I was induced to pour myself a wee drap of my Macallan 12, and
toast the day... ;)
Hope everything is going well for you.... :)
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 06-Nov-2019 10:39 <=-
I was induced to pour myself a wee drap of my Macallan 12, and
toast the day... ;)
As it turned out, it was a good and deserving day for it. I managed
to sneak in a couple of shots of 12 year old Glenfiddich with a
neighbour. We toasted life in general and the fact that both of us
are still alive and more or less functioning in this crazy mixed up
Hope everything is going well for you.... :)
As well as everything can get. I am still up to my same old tricks.
How about yourself? You haven't been exactly chatty in these parts lately.
... Cybertoasts van belang:
2020-01-01 is 56 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een woensdag.
2024-11-05 is 1826 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een dinsdag.
Any Glenfiddich left in the bottle...? ;)
Hadn't been seeing you here in the echo so much, so wondered....
I've been on the go even more than usual this year
2020-01-01 is 56 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een woensdag.
Starting to get close... ;)
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 08-Nov-2019 16:13 <=-
Any Glenfiddich left in the bottle...? ;)Enough for at least one very decent shot ... or two short ones if
It was only a small 375ml bottle purchased at the last minute
but was sufficient to mark the moment. I made sure it wasn't an
official cybertoast so not to diminish the significance of 2024-11-05.
Hadn't been seeing you here in the echo so much, so wondered....I got distracted setting up a supposedly fancier version of a testing
echo which looks to have been a waste of time since it did nothing
towards the original intent for it. Not really a surprise here but I
can at least say I tried. Besides this has proved to be the best
echoarea for anything I've ever needed testing. I am a satisfied customer. :-)
I've been on the go even more than usual this yearSounds like you've had fun.
For me this was a quiet summer and got no visitors from the east.
My former wife phoned me on Guy Fawkes Day and we got got up on all
things we needed to.
I am hoping for a quiet and warmer winter this year although the fall
thus far has been subpar as far as temperatures are concerned.
Hopefully that is not a sign of thing to come.
2020-01-01 is 56 dagen vanaf nu en valt op een woensdag.
Starting to get close... ;)
Yes indeed. I am hoping to find a Glenlivet gift pack this time
around. Tis the season.
So enough to possibly share... ;)
Guess you learned from that... :)
I certainly was ready to take a break at the end
Right now we are in a really cold snap
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 13-Nov-2019 18:41 <=-
So enough to possibly share... ;)
I suppose but it is sharing that got it down so low in the first
place. I doubt it will last to 2020-01-01 sharing or not. Mind you
it is still sitting there untouched since 2019-11-05.
Guess you learned from that... :)
Like always. So far the only thing beyond the basics that has
survived is the dynamic cybertoast countdown tagline thingy. I
suspect that it still works on "Little Mikey's Brain" - which is the official Fidonet nodelisted machine - but as of last half dozen months
I avoided replying with that setup due to issues beyond my control. Someone on that path is altering messages which given all the years it
has been going on it appears to me will never get fixed.
So far the only 'fix' I have come up with is to avoid using the
node which is really, really sad. Oh well.
I certainly was ready to take a break at the end
Understood. You need to take a rest from the 'vacation'.
Right now we are in a really cold snap
So I've heard. Up here in the Great White North, Manitoba and Quebec
have been ground zero for early winter storms so far. Out here on the western edge we've gotten below average temps but nothing serious ...
yet. I'm still shell-shocked from last year's storm of the century.
And only about 40 days to go, now....
As in, not using "Little Mikey's Brain"...?
we had well below average temps
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 23-Nov-2019 05:57 <=-
And only about 40 days to go, now....Looking at the clock on the wall it is 40 days for two more hours in
this part of the world. As we speak, in Rochester NY the below
countdown is accurate. At any rate we're closing in on it.
