• Teochew Fish Porridge

    From Carol Shenkenberger@1:275/100 to Ben Collver on Tue Feb 27 14:03:25 2024
    Re: Teochew Fish Porridge
    By: Ben Collver to All on Sun Feb 25 2024 09:59 pm

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Teochew Fish Porridge
    Categories: Chinese, Soup
    Yield: 2 Servings

    20 g Dried prawns
    10 g Dried squid body
    200 g White fish fillet
    120 g Long-grain jasmine rice
    800 ml Water; boiling, up to 900 ml
    1 ts Light soya sauce
    1 ts Tianjin/Tientsin pickled
    1 tb Spring onions; cut 3-4 mm
    1 tb Fried garlic or shallots
    Ground white pepper; to

    Rinse dried prawns. soak 10 minutes or longer in just enough water to
    cover 20 g dried prawns.

    Discard quill from dried squid. Cut crosswise about 3 cm long with
    scissors. Cut lengthwise into thin strips about 1 mm thick. Rinse.
    Soak in just enough water to cover until soft, about 20 minutes

    Rinse fish fillet. Slice bite-size 3-4 mm thick. Mix evenly with 1 ts
    light soya sauce. Sprinkle with 1/2 ts corn flour or tapioca starch.
    Mix thoroughly.

    Put kettle on. Wash rice till water runs clear. Add dried prawns,
    along with soaking liquid, and 750 ml boiling water. Bring to a boil.
    Stir thoroughly to prevent rice from sticking. Keep rice boiling
    rapidly for 10 minutes, checking and stirring from time to time to
    make sure rice doesn't boil over.

    Top up with boiling water if necessary, depending on how thin you
    like your porridge. Continue boiling rapidly till rice is just soft
    but surface is still smooth without any sign of turning mushy,
    another 5 minutes or so.

    Season porridge with 1 ts light soya sauce and pickled cabbage. Add
    fish and stir through gently, over high heat. Turn off heat once
    porridge returns to a gentle simmer. Add dried squid, along with
    soaking liquid, and stir through. Remove pot from stove.

    Quickly taste and adjust seasoning if necessary. Immediately transfer
    porridge to serving bowls to prevent fish from overcooking. Sprinkle
    with spring onions, fried garlic and ground white pepper. Serve


    Fish porridge is best eaten with a light soya sauce dip, with lime
    juice and thinly sliced bird's eye chillies added. The savoury, tangy
    dip brings out the sweetness of the fish.

    Recipe by Kitchen Tigress

    Recipe FROM: <https://kitchentigress.com/teochew-fish-porridge-video/>


    Grin, that looks a little like 'outa stuff' cooking. They wanted a little vinegared seaweed but were out so grabbed a small jar of pickled cabbage.. snicker

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