• nutella was: except for alice

    From Nancy Backus@1:229/452 to Maurice Kinal on Thu May 7 23:14:18 2020
    Quoting Maurice Kinal to mark lewis on 05-May-2020 19:08 <=-

    IIRC, nutella is hazel nut butter... like peanut butter... might
    have chocolate in it, too...

    I didn't notice any chocolate in the recipe I looked at but instead unsweetened cocoa powder which is not quite chocolate ... if I am not mistaken. Perhaps chocolate might be a good (better?) substitute.
    I'd probably give it a try. :-)

    Unsweetened cocoa powder is an ingredient of dark or milk chocolate...

    Hold on ... I now see a recipe at https://www.splendidtable.org for homemade nutella that calls for 12 ounces milk chocolate, chopped.

    That would be a reasonable shortcut... ;)

    been years since i had any...

    I think I had it once when I was a young lad way back when. If I am
    not mistaken we spread it on toast as a butter substitute but then

    It can be used as a substitute for peanut butter on toast, too... I used
    to just eat it by the spoonful out of the jar... ;) Or swirl it onto my finger... ;)

    switched back to regular butter since butter *is* better ... although vegans will probably disagree with me.

    I wouldn't use it as a substitute for butter... nothing beats butter
    melting into hot toast... :) Maybe sprinkle on some cinnamon sugar as
    a treat.... yum... ;)

    ttyl neb

    ... A neglected food group along with the Congealed group.

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  • From Maurice Kinal@2:280/464.113 to Nancy Backus on Fri May 8 07:40:43 2020
    Hallo Nancy!

    homemade nutella that calls for 12 ounces milk chocolate, chopped.

    That would be a reasonable shortcut... ;)

    An acceptable one too although most hardcore Vegans would disagree because of the milk.

    nothing beats butter melting into hot toast...

    Hot butter melting into/onto almost everything is a good thing. :::patent pending:::

    Maybe sprinkle on some cinnamon sugar as a treat.... yum... ;)

    Sure but you had me at "butter melting into hot toast".

    Het leven is goed,

    ... Cybertoasts van belang:
    2020-11-05 is 181 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een donderdag.
    2021-01-01 is 238 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een vrijdag.
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    * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint - Ladysmith BC, Canada (2:280/464.113)
  • From Nancy Backus@1:229/452 to Maurice Kinal on Tue May 12 19:44:38 2020
    Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 08-May-2020 07:40 <=-

    homemade nutella that calls for 12 ounces milk chocolate, chopped.
    That would be a reasonable shortcut... ;)

    An acceptable one too although most hardcore Vegans would disagree
    because of the milk.

    Perhaps... but then Nutella isn't really a Vegan treat anyway... :)

    nothing beats butter melting into hot toast...

    Hot butter melting into/onto almost everything is a good thing.
    :::patent pending:::

    Can't patent that one... too many others are already using that
    statement... :)

    Maybe sprinkle on some cinnamon sugar as a treat.... yum... ;)

    Sure but you had me at "butter melting into hot toast".

    Got stuck on that, did you...? ;)

    ttyl neb

    ... Honest bread is very well - it's the butter that makes the temptation.

    --- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F
    * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet://tinysbbs.com:3023 (1:229/452)
  • From Maurice Kinal@2:280/464.113 to Nancy Backus on Wed May 13 14:28:16 2020
    Hallo Nancy!

    but then Nutella isn't really a Vegan treat anyway... :)

    The first recipe for nutella that I stumbled across was a vegan nutella. That is where I got the quote about hazelnuts being extremely good for you from. The one that called for milk chocolate wasn't from that site given the milk part.

    Sure but you had me at "butter melting into hot toast".

    Got stuck on that, did you...? ;)

    For sure. I am still there.

    Het leven is goed,

    ... Cybertoasts van belang:
    2020-11-05 is 176 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een donderdag.
    2021-01-01 is 233 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een vrijdag.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.0.17(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint - Ladysmith BC, Canada (2:280/464.113)
  • From Nancy Backus@1:229/452 to Maurice Kinal on Wed May 20 16:54:06 2020
    Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 13-May-2020 14:28 <=-

    but then Nutella isn't really a Vegan treat anyway... :)

    The first recipe for nutella that I stumbled across was a vegan
    nutella. That is where I got the quote about hazelnuts being
    extremely good for you from.

    Ah... that explains it... ;) Nuts are one of the better plant sources
    of proteins, but still not a perfect food, or even perfect protein... :)

    The one that called for milk chocolate
    wasn't from that site given the milk part.

    For sure... :) Lacto-vegetarian, maybe, but not vegan... ;)

    Sure but you had me at "butter melting into hot toast".
    Got stuck on that, did you...? ;)

    For sure. I am still there.

