Hi Charles!
18 Nov 20 07:29, you wrote to Wilfred van Velzen:
I did read metal pipes would corrode quicker with hydrogen.
Using the existing system of pipes? Maybe they can run a bot through them to apply some kind of coating. Don't they run welder bots for repairs?
Or... slide in sections of plastic into existing pipes?
Which reminds me.. When my family house was built, I remember my mom telling my dad that instead of just laying down the phone cables a few feet under the ground as-is between pole and house, lay down a pvc pipe and feed the phone lines through that.
My dad, as often embarrased that a woman would have a better idea, resisted.
Years later, when we needed phone line servicing (and more lines for my BBS <g>) ran into problems. It would have been easier to feed extra cables through a pvc pipe on day-one for future consideration and when needing to switch cable pairs.
--- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20180707
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http://www.velenobbs.net) (2:333/808.7)