Hello Everybody,
S&P 500 PLUNGED 7.6%!
Gregory Deyss wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
Hello Everybody,
S&P 500 PLUNGED 7.6%!
It's still higher then what it was while Obama was in office.
It will recover, the sky is not falling chicken little.
So keep your pants on.
Didn't I hear that the market had its largest one day growth in history just a few days ago?Yes you did hear right. What a miserable existence it must be to be a
On 03-11-20 07:06, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Ron Lauzon about Re: Biggest Crash Ever! <=-
Didn't I hear that the market had its largest one day growth in history just a few days ago?
Yes you did hear right.
On 03-11-20 07:06, Gregory Deyss <=-
spoke to Ron Lauzon about Re: Biggest Crash Ever! <=-
Didn't I hear that the market had its largest one day growth in histo just a few days ago?
Yes you did hear right.
While that may well be true, it was a one day correction to the massive drop the stock market had in the preceding days. After that it
continued its downward plunge. As of today (3/11/2020), it is down 20% from its high on 2/12/2020. Whether of not it has hit bottom or not is yet to be seen. Funny that we no longer seem to hear Trump using the market index as evidence of how great he is doing. The truth is that
the market follows its on path and politics have limited effect on it.
S&P 500 PLUNGED 7.6%!
It's still higher then what it was while Obama was in office.
It will recover, the sky is not falling chicken little.
So keep your pants on.
What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Trump.
The stock market has hit numbers that have smashed previous records on numerous occasions and it is still higher than at any time while Obama
was President.
This is the difference between a community organizer and a Business Man.
_[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Trump ³ ³ Another Message ³
{ NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ Train ³ ³ by Gregory ³
S&P 500 PLUNGED 7.6%!
It's still higher then what it was while Obama was in office.
It will recover, the sky is not falling chicken little.
So keep your pants on.
Dow Jones average plunged another 1464 points.
Definitely a bear market.
On 12 Mar 2020 at 06:56a, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...
What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Tr
There's nothing to give that numbskull credit for.
He's flubbed everything he was handed so far, and
is failing miserably with the 2019-nCoV pandemic.
The stock market has hit numbers that have smashed previous records on numerous occasions and it is still higher than at any time while Obama was President.
So what? Anyone who knows anything about economics
knows that that's not a good indicator for how the
economy as a whole is doing.
_[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ Trump ³
{ NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ Train ³
/ 00ÄÄÄÄ00'-¨€ÀÄ00ÄÄÄ00ÄÙ¨€ÀÄ00ÄÄ00ÄÙ¨€ÀÄ00Ä00ÄÙ
Do you know how ridiculous this makes you look?
I see what is happening with the left's attempt politicize this and I
also understand as to why this is being attempted. I can also make the
prediction based on all previous attempts made by will not work and prediction based on all previous attempts made by will not work and therefore will fail. Just as the previous Democratic attempts have.
Do they have a Wal*Mart near you? If so great, (the day after the
American election) when you turn on the telly you will see what I am talking about and then you can rush out and get your hot chocolate and crayons at a great price.
So what? This is what you have to say? It's obvious that you do not understand economics as there many factors at work here.
Given your attitude and how you see the world w/ an left slant.
Why should I give a rats ass? What you think.
Didn't I hear that the market had its largest one day growth in history >RL>just a few days ago?
Yes you did hear right.
While that may well be true, it was a one day correction to the massive
drop the stock market had in the preceding days. After that it
continued its downward plunge. As of today (3/11/2020), it is down 20%
from its high on 2/12/2020. Whether of not it has hit bottom or not is
yet to be seen. Funny that we no longer seem to hear Trump using the
market index as evidence of how great he is doing. The truth is that
the market follows its on path and politics have limited effect on it.
On 12 Mar 2020 at 05:56p, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...
I see what is happening with the left's attempt politicize this and I also understand as to why this is being attempted. I can also make th
No, you don't, because that's not happening. You're too
deluded by the garbage you consume from the likes of
Limbaugh and Fox to recognize it, though.
prediction based on all previous attempts made by will not work and prediction based on all previous attempts made by will not work and therefore will fail. Just as the previous Democratic attempts have.
You live in the same fantasy world that Donald Trump
lives in; you think life is a John Wayne movie. It's not.
Thankfully no.Do they have a Wal*Mart near you?
American election) when you turn on the telly you will see what I am talking about and then you can rush out and get your hot chocolate an crayons at a great price.
What the hell does that even mean?
So what? This is what you have to say? It's obvious that you do notunderstand economics as there many factors at work here.
Yes, that's what I have to say. Oh, you think the marketclosing high MEANS something? Please, by all means,
enlighten me as to exactly what economists share that view?
Given your attitude and how you see the world w/ an left slant.
Why should I give a rats ass? What you think.
Because it's people like me who, day in and day out, save
idiots like you from yourselves. Just do us a favor and
don't make it so goddamn hard all the time? Start by not
being such a moral coward.
Your inept emperor isn't wearing any clothes, by the way.
The idiot won't be able to con his way out of this one.
[right-wing garbage deleted]
What are you proclaiming now, that he has allegedly done?
On 12 Mar 2020 at 06:56a, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...
What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Trump.
There's nothing to give that numbskull credit for.
He's flubbed everything he was handed so far, and
is failing miserably with the 2019-nCoV pandemic.
The guy's bankrupted everything he's ever touched.
He's a fool with no skills, no intellectual curiosity,
no empathy or care for anyone that isn't himself.
I see what is happening with the left's attempt politicize this and I >GD>also understand as to why this is being attempted. I can also make the
No, you don't, because that's not happening. You're too
deluded by the garbage you consume from the likes of
Limbaugh and Fox to recognize it, though.
prediction based on all previous attempts made by will not work and >GD>prediction based on all previous attempts made by will not work and >GD>therefore will fail. Just as the previous Democratic attempts have.
You live in the same fantasy world that Donald Trump
lives in; you think life is a John Wayne movie. It's
Do they have a Wal*Mart near you? If so great, (the day after the
Thankfully no.
