• we've only just begun

    From Maurice Kinal@1:153/7001 to Karen Carpenter on Tue Dec 8 23:15:10 2020
    Hey Karen!

    A snippet from "iw list" regarding mini-pcie cards for the upcoming 5GHz mesh;

    valid interface combinations:
    * #{ managed } <= 2, #{ AP, mesh point, P2P-client, P2P-GO } <= 2, #{ P2P-device } <= 1,
    total <= 4, #channels <= 1
    * #{ managed } <= 2, #{ P2P-client } <= 2, #{ AP, mesh point, P2P-GO } <= 1, #{ P2P-device } <= 1,
    total <= 4, #channels <= 2
    * #{ managed } <= 1, #{ IBSS } <= 1,
    total <= 2, #channels <= 1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    lspci claims; "Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter"

    Life is good,

    ... Muþa gehwylc mete þearf, mæl sceolon tidum gongan.
    Every mouth needs food; meals should come at the right time.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001)
  • From Maurice Kinal@2:280/464.113 to Maurice Kinal on Tue Dec 8 15:41:27 2020
    Hallo Maurice!

    lspci claims; "Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377
    802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter"

    Exactly the same thing here; "Network controller: Qualcomm Atheros QCA9377 802.11ac Wireless Network Adapter"

    --- GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu)

    Also here. Not sure what to think about it yet other than everything bashist here still works ... :::knock on wood:::

    These should serve us well as the kickstart to all things meshie.

    Het leven is goed,

    ... Ellen sceal on eorle; ecg sceal wið hellme hilde gebidan.
    Courage belongs in a warrior; sword against helmet shall face battle.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint - Ladysmith BC, Canada (2:280/464.113)
  • From Maurice Kinal@2:280/464.113 to Maurice Kinal on Tue Dec 8 15:54:57 2020
    Hallo Maurice!

    Made a slight adjustment to fix the fix.

    Het leven is goed,

    ... Ælc mann þe wisdom lufaþ biþ gesælig.
    Everyone who loves wisdom is blessed.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint - Ladysmith BC, Canada (2:280/464.113)
  • From Maurice Kinal@2:280/464.113 to Maurice Kinal on Tue Dec 8 15:58:41 2020
    Hallo Maurice!

    One last one as the last fixed fix was short of a fix. Stinkin' corrupt TZUTC.

    Het leven is goed,

    ... Heald hordlocan, hyge fæste bind mid modsefan.
    Hold close the treasure-chest, bind your thoughts fast within the heart. --- GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint - Ladysmith BC, Canada (2:280/464.113)
  • From Maurice Kinal@2:280/464.113 to Maurice Kinal on Tue Dec 8 16:01:17 2020
    Hallo Maurice!

    One last one as the last fixed fix was short of a fix.

    Hopefully this confirms the fixed, fixed fix indeed fixes what should have never happened in the first place.

    Het leven is goed,

    ... [Wif sceal] leohtmod wesan rune healdan, rumheort beon.
    A woman should be cheerful, keep secrets, and have a generous heart.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint - Ladysmith BC, Canada (2:280/464.113)
  • From Maurice Kinal@1:153/7001 to Maurice Kinal on Wed Dec 9 00:10:13 2020
    Hey Maurice!

    Hopefully this confirms the fixed, fixed fix indeed fixes what
    should have never happened in the first place.

    It looks good from this angle. Looking at it I am glad the node isn't buying into any of that crap.

    Life is good,

    ... Wræd sceal wunden, wracu heardum men.
    A wound must have a bandage, an unyielding man must have revenge.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.1.0(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001)