As in, not using "Little Mikey's Brain"...?Yes. I'll have to come up with something new for it to do fidoally-speaking. It is very active otherwise as many of the
neighbours know it as 'motorshed' and is one of the portals to
wherever attracts them out there in cyberspace. In the meantime the Europoint has proved itself as a good connection to fidonet.
we had well below average temps
We're into below freezing temps for the next week. Also a rain storm
is predicted for tommorrow which is typical for this time of year.
now it's just a month...
At least it still has a good purpose in life...
It's been a wintry mix all day, supposed to turn to all snow
just for fun let us see if we can sneak this one by the
crippleware and come out squeaky clean on the other side.
Looking good from this angle.
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 02-Dec-2019 03:55 <=-
Little Mikey claims 30 days. :-)
At least it still has a good purpose in life...
That is debatable but just for fun let us see if we can sneak this one
by the crippleware and come out squeaky clean on the other side.
It's been a wintry mix all day, supposed to turn to all snow
It's been cold here without any snow ... yet. The weather people are threatening us with the probability of a few rain showers or wet
flurries overnight with periods of rain tommorrow and a high of 4C. Definetly well below so-called seasonal. We've had lows down to -5C
over the weekend and last week but it has been too clear for rain ...
or snow for that matter but there is snow atop the mountain behind Ladysmith so it has been closing in.
And less now... ;)
No issues from this side, but then I've not been seeing whatever
you think is the problem with it anyway.... ;)
We've been getting a mix of sometimes rain sometimes light snow
Mountains tend to collect snow, though.... ;)
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 05-Dec-2019 06:37 <=-
And less now... ;)
I see 27 days as I reply to you.
No issues from this side, but then I've not been seeing whatever
you think is the problem with it anyway.... ;)
That is probably correct. From all the discussions we've had in the
past I am assuming you will always see line lengths of 80 characters
or less. As I type this I can look down and see on the editor's
status line that this particular line is 260 characters.
Doing an 80 character line wrap - I use coreutils's fold command - you will probably see the above as 4 lines and it will look something like below;
-={ ye olde cut and paste starts }=-
That is probably correct. From all the discussions we've had in the
past I am assubing you will always see line lengths of 80 characters or less. As I type this I can look down and see on the editor's status
line that this particular line is 260 characters.
-={ ye olde cut and paste ends }=-
However from your perspective the cut and paste is more than likely exactly the same as the original.
Probably a better example would be
to split the 260 character line to 60 characters to see a difference;
-={ ye olde cut and paste starts }=-
That is probably correct. From all the discussions we've
had in the past I am assubing you will always see line
lengths of 80 characters or less. As I type this I can
look down and see on the editor's status line that this
particular line is 260 characters.
-={ ye olde cut and paste ends }=-
That *should* look different and perhaps illustrate the greater power
in unlimited line lengths within messages in order to facillitate differing line lengths of various displays.
In my case line the
monitor I am currently using is 160 characters wide so a message that forces line lengths to 80 is a waste of an awesome terminal.
We've been getting a mix of sometimes rain sometimes light snow
No snow yet, light or otherwise. :-)
Mountains tend to collect snow, though.... ;)
As well as dump their loads on unsuspecting people below. As far as I know that has never happened locally.
About 21 days now...
They were identical lengths in the original message, but something
weird seems to have happened when they were quoted
the original iteration after doing the cut and paste jobbies
Nice for you.... unless you like to see the snow
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 11-Dec-2019 05:17 <=-
About 21 days now...
Sounds about right. :-)
They were identical lengths in the original message, but something
weird seems to have happened when they were quoted
The weird be me. :-/
the original iteration after doing the cut and paste jobbies
Exactly. I noticed the typo just before sending so I only caught it
in the original. Silly me.
Nice for you.... unless you like to see the snow
It is good for keeping droughts at bay but other than that I could
live without it. I've seen more snow in my lifetime than most walking this earth. I am sure you can make the same claim.