American election) when you turn on the telly you will see what I am >GD>talking about and then you can rush out and get your hot chocolate and >GD>crayons at a great price.
What the hell does that even mean?
So what? This is what you have to say? It's obvious that you do not >GD>understand economics as there many factors at work here.
Yes, that's what I have to say. Oh, you think the market
closing high MEANS something? Please, by all means,
enlighten me as to exactly what economists share that view?
Given your attitude and how you see the world w/ an left slant.
Why should I give a rats ass? What you think.
Because it's people like me who, day in and day out, save
idiots like you from yourselves. Just do us a favor and
don't make it so goddamn hard all the time? Start by not
being such a moral coward.
Your inept emperor isn't wearing any clothes, by the way.
The idiot won't be able to con his way out of this one.
On 13 Mar 2020 at 12:09p, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...
[right-wing garbage deleted]
What are you proclaiming now, that he has allegedly done?
You haven't figured it out yet? Let me guess: you
actually think he's done a good job handling the
coronavirus outbreak, right?
Tell me, why do you hate America and the Constitution so much?
On 03-13-20, DAN CROSS said to GREGORY DEYSS:
On 12 Mar 2020 at 06:56a, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...
What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Tru
There's nothing to give that numbskull credit for.
He's flubbed everything he was handed so far, and
is failing miserably with the 2019-nCoV pandemic.
The guy's bankrupted everything he's ever touched.
He's a fool with no skills, no intellectual curiosity,
no empathy or care for anyone that isn't himself.
I love the way Trump has a talent for setting lefties off on a raving
What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Trump.
There's nothing to give that numbskull credit for.
He's flubbed everything he was handed so far, and
is failing miserably with the 2019-nCoV pandemic.
The guy's bankrupted everything he's ever touched.
He's a fool with no skills, no intellectual curiosity,
no empathy or care for anyone that isn't himself.
I love the way Trump has a talent for setting lefties off on a raving fit!
I love the way Trump has a talent for setting lefties off on a raving
"No, I don't take responsibility at all." ~Donald Trump, 3/13/2020
Which is why I did not waste my time providing facts that you would
simply dismiss or take out of context.
You haven't figured it out yet? Let me guess: you
actually think he's done a good job handling the
coronavirus outbreak, right?
The corona virus will pass, it has been sensationalized, politicized and some with the leftist media have used the fear as a weapon.
Calling it Trump's Virus as well as referring to this as Trump's
Look up what Limbaugh said..
Your question makes no since, because you have it ass backwards.
I do not consider myself to be a Republican, but a Conservative.
As such I love America and adore the U.S. Constitution.
As I'm sure if you speak to other Trump Supporters if your in the United States you will get to hear the same things.
I thought Pence would pop his eyes out of his
sockets if he tried to stick his nose any further
up Trump's ass.
Hello Tim,
What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Tru
There's nothing to give that numbskull credit for.
He's flubbed everything he was handed so far, and
is failing miserably with the 2019-nCoV pandemic.
The guy's bankrupted everything he's ever touched.
He's a fool with no skills, no intellectual curiosity,
no empathy or care for anyone that isn't himself.
I love the way Trump has a talent for setting lefties off on a raving fit
Fuck the election, put Biden in charge now.
If it's just being over-sensationalized, why did the
president declare a national state of emergency yesterday?
Why is he getting tested?
Trump owns our utter FAILURE to address this in atimely manner. Like the idiot he is, he thought he
could just build a wall (put in travel restrictions
from China) and that would be good enough to stop
it. Now, we're _exactly_ where Italy was 7 days ago
in terms of the number of cases, except we don't know
how many cases there really are because the idiot
didn't start testing aggressively until now. Why?
Because he didn't want to know the numbers because
they would make him look bad.
No you don't. You hate America and everything that
makes her great. You can't stand the Constitution.
You would never stand up for it or for what is morally
right. Oh, you'll wrap yourself in the flag all right,
but you know deep in your hear that you don't rate it.
You aren't even really a conservative; you're just a
cruel loser who wants to lash out at those who are
better, smarter, and more successful than you.
Now, we face an unprecedented pandemic, and the most
unqualified, stupid, benighted president in our history
is in way, way over his head. For the good of us all,
why don't you finally have the goddamn common decency
to admit it, step aside, and let the experts handle the
If it's just being over-sensationalized, why did the
president declare a national state of emergency yesterday?
Why is he getting tested?
Curious, do you not watch the news or is it that you are many hundreds
of miles from the USA and therefore are not aware of what happens here?
The President was not going to be tested, but his advisors probably convinced him that it would be a very good idea because of the Fact that he was sitting next to a Brazilian leader who has the corona virus, they even shook hands. The President had no ill effects but was tested as a precaution.
My office was closed Tuesday and Friday, because on Wednesday 3/11 management called for a office wide meeting, we were all told that there is an employee who pre-quarantined herself at home.
Several inaccurate statements.
The wall has nothing to corona virus. It was built to stop the hordes of freeloaders from coming into the USA. You know what else this wall has a door. Known as ports of entry.
Restrictions on Travel is smart it is not xenophobic and it has saved
many hundreds of lives.
Again you wrong, everything you have within the 5 above lines is reversed from what you indicated.
It's the Democratic Party that has an issue with the American Flag as it is not seen in abundance at the Democratic Debates.
The Democratic Party uses people like pawns, they hand out free shit, to bribe them for their vote.
Think I am wrong?
Then take a good hard look at San Francisco, California.
People defecating in the streets. Drug needles in the streets by the hundreds. You would not live among this filth for 5 minutes, people do though.
You aren't even really a conservative; you're just a
cruel loser who wants to lash out at those who are
better, smarter, and more successful than you.
If you have to brag, then your not even remotely those things.
You sound very much like your hammering keys within a white castle on a top of hill. (when in fact your probably in your pj's or underwear in
your mom's basement.) Clean yourself up, your a disgrace.
Someone like Obama, perhaps? who did not stop travel and what happened thousands died. No thanks, I will keep my President who is a business man, not a clueless black man, who was a community organizer.
