A couple weeks ago, Joe Biden said that Trump is America's 1st racist president.
A couple weeks ago, Joe Biden said that Trump is America's 1st racist president.
I haven't heard this or anything like it, yet.
Trump certainly is the first openly and in your face racist and proud of it president.
Trump certainly is the first openly and in your face racist and
proud of it president.
Last year I was in Canada & a Canadian woman was telling me the same thing! This is what I call rubbish. What did Trump do that was racist?
What did Trump do that was racist?
Remember the muslim ban? That was rascist.
Donald trump's executive order WRT how asylum seekers are treated. That is
His reaction (all of them) to the BLM movement. That is racist.
What did Trump do that was racist?
Nothing, but those words will float out there, might also be picked up on b
His reaction (all of them) to the BLM movement. That is racist.
Remember the muslim ban? That was rascist.
I can't say that I do.
There was and still is a travel ban,
Donald trump's executive order WRT how asylum seekers are treated.
That is
But these asylum seekers come in all colors.
His reaction (all of them) to the BLM movement. That is racist.
The problem with that is you're seeing liberal news stories. The mainstream media doesn't want you to hear about the anarchy in
Portland or NYC or Chicago, but if you were digging for those details, you'd find them easily.
His reaction (all of them) to the BLM movement. That is racist.
LOL, not nearly as bad as a certain US president elected twice from
2008 to 2016 who had numerous opportunities to inspire real unity and change against that so-called "systemic racism" that BLM whines about
but who did absolutely *nothing* to improve race relations whatsoever.
LOL, not nearly as bad as a certain US president elected twice from 2008 to 2016 who had numerous opportunities to inspire real unity and change against that so-called "systemic racism" that BLM whines about but who
did absolutely *nothing* to improve race relations whatsoever.
Hello Aaron,
A couple weeks ago, Joe Biden said that Trump is America's 1st racist president.
I haven't heard this or anything like it, yet.
Trump certainly is the first openly and in your face racist and proud of AI>it president.
Trump certainly is the first openly and in your face racist and
proud of it president.
That is a complete fabrication!
Donald Trump has done more for blacks, hispanics, orientals and others
in less than four years, than Joe Biden and his democrat cohorts have
done in the fifty or so years Biden has been in politics!
Trump certainly is the first openly and in your face racist and
proud of it president.
That is a complete fabrication!
Trumps racism is plain to see. He will say "I am the most non racist person you have ever met" but Trump says a lot of things that are plainly/simply false. He is a liar.Let's dive into this a bit deeper.
Trumps racism is plain to see. He will say "I am the most non racist person you have ever met" but Trump says a lot of things that are plainly/simply false. He is a liar.
Tell me, with examples provided what has Trump lied about?
March 4, 2020 in a meeting at the White House.
"The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to
be very detrimental to what we're doing" on the caronavirus.
March 17, 2020 at a White House press conference.
The WHO caronavirus test "was a bad test".
March 24, 2020 at a fox news town hall.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo "rejected buying rcommended 16,000
ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lottories instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015,
16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it down"
April 7, 2020, press briefing
With voting by mail, "you get thousands and thousands of people sitting
in somebody's living room, signing ballots all over the place.
AI> April 13, 2020 in a tweet.
"It is the decision of the President," not the governors, to "open up the states"
April 16, 2020 in a tweet.Nancy did do this
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi deleted a video of her telling people to go to Chinatown.
May 3, 2020 Fox news virtual town hall.True because Joe did at first blame but then later it was a good idea that Trump did what he did.
Joe Biden has "written a letter of apology" for calling Trump's travel restrictions from China "xenophobic".
May 5, 2020 in an ABC interview.someone days due other things going that were pre-existing and yet it is said that they died from covid.
Models projecting COVID-19 deaths "are talking about without mitigation".
May 19, 2020 in remarks to reporters at the Capitol.
If you look at the one (hydroxychloroquine) survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old. Almost dead.
That is true the CDC was run very poorly under Obama/Biden.
The CDC is suffering under Trump the same as the DOJ and more recently
the USPS and the list goes on.
The democrats are grandstanding the issue with the Postal Service because >they want mail in voting (so they can steal the election) they are are also >playing people emotions deliberately suggesting the seniors may not get
needed medication, I know that is false because I am employed for a pharmacy >PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager) firm.
