• Infocom Games...

    From Gary McCulloch@1:154/50 to All on Mon May 11 19:32:57 2020
    List of Infocom/Inform Quick Names for Reign of Fire BBS ---------------------------------------------------------------------


    zork = Zork : The Undiscovered Undergrounds
    zork1 = Zork I : The Great Underground Empire
    zork2 = Zork II : The Wizard of Frobozz
    zork3 = Zork III: The Dungeon Master
    magic = Enchanter
    scorcerer = Sorcerer
    spell = Spellbreaker
    trinity = Trinity
    beyond = Beyond Zork
    zero = Zork Zero


    sea = Seastalker
    cut = Cutthroats
    infidel = Infidel
    shogun = Shogun
    hijinx = Hollywood Hijinx

    Science Fiction

    hhgg = HitchHikers Guide to the Galaxy
    star = Starcross
    suspend = Suspended
    fall = Planetfall
    mind = A Mind Forever Voyaging
    station = Stationfall


    journey = journey: The Quest Begins


    goddes = Leather Goddesses of Phobos
    bureau = Bureaucracy
    nord = Nord and Bert


    dead = Deadline
    bally = Ballyhoo
    moon = Moonmist
    suspect = Suspect
    witness = The Witness


    hearts = Plundered Hearts


    arthur = Arthur
    holmes = Sherlock


    lurking = The Lurking Horror


    zone = Boarderzone

    -Spitfire Inc presents 3 Unique Systems...

    Reign of Fire rof.cnetbbs.net:2300 C-Net Amiga Pro BETA System.
    Reign of Fire II rof.cnet64.com:6400 C-Net DS-2 BETA System.
    Reign of Fire Vice rof.cnet64.com:6502 C-Net DS-2 on Windows 10!

    * ACIS Member. AmigaNet ArakNet C=Net FidoNet RetroNet SciNet
    * C-Net/5

    * Origin: rof.cnetbbs.net:2300 * rof.cnet64.com:6400 (1:154/50)