And now only a week.... :)
Ah, so you did fix it later... thought so... :)
we are having a green Christmas tomorrow
pathetic little clumps of snow are left on the ground around
here from the last snows we got... not really enough to call it
a white Christmas.... ;0
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 25-Dec-2019 21:42 <=-
we are having a green Christmas tomorrow
Same here. Also it was raining but not as we speak;
-={ '<Esc>:read !TZ=PST8PDT date' starts }=-
wo 25 dec 2019 13:51:42 PST
-={ '<Esc>:read !TZ=PST8PDT date' ends }=-
Also no snow in the forecast other than the usual higher elevations
that is. All in all I am not complaining.
pathetic little clumps of snow are left on the ground around
here from the last snows we got... not really enough to call it
a white Christmas.... ;0
If I look up at the mountains I see much snow as it should be. I've
heard the skiing is excellent at all the well-known resorts in this
part on BC (lower mainland and Vancouver Island).
I wouldn't have minded a thin skim of snow on everything to make
it a white Christmas, though....
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 31-Dec-2019 06:05 <=-
I wouldn't have minded a thin skim of snow on everything to make
it a white Christmas, though....
Speaking for myself, I am glad there wasn't. There is talk of a
slight chance of a dusting later this week but I am still hopeful for
zero snow other than the mountains. Things are good just the way they
are as we speak and the green Christmas was just what the doctor
Also zero power outages were a very nice addition this time around.
We just got another dusting
We don't usually get power outages here, thankfully... :)
Quoting Daryl Stout to NANCY BACKUS on 05-Jan-2020 21:54 <=-
We don't usually get power outages here, thankfully... :)
Power outages at my place are rare. That deal last summer was a
freak storm, that pulled the electric meter off the north side of the house, and pulled the electric meter panel out of its place in the
The insurance company dawdled around, saying the house was still "livable", as there was no other damage (to the roof or otherwise),
and there was still running water.
However, with no power or air conditioning, it was over 100 degrees
in here, and people die in conditions like that each day. It was akin
to taking a hot shower, then climing into bed naked, without drying
After one night at that, where I got very little sleep, I said
"screw this!!", and went and got a room at an area Super 8 Motel for 2 weeks.
How the insurance company considers what I described as "livable"
is beyond me. They want you as a customer, and for you to pay the premiums...but to have them pay out a claim, it's a catastrophe.
WIth it being a freak storm, it's not that surprising that the Insurance NB>companies and the utilities were overwhelmed...
How the insurance company considers what I described as "livable"
is beyond me. They want you as a customer, and for you to pay the premiums...but to have them pay out a claim, it's a catastrophe.
It does seem somewhat out of line... We've generally had much better NB>results from our insurance claims.... maybe we have a better company...
Quoting Daryl Stout to NANCY BACKUS on 12-Jan-2020 00:27 <=-
How the insurance company considers what I described as "livable"
is beyond me. They want you as a customer, and for you to pay the
premiums...but to have them pay out a claim, it's a catastrophe.
It does seem somewhat out of line... We've generally had much better
results from our insurance claims... maybe we have a better company...
It was the first claim on the house in 25 years...and it has been
owned by us since we bought it in 1977.
It was the first claim on the house in 25 years...and it has been
owned by us since we bought it in 1977.
Same insurance company the whole time....?
Quoting Daryl Stout to NANCY BACKUS on 18-Jan-2020 12:01 <=-
It was the first claim on the house in 25 years...and it has been
owned by us since we bought it in 1977.
Same insurance company the whole time....?
Yep. To the insurance companies, it's a catastrophe if they have to
pay a claim.
You make some very good points there, sir...
And how one defines TV...
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 17-Feb-2020 06:15 <=-
And how one defines TV...
TV over the airwaves just like mom used to make to ye olde radiation
king that she used to give us kids heck for sitting too close to. Something about ruining your eyes.
Speaking of which, "Keez me good night Eddie."
Speaking of which, "Keez me good night Eddie."
And I'm not recognizing that...
Quoting Maurice Kinal to Nancy Backus on 22-Feb-2020 05:38 <=-
Speaking of which, "Keez me good night Eddie."
And I'm not recognizing that...
Topo Gigio on The Ed Sullivan Show. Topo Gigio was a puppet mouse
with a Spanish accent.
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