Someone like Obama, perhaps? who did not stop travel and what happened thousands died. No thanks, I will keep my President who is a business man, not a clueless black man, who was a community organizer.
_[]_³³Äij³ ³ Fidonet ³ ³FSX Net³ ³ rump ³ ³ Another Message ³
{ NET 267 ³ ³1:267/150³ ³21:1/127³ ³ Train ³ ³ by Gregory ³
Gregory Deyss wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-
On 10 Mar 2020, Ron Lauzon said the following...
Yes you did hear right. What a miserable existence it must be to be a democrat.
I can not wait until the Presidential debates it might be Crazy Bernie
but it is looking like it may be likely to be Sleepy Joe Biden.
(Does not matter who the nominee is Trump will smoke whoever it is.)
Did you hear just yesterday 03/09 he told a worker at a automotive plan that he was "Full of Shit" when he was responding to a question on gun rights.
Did you also hear they are limiting his speak time to no more then 15
to 20 minutes. So that he won't trip over his own words or worse say something that when looked at will raise an eyebrow.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
"All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing,"
There have been many gaffs, if he steps into the ring with Trump.
Trump will destroy Biden.
"All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing,"
There have been many gaffs, if he steps into the ring with Trump.
Trump will destroy Biden.
Trump doesn't have to do anything. Biden will destroy himself.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-
Yes you did hear right. What a miserable existence it must be to be a democrat.
Ya, they keep having to ignore all the good things that happen. It must be very hard for them. 8)
On 13 Mar 2020, TIM RICHARDSON said the following...
I love the way Trump has a talent for setting lefties off on a raving
I know, but perhaps he will be better prepared now that I have informed GD>what was utilized to calm the outrage in 2016.
Rendering a quieting, comforting silence as the liberal college students GD>grip their crayons with renewed determination; as they do their best to GD>stay within the lines.
Hello Tim,
What the real punchline is, that you won't admit or give credit to Trump.
There's nothing to give that numbskull credit for.
He's flubbed everything he was handed so far, and
is failing miserably with the 2019-nCoV pandemic.
The guy's bankrupted everything he's ever touched.
He's a fool with no skills, no intellectual curiosity,
no empathy or care for anyone that isn't himself.
I love the way Trump has a talent for setting lefties off on a raving fit!
Fuck the election, put Biden in charge now.
On 14 Mar 2020, Lee Lofaso said the following...
Fuck the election, put Biden in charge now.
"All men and women are created, by the, you know, you know the thing,"
There have been many gaffs, if he steps into the ring with Trump.
Trump will destroy Biden.
You aren't even really a conservative; you're just a
cruel loser who wants to lash out at those who are
better, smarter, and more successful than you.
If you have to brag, then your not even remotely those things.
You're a fool with no morals and no principals.
man, not a clueless black man, who was a community organizer.
Ah! It FINALLY comes out! You were just mad that Obama
is black.
It seems to me Biden will be their nominee.
And if he is I suspect this will be one of the biggest landslide
victories in presidential campaign history! Biden will lose.
Here's a question I saw asked recently about Bernie Sanders, but it also applies to Joe Biden:
If Biden and Sanders think their socialist policies are so good....why didn't they both move to socialist countries instead of becoming millionaires in America?
And if he is I suspect this will be one of the biggest landslide
victories in presidential campaign history! Biden will lose.
One of the MANY reasons I rarely if ever exchange conversation with
such a person can be seen in his sentence above. A quick read of it tells you there is no intelligent life there at all. So why bother?
You're a fool with no morals and no principals.
These two people:
*Made up fake crimes to hurt Donald Trump
*Lied to law enforcement
*Repeatedly lied to the American public
*Are national laughing stocks
Jessie Smollett.....Adam Schiff
Obama is only half-black.
Fuck the election, put Biden in charge now.Here's a question I saw asked recently about Bernie Sanders, but
it also applies to Joe Biden: If Biden and Sanders think their
socialist policies are so good....why didn't they both move to
socialist countries instead of becoming millionaires in America?
Gary Ailes wrote to TIM RICHARDSON <=-
Nope. Trump barely won the electoral college in 2016 and lost the
popular vote big time. His base is strong and he's lost no support
there, but he hasn't brought anyone new to the base.
I'm not saying that he can't win 2020, 2016 proved that anything is possible. But a landslide win? Not going to happen. If there is a landslide it will be in Biden's favor.
Maybe because they love their countries and want to make
them better, unlike most right-wingers?
Maybe because they love their countries and want to make
them better, unlike most right-wingers?
I think you meant to say "unlike most left-wingers".
Places like Venesuela and California are failing due to LEFT WING policies.
Of course, the Lefties won't want to admit that.
Dan Cross wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-
No, I mean right-wingers. People who support Trump hate
America. It's that simple.
California is failing? Ok. LOL.
Only stupid people fail to recognize that "not right-wing"
does not mean "Venezuelan dictatorships."
You're not very intelligent, are you?
Dan Cross wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-
No, I mean right-wingers. People who support Trump hate
America. It's that simple.
You see, there's most of your problem. You are stuck in your little bubble where all "good" people are. You seem to think that if someone isn't in that same bubble that they must be totally evil. In this case, non-Leftie must mean ignorant racists so-called "right wing" groups
(who, interestingly, have much more in common with you Lefties).
According to Rush Limbaugh, who you've admitted you
listen to, it's just the common cold. So what's the
big deal?
But right-wingers can't understand that, because they lack
But right-wingers can't understand that, because they lack
I don't know where you're from, but I don't see these "right-wingers" anywhere.
the ones going around shouting about "liberals" and "lefties" *are* the right-wingers... yourself included... if you weren't, you'd be carrying
Because the Narrative is "we are good, everyone else is bad" and the Narrative is always true - no matter what the facts are.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dan Cross <=-
I don't know where you're from, but I don't see these "right-wingers" anywhere.
Everyone except the liberal media is thrilled with the
economy (before the virus.) The only thing democrats don't like about
the strong economy is that there's a Republican who helped ignite it.
