14th, I'll be sending content out that you can participate in with
your children. The simple goal of All Pro Dad is to schedule out:
1. One Meeting a Day that we read an email on Dad tips (if you subscribe to their news letter).
2. One Breakfast per month we spend time with just the Dad and kids, talking about a specific teachable moment for Dads to kids, and in the process we
learn about our kids via discussions on the topic we didn't know they needed support on -- as maybe, we've been traveling, working, stressed over COVID, etc.. This section is usually an in school meeting, but we will do this on
our own and post our findings in a structured way on FidoNet:
a. I'm proud of _____ (kids name) this month, because ____. This you
put thought in, reflect on the month, share with them and type to us.
b. Topic of the month "Resilience": what it means, a video to
illustrate it, specific questions the dads ask kids and kids ask dads
one on one.
c. Recap Topic based on All Pro Dad suggestions, we can discuss on Fido.
d. Challenge of the month: Do [something] relating to the topic with
your kids that practices / demonstrates resilience (or whatever the
topic of the month is). This at times might be on a topic of giving,
so the challenge might be volunteering time to those in need. Or
more simple, to work on homework together.
f. A raffle drawing (usually in live meeting) but you could give a
small token to show appreciation for them participating with you.
e. Usually walk the kid to class to see the work they do, and the pride
they share equally to the pride you do. With many schools starting
in a Month in Indiana, visitors will not be allowed. So maybe a
visit to their hobby, or a virtual facetime of their walk to class
that morning of the month.
To participate, it's helpful to have the following:
1. Short power point guide.
2. Video to show.
3. Discussion Q&A
To get these, I signed up as the "captain," basically paid $50 to gain access ot the material so I can give it to you.
To know your email address to google share it and or email directly, I would need you to RSVP to the meeting. Or, I can't see BBS's being a good platform to facilitate this.
to RSVP for JULY 14ths content distro. go to:
The FidoNet chapter is specifically 12159.
If the link doesn't work. Go to .. then "search for a chapter," and list the chapter number 12159. From there you'll be able to:
1. Subscribe to the 1 minute a day quick email Dad tips we can also discuss. 2. RSVP for file distro.
3. Utilize the DAD's fidonet page in it's intent: single or married dad, single or married mom's can also participate, however there is another
program via "Family first" called "iMom" based on the same as the aforementioned, that is a mom group.
Virtual meetings from have STOPPED as all school years
have. However, I have access to the 2010-2020 content to begin these early
and now.
I look forward to those who read and post here giving it a try. I have found this Dad program to be incredibly beneficial in being a better dad, husband, and in better guiding my children through the challenges and behaviors that seem simplistic to me; yet more of a challenge for them; that often times was
a brush off (at times with annoyance). It also opened my eyes to the simple concept that kids work and are busy too -- learning. And often times, my
work consumed time and energy to lack them guidance. I found this program to provide structured time to "on purpose" focus on their growth and development.
IF you have issues RSVP'ing or ??? you can email me at
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