• 10/11 Dulce de Leche - 1

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Thu Oct 10 12:52:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Dulce De Leche
    Categories: Five, Dairy, Candy
    Yield: 1 1/2 cups

    4 c (1 l) whole milk
    1 c (200 g) white sugar
    1/2 ts Baking soda
    3 tb Heavy cream
    Vanilla drops
    pn Salt (opt)

    Heat the milk and cream over medium heat in a large
    saucepan with high sides and double or triple bottom.

    Add the sugar when it's warm and mix.

    Add the baking soda and stir until it dissolves.

    When it starts to boil, lower the heat to a minimum
    but keep it simmering.

    At this point is where you can add a plate upside down,
    glass marbles, or some other small glass object that can
    withstand the heat. What they do is move around so it
    `stirs' the mixture and also helps with crystallization.

    Let it reduce, stirring every so often, about an hour,
    or an hour and a half. This depends on the amount of
    milk you're using and the amount of heat.

    It darkens from the bicarbonate and thickens. If you
    added a plate you can stir once in a while, but it not,
    you should stir more often.

    At some point, usually an hour from the moment it starts
    to simmer, it gets quite dark and thickens. At this
    point, it's almost ready. Maybe a few minutes more. Make
    sure you take out the plate and stir constantly during
    these last moments.

    If you put a little on a plate it will run immediately,
    be quite liquid. It will thicken a lot as it cools and
    even more in the refrigerator.

    Remove from the heat, add vanilla and salt if using,
    transfer to a bowl and let cool. If you stir over a
    bowl with ice water it will cool faster and generally
    makes it creamier because there's a smaller chance of

    Whisk at the end before refrigerating to make it as
    creamy as possible.

    Fill a jar and keep refrigerated.

    RECIPE FROM: https://vintagekitchennotes.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... I guess I have disposable income. I sure dispose of it fast.
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