Why hate? Why choose sides over generalizations? If a democrat did anything to help the USA instead of his or herself, I'd give them
credit for it. Why are democrats and/or liberals so reluctant to do the same for republicans?
According to Rush Limbaugh, who you've admitted you
listen to, it's just the common cold. So what's the
big deal?
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer; why not check him out once in a while? He's not always right, and not all conservatives are following his
advice. Rush's commentary is as good as mine.
But right-wingers can't understand that, because they lack
I don't know where you're from, but I don't see these "right-wingers" anywhere. Everyone except the liberal media is thrilled with the economy (before the virus.) The only thing democrats don't like about the strong economy is that there's a Republican who helped ignite it.
Why hate? Why choose sides over generalizations? If a democrat did anything to help the USA instead of his or herself, I'd give them credit for it. Why are democrats and/or liberals so reluctant to do the same
for republicans?
On 31 Mar 2020 at 06:55p, Aaron Thomas pondered and said...
According to Rush Limbaugh, who you've admitted you
listen to, it's just the common cold. So what's the
big deal?
Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer; why not check him out once in a whil He's not always right, and not all conservatives are following his advice. Rush's commentary is as good as mine.
Why would I? His "entertainment" is at best puerile and
immature. At worst, he's actively harmful by spreading
Again, we see reality sweeping away the facade of the
right-wing lie factory.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-
I think CNN was covering a story on koalah bear cubs while senate dems were asking for the removal of wind-turbines in the coronavirus bill.
Then later in the day they had a headline that read "the president's stalled coronavirus bill finally gets signed into law" like it was the president's fault.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Dan Cross <=-
What have you done, next to nothing?
That's one of the common things with Lefties: They do nothing.
They can't create jobs. Most of them can't even do useful jobs. That's why they hate the idea of meritocracy so much.
Personally, I haven't seen a Leftie who's good at much more than generating CO2 for the plants. Oh, wait! CO2 is a greenhouse gas.
They are part of the climate change problem!
Entertain this...
He has donated $3 Million dollars to Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
with the sale of his Betsy Ross T-Shirts 100% of the proceeds going to the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
He has earned his Presidential Metal of Freedom.
What have you done, next to nothing?
Trump taken the virus seriously instead of golfing or
holding rallies, perhaps we could have staved off the
Trump isn't god. He's doing a job to the best of his ability. Have you noticed that no national leader in the world "staved it off?"
Have you noticed that Nancy Pelosi cares more about trying to make the president look bad then she does about any sort of legislation?
Let's create a committee to investigate Trump's handling of the coronavirus instead of doing jack about the coronavirus. Do I sound like one of your heroes now?
I've given up on the "news". We don't have news anymore.
South Korea, Singapore, hell even China have don't a better
job than we have.
Riiiight. How many bills has the house passed that Mitch McConnell
has refused to bring to a vote on the senate floor? But by all
means, blame Pelosi.
Absolutely he needs oversight. If you're so stupid as to believe
that handing Donald Trump a check for two _trillion_ dollars with
I've given up on the "news". We don't have news anymore.
Fox & New York Post are cool.
We're a very liberal nation.
South Korea, Singapore, hell even China have don't a better
job than we have.
We're a very liberal nation.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Dan Cross <=-
What have you done, next to nothing?
That's one of the common things with Lefties: They do nothing.
They can't create jobs. Most of them can't even do useful jobs. That's why they hate the idea of meritocracy so much.
Fox & New York Post are cool.
Ok, Nancy gets a pass. But dems in the senate tried to get windmills reduced in response to the coronavirus. They held all the middle-class families and thousands of businesses as hostages while they tried to
fight carbon emissions. We think that crap is adorable - just not right now thank you.
Absolutely he needs oversight. If you're so stupid as to believe that handing Donald Trump a check for two _trillion_ dollars with
There should have been more oversight when Obama & his goons signed the Iran Nuclear Deal. Are we still feeling like it was money well spent?
But Trump's not asking for money for Iran - he's asking on behalf of the American people & American businesses. That seems to irritate the hell
out of Nancy Pelosi, who is unable to grasp the concept of selflessness.
On 02 Apr 2020 at 07:42p, Gregory Deyss pondered and said...
Aaron's word, no?
Entertain this...
Ok, Racist.
Ok, boomer. The Clinton foundation has given that many
times over to charities, but how do you feel about Hillary?
No wait; don't answer that. I already know and I don't
care how you feel about her.
Pretty sure I didn't see your dumb ass when I was leading
Marines in Afghanistan. But what have you done?
I've given up on the "news". We don't have news anymore.
Fox & New York Post are cool.Indeed.
Ok, Nancy gets a pass. But dems in the senate tried to get windmills reduced in response to the coronavirus. They held all the middle-class families and thousands of businesses as hostages while they tried to
fight carbon emissions. We think that crap is adorable - just not right now thank you.
There should have been more oversight when Obama & his goons signed the Iran Nuclear Deal. Are we still feeling like it was money well spent?
Ok, Racist.
Racist? You continue to have delusions concerning who you think I am,
just because I think the first black President was continues to be a
moron does not make me a Racist. Perhaps you should look closer at his historical record.
Ok, boomer. The Clinton foundation has given that many
times over to charities, but how do you feel about Hillary?
No wait; don't answer that. I already know and I don't
care how you feel about her.
Calling me Boomer, are you expecting some illicit reaction from me, forgetaboutit.
The only contribution from the Clinton's that I see is the death toll and the body-bags that seem to be mounting up around her.
Pretty sure I didn't see your dumb ass when I was leading
Marines in Afghanistan. But what have you done?
I'm shocked, but Thanks for your Service to our Country.
Was it difficult to be a in the core, and being so dramatically opposed
to Conservatives.
I fail to understand why you're so full of hate, w/ your views are
totally ass backwards about me - claiming in several messages that I
have negative views about our Nation. Perhaps you have no idea what it means to be a Conservative, or perhaps you are one of one of those Democratic socialists, not really sure, but what I do know you got me
all wrong, then again...