    Have you consumed a loaf of bread and a pound of butter, yet....? <G>

    ttyl neb

    ... Tomato paste: what you use to fix broken tomatoes.

    --- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F
    * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet://tinysbbs.com:3023 (1:229/452)
  • From Maurice Kinal@1:153/7001 to mark lewis on Sat May 23 02:58:30 2020
    Hey mark!

    those are vegans... all others are vegetarians of one type or
    another... "vegan" is not short for "vegetarian" ;)

    I am concluding that what I though of as hardcore vegans are the only true vegans based on your reply to me.

    Life is good,

    ... Don't cry for me I have vi.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.0.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001)
  • From mark lewis@1:3634/12 to Maurice Kinal on Sat May 23 09:16:29 2020
    Re: nutella was: except for alice
    By: Maurice Kinal to mark lewis on Sat May 23 2020 02:58:30

    those are vegans... all others are vegetarians of one type or
    another... "vegan" is not short for "vegetarian" ;)

    I am concluding that what I though of as hardcore vegans are the
    only true vegans based on your reply to me.

    yes... vegans are vegans... hardcore or not... unlike so-called high-ascii (>127) which i don't think anyone has coined a decent name for that is satisfactory to everyone after all these years ;)

    --- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux
    * Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)
  • From Maurice Kinal@2:280/464.113 to mark lewis on Sat May 23 15:28:36 2020
    Hallo mark!

    yes... vegans are vegans... hardcore or not...

    That works for me.

    unlike so-called high-ascii (>127) which i don't think anyone
    has coined a decent name for that is satisfactory to everyone
    after all these years ;)

    I suggest bullshit. Anyhow if the CP437 people, or whatever they have been suckered into calling that particular encoding, wish to continue believing in the high-ascii codes I personally don't have an issue with it other than refusing to participate in the scam amd calling it out when they try to impose their total nonsense on everyone.

    Another delusion is that they are in the majority which is almost as big of a pile of bullshit as high-ascii is.

    Het leven is goed,

    ... Huil niet om mij, ik heb vi.
    --- GNU bash, version 5.0.16(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
    * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint - Ladysmith BC, Canada (2:280/464.113)
  • From Nancy Backus@1:229/452 to mark lewis on Wed Jun 3 17:25:58 2020
    Quoting mark lewis to Maurice Kinal on 22-May-2020 08:47 <=-

    Re: nutella was: except for alice
    By: Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on Thu May 21 2020 18:54:00

    For sure... :) Lacto-vegetarian, maybe, but not vegan... ;)
    Hardcore vegans don't use any products derived from animals such as
    milk, cheese, etc.

    those are vegans... all others are vegetarians of one type or
    another... "vegan" is not short for "vegetarian" ;)

    Thank you for jumping in with this... saved me having to do the entire explanation myself and yours is much more in depth than I likely would
    have gone into.... :) I have friends and family that subscribe to one
    level or other of this, from vegan all the way to pescatarian.... and of
    course many others that tend to be some sort of flexitarian...

    https://vegetarian-nation.com/resources/common-questions/types-levels-v egetarian/

    So that was your source... :)

    ttyl neb

    -!- SBBSecho 3.11-Linux
    ! Origin: SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR (1:3634/12)

    ... Windows user's favorite ice cream: Hoggin' DOS.

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  • From Nancy Backus@1:229/452 to Maurice Kinal on Tue Jun 2 18:40:40 2020
    Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 21-May-2020 18:54 <=-

    For sure... :) Lacto-vegetarian, maybe, but not vegan... ;)

    Hardcore vegans don't use any products derived from animals such as
    milk, cheese, etc. Therefore milk chocolate would be a no-no simply because of the milk. Chocolate is okay as long as there is no milk,
    or any other animal byproduct, in it's ingredients.

    It might be better to say that vegans are a more limited form of
    vegetarian, not that they are hardcore... but yes, vegans won't even eat
    honey because it is an animal (insect) product...

    Have you consumed a loaf of bread and a pound of butter, yet....?

    Nope. I don't buy or bake bread since it goes moldy/stale before I
    can eat it all. Butter I use daily for all sorts of things but not
    toast. I can still fantasize about it though. At the moment I am thinking Russian rye for some reason.

    We don't use bread very fast either... so we keep ours in the fridge,
    which keeps it edible for a few months... ;)

    ttyl neb

    ... IF code_works THEN don't_fix_it END IF

    --- EzyBlueWave V3.00 01FB001F
    * Origin: Tiny's BBS - telnet://tinysbbs.com:3023 (1:229/452)