If someone where to ask me if I give crap what
you think of me. My response would probably be No.
I know a lot of economists. They universally agree that
we are headed for a long recession, if not depression.
Further, the acuity of unemployment claims underlies the
truth about Trump's numbers: they were illusory. Under-employed,
low-wage service sector jobs cut down on the rate, but
weren't indicators of economic strength or security.
the US is a hell of a lot more conservative than it was 30+ years ago...
Aaron's word, no?
Entertain this...
Ok, Racist.
He has donated $3 Million dollars to Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
with the sale of his Betsy Ross T-Shirts 100% of the proceeds going to >GD>the Tunnel to Towers Foundation.
Ok, boomer. The Clinton foundation has given that many
times over to charities, but how do you feel about Hillary?
No wait; don't answer that. I already know and I don't
care how you feel about her.
He has earned his Presidential Metal of Freedom.
If you think that's all it takes to earn the presidential
medal of freedom (not metal), then you're even more deluded
than I suspected. He's an actively harmful parasite.
What have you done, next to nothing?
Pretty sure I didn't see your dumb ass when I was leading
Marines in Afghanistan. But what have you done?
Fox & New York Post are cool.
I agree. A nice, fresh copy of the New York Post is just
great for wiping one's ass.
Try to practice your constitutional right of peaceful assembly at the moment.
Give Nancy a Pass? She deserves a left hook and a right upper cut to the
Obama was the Worst President in American History and he will hold that record well into the future.
demanded oversight and restrictions from Trump paying himself
from the stimulus bill.
Trump fans. Keep the cute reporters and tabloid style. Just tone down
the clickbait crap and superheroish way that Trump is presented.
We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our own
racism and bigotry is up to us. Both as individuals, and as a society. And that is a good thing, not a bad thing. Unfortunately, some folks never learn. And never want to learn.
President Clinton named Hillary to lead a health care initiative
and the far right cried "Foul"! Let's see how President Trump does
by naming Melania to lead a health care initiative ...
For sure! At least the worst since Eisenhower. I'm still waiting for the "affordable" healthcare that he promised "if ya'll re-elect me."
from the stimulus bill.
There's absolutely no reason to distrust Trump with the stimulus money. Frustrated idiots like Nancy Pelosi are desperate for a bite - but my
fish isn't biting.
What reason is there to worry about the president stealing from the citizens? I'll answer me own question for ya: In order to make idiots
fear it will happen. Nancy's playin games with your head.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-
I've given up on the "news". We don't have news anymore.
Fox & New York Post are cool.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Dan Cross <=-
But Trump's not asking for money for Iran - he's asking on behalf of
the American people & American businesses. That seems to irritate the
hell out of Nancy Pelosi, who is unable to grasp the concept of selflessness.
Trump gets way more attention than he deserves.
We are all racists and bigots. What we do to overcome our own
racism and bigotry is up to us. Both as individuals, and as a society. >LL>And that is a good thing, not a bad thing. Unfortunately, some folks >LL>never learn. And never want to learn.
I agree with you on this statement.
President Clinton named Hillary to lead a health care initiative
and the far right cried "Foul"! Let's see how President Trump does
by naming Melania to lead a health care initiative ...
But now you lost me. It sounds like you're hoping for Trump and/or Melania
to fail. What sense does that make? I didn't hope for Obama to fail - he
did it on his own!
I agree. The networks should tune him out and return to
regular programming immediately.
No wonder hospitals in New York are having such a hard time
procuring ventilators for their patients.
Try to practice your constitutional right of peaceful assembly atThis is the thing that haters just don't understand. When
the moment.
you live in a society, it's a cooperative thing: the society
gives you benefits with respect to safety and security, and
you in turn, give up some of your rights to participate.
Trump gets way more attention than he deserves. I'm sure there are conservative (Republican) politicians in the states who are doing evil, corrupt things, but instead of even trying to expose them, the liberal medi is bent on trashing Trump - that's their type of clickbait.
This is the thing that haters just don't understand. When
you live in a society, it's a cooperative thing: the society
gives you benefits with respect to safety and security, and
you in turn, give up some of your rights to participate.
How about being treated like an adult and being allowed to do something
at your own risk?
Right now, some states lock up their whole people, because 1
out of 1000 is infected. 999 need to stay at home for no reason. Meaning 99.9% are "guilty unless proven
I grew up in a time when all of what I have to see right now only
existed "on the other side" (meaning in the Soviet sector of Germany).
I agree. The networks should tune him out and return to
regular programming immediately.
Being uninformed doesn't appeal to me. I want to know everything about the >virus that the president knows - not ignore him because I'm jealous of his >successes.
This is the thing that haters just don't understand. When
you live in a society, it's a cooperative thing: the society >GS>DC>gives you benefits with respect to safety and security, and
you in turn, give up some of your rights to participate.
How about being treated like an adult and being allowed to do
something at your own risk?
That's just the thing of it. It's not just your OWN risk, is the
risk of the entire community. And when it comes to that, people
have shown over and over again that they just cannot act like adults.
How about being treated like an adult and being allowed to doThat's just the thing of it. It's not just your OWN risk, is the
something at your own risk?
risk of the entire community.
COVID-19 doesn't care about your political belief system.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Gregory Deyss <=-
For sure! At least the worst since Eisenhower. I'm still waiting for
the "affordable" healthcare that he promised "if ya'll re-elect me."
Aaron Thomas wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
But now you lost me. It sounds like you're hoping for Trump and/or
Melania to fail. What sense does that make? I didn't hope for Obama to fail - he did it on his own!
Am 07 Apr 20 06:26:53 schrob Dan Cross an Gerhard Strangar zum Thema <Re: Biggest Crash Ever!>
That's just the thing of it. It's not just your OWN risk, is the
risk of the entire community.
If everyone needs to stay at home, there are no infections, which means the whole thing just takes longer. Yet still, most of the people will
get it. If you allow the healthy people to get it first, they become immune and "the community" might be more luc
That's another big difference between the Left and everyone else.
Most of us don't want things to fail. I never wanted Obama to fail
simply because nobody wins in that scenario.
But with the Left, it's always "my way, or I'll destroy it" - or that's the way it seems.
"Healthy people" die from this, too.
It was *supposed* to get health care for everyone - including those too poor to get health care.
The Left's programs always have the *opposite* effect than what they say they will.
If everyone needs to stay at home, there are no infections, which means the
whole thing just takes longer. Yet still, most of the people will get it.
If you allow the healthy people to get it first, they become immune and
"the community" might be more lucky.
COVID-19 doesn't care about your political belief system.
We don't need to change it, then. :-)
"Healthy people" die from this, too.
Can you show me one case?
Am 08 Apr 20 06:22:43 schrob Dan Cross an Gerhard Strangar zum Thema <Re: Biggest Crash Ever!>
"Healthy people" die from this, too.
Can you show me one case?
A simple Google search turns up: https://nypost.com/2020/03/25/21-year-old-woman-with-no-underlyin g-health-conditions-dies-of-coronavirus/
Aaron Thomas wrote to Ron Lauzon <=-
Sometimes there are really smart people getting tricked by Democrats. I feel bad for them getting tricked, but I think they're too distracted
by their problems to realize they're being manipulated & degraded.
Gerhard Strangar wrote to Dan Cross <=-
"Healthy people" die from this, too.
Can you show me one case?
Which sounds like "she died from Covid-19, but was never tested positive for it".
Do you know a less suspicious case?
https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/08/young-people-cor onavirus-deaths/
"Healthy people" die from this, too.
Can you show me one case?
Am 10 Apr 20 03:49:34 schrob Dan Cross an Gerhard Strangar zum Thema <Re: Biggest Crash Ever!>
https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/08/young-people-cor onavirus-deaths/
All I can see there is "Private browsing is permitted exclusively for
our subscribers. Turn off private browsing to keep reading this story,
or subscribe
to use this feature, plus get unlimited digital access."
Dunno what to tell you, dude. Basically all medical
professionals who have treated COVID-19 patients are
unanimous in agreeing that it has and continues to
kill younger, seemingly otherwise healthy people with
no comorbidities. If you don't want to believe that,
that's on you, but you're going against the medical
and scientific consensus as well as actual evidence.
Richard Falken wrote to Gerhard Strangar <=-
I have ties with the Spanish health system. The virus is not a joke.
If you get exposed to a virus charge high enough you can have a severe version of the disease. It looks like (but afaik it is not officially confirmed) that the size of the virus charge you get has a severe
effect on the outcome. That is, if you plunge yourself into an
environemnt where everybody is infected, you will get more and more and more virus into your organism and it may reach a point in which your organism cannot manage it.
We have had enough cases in Spain from army people (you know, those who don't serve unless they pass a health check) dying to this thing. It is not likely. But it can happen.
That said, the damage of lockdowns is not a joke either. One of my contacts was a grandpa and had a leak in his roof, and nobody would go
to his house and fix it because of the lockdown. So he climbed up to
the roof, slipped down and crashed his brains against the pavement.
Dunno what to tell you, dude. Basically all medical
professionals who have treated COVID-19 patients are
unanimous in agreeing that it has and continues to
kill younger, seemingly otherwise healthy people with
no comorbidities.
Am 11 Apr 20 09:48:48 schrob Dan Cross an Gerhard Strangar zum Thema <Re: Biggest Crash Ever!>
Dunno what to tell you, dude. Basically all medical
professionals who have treated COVID-19 patients are
unanimous in agreeing that it has and continues to
kill younger, seemingly otherwise healthy people with
no comorbidities. If you don't want to believe that,
that's on you, but you're going against the medical
and scientific consensus as well as actual evidence.
Now you changed it from healthy to "seemingly healthy", which is a whole different thing. To get some "actual evidence", we need autopsies on
those "seemingly healthy" persons.
Dunno what to tell you, dude. Basically all medical
professionals who have treated COVID-19 patients are
unanimous in agreeing that it has and continues to
kill younger, seemingly otherwise healthy people with
no comorbidities.
Here's some diagrams of different European countries:
Now you changed it from healthy to "seemingly healthy", which is aOk, they were "otherwise healthy" then. No need
whole different thing. To get some "actual evidence", we need
autopsies on those "seemingly healthy" persons.
to hedge on the nomenclature: This virus kills
young, healthy people who would not have otherwise
died. Full stop.
I think you're trying to prove some kind of point,
but I have no idea what that is and whatever it is,
it's not backed up by actual evidence.
Here's some diagrams of different European countries:Your earlier statement, and the main point where
I disagreed with you, is that the virus doesn't
affect younger people.
You asked to see a single case where it did.
It is known that it affects older people much more
than younger people. That's accepted and not
terribly interesting information. However, this
virus has, does, and will continue to kill younger
people to.
So, if you have a population that engages in unhealthy activities (i.e. smoking, poor diet), that population will have a higher instance and fewer people who are immune (get enough of those and the virus will not spread). They also found that pollution plays a part, along with age (since older people have weakened immune systems).
Ok, they were "otherwise healthy" then. No need
to hedge on the nomenclature: This virus kills
young, healthy people who would not have otherwise
died. Full stop.
I'm saying that we don't know that.
Not having evidence is excatly my point. You stated that young and
healthy people died from Covid-19. The example you gave me was a girl
and the "actual evidence" for her being healthy was her mother saying
so. I don't accept this as a scientifically corr
As long as there are no autopsies, noone can tell if they were healthy before they got Covid-19.
Your earlier statement, and the main point where
I disagreed with you, is that the virus doesn't
affect younger people.
Actually it was about killing young and healthy people. It does of
course affect them by infecting them.
Gerhard Strangar wrote to Dan Cross <=-
Now you changed it from healthy to "seemingly healthy", which is a
whole different thing. To get some "actual evidence", we need autopsies
on those "seemingly healthy" persons.
As long as there are no autopsies, noone can tell if they wereThere's plenty of evidence if you choose to look.
healthy before they got Covid-19.
Empirically, we have a number of doctors and other
frontline healthcare workers reporting it as a matter
of fact.
It does kill them. This is documented fact.Your earlier statement, and the main point whereActually it was about killing young and healthy people. It does of
I disagreed with you, is that the virus doesn't
affect younger people.
course affect them by infecting them.
Now you changed it from healthy to "seemingly healthy", which is a >GS>whole different thing. To get some "actual evidence", we need autopsies >GS>on those "seemingly healthy" persons.
Based on what I've been reading lately, many of the "seemingly healthy" were
grossly overweight and that it seemed to be a pretty good marker for
getting hit bad by the virus.
It's actually looking like we have a good reason to stop eating junk food
and exercise.
Your earlier statement, and the main point where
I disagreed with you, is that the virus doesn't
affect younger people.
Actually it was about killing young and healthy people. It does of >GS>>course affect them by infecting them.
It does kill them. This is documented fact.
Show me documents, then. And no, someone's mom stating "my daughter was
healthy" is not a fact, that's an assumption.
Do they use a glass orb?
Do they use a glass orb?No, they use their medical training and experience.
Please remind me: where did you go to medical school?
Am 17 Apr 20 03:57:32 schrob Dan Cross an Gerhard Strangar zum Thema <Re: Biggest Crash Ever!>
Do they use a glass orb?No, they use their medical training and experience.
This variant of the Corona virus is new, there's no training or
experience on whether the symptoms being shown are due to SARS-Cov-19
only or if they emerge in combination with somthing else. You can't go
to the library and get some books about SARS-Cov-19 or Covid-19, it's
not even in the ICD-10. Patients are currently being marked as U07 - U
for unknown.
Please remind me: where did you go to medical school?
What we are talking right now is actually a mathematical problem. There are over 2000 categories in the 22 chapters of ICD-10. To diagnose
someone as healthy, you'd have to be sure the patient does not fit into _any_ of the categories, meaning you'd have to test _all_ of them. This
is not being done.
I think you're really reaching to try and support your
unsupportable position that COVID-19 hasn't killed anyone
who was young and otherwise healthy.
Here's some other numbers:
I think you're really reaching to try and support your
unsupportable position that COVID-19 hasn't killed anyone
who was young and otherwise healthy.
Here's some other numbers:
Country population Mortality of those
tested tested positive
France 0.51% 12.8%
Germany 2.09% 2.8%
Iceland 10.27% 0.5%
Which could extrapolate to
50.00% 0.1%
100.00% 0.05%
That would sum up to just as many victims as in the flu season of 2017/2018.
On 09 Apr 2020 at 08:28a, Gerhard Strangar pondered and said...
Which sounds like "she died from Covid-19, but was never tested positive for it".
Do you know a less suspicious case?
I know of a lot of such cases. DC>https://www.washingtonpost.com/health/2020/04/08/young-people-coronavirus- DC>eath s/
Let's look at Spanish Flu -[...]
Beginning of pandemic March 1918
Global cases 500 million
Global deaths 50 million (675,000 in USA)
Let's look at seasonal flu -[...]
Global cases 9% of population (1 billion, 5 million severe)
Global deaths between 291,000 and 646,000 (death rate ~0.1%)
End of pandemic seasonal
One-third of the world population was infected by the Spanish Flu.
Over 50 million people died as a result of having been infected.
How many people do you think will become infected, and die, as a
result of COVID-19?
Hello Gerhard,
I think you're really reaching to try and support your >DC>unsupportable position that COVID-19 hasn't killed anyone
who was young and otherwise healthy.
Here's some other numbers:
Country population Mortality of those
tested tested positive
France 0.51% 12.8%
Germany 2.09% 2.8%
Iceland 10.27% 0.5%
Which could extrapolate to
50.00% 0.1%
100.00% 0.05%
That would sum up to just as many victims as in the flu season of 2017/20
The director of WHO says the coronavirus is 10x more contagious
than the seasonal flu. That is an understatement, as evidence shows
it to be up to 50x more contagious than the seasonal flu.
The director of WHO says the coronavirus is 10x more contagious
than the seasonal flu. That is an understatement, as evidence shows
it to be up to 50x more contagious than the seasonal flu.
The director of WHO has some explaining to do, the United States, not china
has contributed majority of it's funding, so explain why are they listening or influenced by a communist country who wants to hold the truth.
It is the correct move to cut it's funding, until a investigation can be
Let's look at Spanish Flu -[...]
Beginning of pandemic March 1918
Global cases 500 million
Global deaths 50 million (675,000 in USA)
Let's look at seasonal flu -[...]
Global cases 9% of population (1 billion, 5 million severe) >LL>Global deaths between 291,000 and 646,000 (death rate ~0.1%)
End of pandemic seasonal
Well, actually there is nor real end, it keeps coming back every year, which
means you could as well see it this way:
Spanish Flu infected 500 million people and killed 50 million within the
last 100 years. (actually 102, but let's keep the numbers simple)
Seasonal Flu infected 36 billion people (100 times 9% out of a linearized
average of 4 billions), that would be 36 million deaths at a constant death rate of 0.1%.
There's quite a high uncertainty in all of thouse numbers, though.
One-third of the world population was infected by the Spanish Flu.
Over 50 million people died as a result of having been infected.
How many people do you think will become infected, and die, as a
result of COVID-19?
Now that's wild guessing, but we might see up to 80% infected, which would
be 6 billion people.
And it looks like the number of people dying with it is going to be
somewhere between 3 million and 240 million people.
But there are going to be new variants in the future.
Wen can "flatten the curve" one time and make it last longer, however,
people might then get SARS-Cov-19 and a future SARS-Cov-20 at the same
What are we going to do then, shut down the economy "twice as much"?
Now that's wild guessing, but we might see up to 80% infected, whichThe numbers are known in regards to the Spanish Flu.
would be 6 billion people.
Based on the same numbers (adjusted for increased population)
and time frame allows for a well-qualified educated guess.
Wen can "flatten the curve" one time and make it last longer, however,Ha! You just made the same mistake the US President's top advisor
people might then get SARS-Cov-19 and a future SARS-Cov-20 at the same
Kellyanne Conway made, thinking COVID-20 is the same as COVID-19.
The number 19 is when the novel coronavirus was discovered, short
for 2019. There is no COVID-20, as that would be another novel
coronavirus in which a different vaccine would be needed.
What are we going to do then, shut down the economy "twice as much"?With everybody dead I do not believe anybody will be worried about
the economy.
Some countries acted quickly, including Germany, Singapore and
South Korea. Which explains why those places are doing so much
better than the USA.
The USA still does not have a national infrastructure for testing
of the virus, nor for tracing the contacts of those infected with
it. Whose fault is that? Donald J. Trump.
Now that's wild guessing, but we might see up to 80% infected, whichThe numbers are known in regards to the Spanish Flu.
would be 6 billion people.
Based on the same numbers (adjusted for increased population)
and time frame allows for a well-qualified educated guess.
Not really. How many people flew the flu around the world in 1918? With an
incubation time of two days, crossing the ocean in more than five is quite
a good protection.
Wen can "flatten the curve" one time and make it last longer, however, >>>people might then get SARS-Cov-19 and a future SARS-Cov-20 at the same >>>time.Ha! You just made the same mistake the US President's top advisor >LL>Kellyanne Conway made, thinking COVID-20 is the same as COVID-19.
The number 19 is when the novel coronavirus was discovered, short
for 2019. There is no COVID-20, as that would be another novel >LL>coronavirus in which a different vaccine would be needed.
That's what a tried to express using the word "future", yet another - so
far unknown - new variant. If "the experts" say that 70% aof the population get it, that would be almost 60 million in Germany. If kept trying to keep
it below 6,000 infections per day, it would take more than 27 years.
Imagine the SARS-CoV from 2002 and a "flatten the curve" until 2029. Or
would it be 2045, because of an additinal flattening of MERS-CoV and now
2060 due to the additional SARS-CoV-2?
What are we going to do then, shut down the economy "twice as much"? >LL>With everybody dead I do not believe anybody will be worried aboutthe economy.
SARS-CoV-1 killed 10% of the infected people, MERS-CoV killed 37%.
SARS-CoV-2 isn't anywhere close to that.
Some countries acted quickly, including Germany, Singapore and
South Korea. Which explains why those places are doing so much
better than the USA.
We made a deal with the virus. So that from now on, it's gonna be only
America first. America first! ;-)
The director of WHO has some explaining to do, the United States, not china has contributed majority of it's funding, so explain why are they listening or influenced by a communist country who wants to hold the truth.
Aaron Thomas wrote to Lee Lofaso <=-
Look on the bright side: the more people who die, the more you get to blame Trump for all of it. For all we know, he was probably the one who let the bats out of their cages in Wuhan.
Am 20 Apr 20 01:28:16 schrob Lee Lofaso an Gregory Deyss zum Thema <Biggest Crash Ever!>
Some countries acted quickly, including Germany, Singapore and
South Korea. Which explains why those places are doing so much
better than the USA.
We made a deal with the virus. So that from now on, it's gonna be only America first. America first! ;-)
We made a deal with the virus. So that from now on, it's gonna beThat was rather insightful to use the "America First" slogan in these terms for the U.S. to prolong the virus here in the United States.
only America first. America first! ;-)
It looks like Trump knew Covid-19 was coming and who not to shake hands with because they were being targetted by this new kind of warfare ;-)
And when people come up with vaccines, he just buys them and puts them
in a safe to not stop his plans of world domination. ;-)
And when he finally rules this planet, he will build a great wall to
stop all those extraterrestrials from coming in. ;-)
We made a deal with the virus. So that from now on, it's gonna be GS>> only America first. America first! ;-)That was rather insightful to use the "America First" slogan in these terms for the U.S. to prolong the virus here in the United States.
As insightful as Trump's behaviour?
In March, Dietmar Hopp from the CureVac Aktiengesellschaft Tbingen said
they rejected an offer over 1 billion US dollars to exclusively provide the vaccine to the United States if they find one.
Merkel was in quarantine in 2020 due to being in contact with someone who's infected. Trump already avoided shaking her hand in 2017. Thi article suggests that Hillary Clinton might be infected: https://tediummedia.com/is-hillary-infected-the-odds-definitely-seem-against-her-after-this-stunt/
Trump did not shake her hand at the funeral in December 2018. Nancy Pelosi got close to someone who is infected and Trump did not shake her hand in February.
In March Trump said "You can't be a politician and not shake hands".
He's not being tested himself. Does he know who he can safely shake hands with?
Moreover: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-health-coronavirus-proximitypoll/how-many-americans-have-coronavirus-new-reuters-poll-might-offer-a-hint-idUSKBN21D2XJ
"About 14% of Democrats said they are infected or know of someone infected, compared to about 10% of Republicans."
It looks like Trump knew Covid-19 was coming and who not to shake hands
with because they were being targetted by this new kind of warfare ;-) And when people come up with vaccines, he just buys them and puts them in a
safe to not stop his plans of world domination. ;-) And when he finally
rules this planet, he will build a great wall to stop all those extraterrestrials from coming in. ;-)
It looks like Trump knew Covid-19 was coming and who not to shake hands >GS>with because they were being targetted by this new kind of warfare ;-) >GS>And when people come up with vaccines, he just buys them and puts them >GS>in a safe to not stop his plans of world domination. ;-)
And when he finally rules this planet, he will build a great wall to >GS>stop all those extraterrestrials from coming in. ;-)
As you provide you reasons, in an attempt to defend and validate, they fail
to explain or to support, your America First comment in the Covid-19
So your annoyed with the President, ok . America as a nation did not do
these things, that is like blaming all of Germany for what Hitler did.
My Ancestry is of German origin, I would love to visit Germany one day, but
for me I am going to learn the language first.
As you provide you reasons, in an attempt to defend and validate, they fail to explain or to support, your America First comment in the
Covid-19 context.
Dear God I hope and pray you are joking.
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