Mail in Voting everywhere it has been tried has been nothing but a
headache, pets getting ballots, dead people getting ballots, people who not >lived at a address for the past 10 years are still getting ballots delivered >to their old address.
March 4, 2020 in a meeting at the White House.
"The Obama administration made a decision on testing that turned out to be very detrimental to what we're doing" on the caronavirus.
That is true the CDC was run very poorly under Obama/Biden.
March 17, 2020 at a White House press conference.
The WHO caronavirus test "was a bad test".
Perhaps it was a bad test, the WHO had a responsibility to the world.
What does WHO mean: after all it is the "World Health Organization"
They failed their primary and only responsibility there is and can not be any other measure. It is also clear and no secret that leadership within the WHO were puppets of the communist Chinese Government. Even through it was the United States that provided the majority of it's funding.
March 24, 2020 at a fox news town hall.
New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo "rejected buying rcommended 16,000 ventilators in 2015 for the pandemic, for a pandemic, established death panels and lottories instead. So, he had a chance to buy, in 2015, 16,000 ventilators at a very low price, and he turned it
It is also True that Andrew Cuomo had ventilators stock piled in a warehouse, and has since 2015, so if you don't use them in 2015 for a pandemic that requires them... What would you call it?
April 7, 2020, press briefing
With voting by mail, "you get thousands and thousands of people sitting in somebody's living room, signing ballots all over the
Family Pets are getting ballots, the dead are getting ballots, people who have not lived at the address where the ballots were delivered for 10 years are getting ballots.
April 13, 2020 in a tweet.
"It is the decision of the President," not the governors, to "open up
the states"
Donald Trump is the President of the United States.
May 5, 2020 in an ABC interview.
Models projecting COVID-19 deaths "are talking about without mitigation".
someone days due other things going that were pre-existing and yet it is said that they died from covid.
May 19, 2020 in remarks to reporters at the Capitol.
If you look at the one (hydroxychloroquine) survey, the only bad survey, they were giving it to people that were in very bad shape. They were very old. Almost dead.
As with all medications that is taken it must come the advisement of your physician.
The CDC is suffering under Trump the same as the DOJ and more recently the USPS and the list goes on.
The CDC is better then ever before under Trump.
The USPS has been losing money for years and the Amazon's of the world are not helping the situation w/ the USPS losing two to four dollars on every package shipped. (through the postal service)
The democrats are grandstanding the issue with the Postal Service because they want mail in voting (so they can steal the election) they are are also playing people emotions deliberately suggesting the seniors may not get their needed medication, I know that is false because I am employed
for a pharmacy PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager) firm.
Mail in Voting everywhere it has been tried has been nothing but a headache, pets getting ballots, dead people getting ballots, people who not lived at a address for the past 10 years are still getting ballots delivered to their old address.
The CDC has run quite well for the most part, thankfully, although that is not so much the case today.
The CDC has run quite well for the most part, thankfully, although that is not so much the case today.
There was no pandemic during the Obama regime, so the CDC has no choice but to look sexy.
Now that there's a pandemic, nobody has a boner for the CDC anymore. A person could even stretch that into "Obama's CDC was flawless."
Mail in Voting everywhere it has been tried has been nothing but a >headache, pets getting ballots, dead people getting ballots, people who n >lived at a address for the past 10 years are still getting ballots delive >to their old address.
The state of Louisiana has passed a law allowing mail in voting.
In order to qualify, one has to contract COVID-19. Then, those who
have tested positive can vote by mail.
IOW, I have to kill myself in order to vote by mail.
The WHO cannot overcome the problems with the PRC regardless of who funds it. That is not and never has been the roll of the WHO.
The WHO never had a test for coronavirus, that is not what they ever did.
A stockpile that was used up by the coronavirus? New York had a huge number of coronavirus cases and deaths.
Family Pets are getting ballots, the dead are getting ballots, people have not lived at the address where the ballots were delivered for 10 years are getting ballots.
The fact is, there is no widespread voting fraud in the US. The states have years and years of experience with mail in voting.
April 13, 2020 in a tweet.
"It is the decision of the President," not the governors, to "ope the states"
Donald Trump is the President of the United States.
Yes, he is. Never the less his statement is false.
We have to keep an open mind about what the solutions might be but it is clear hydroxychloroquine is not it.
Gregory Deyss wrote to Alan Ianson:Study? by whom? Bunch of fools that don't have their facts in order. The USPS is losing 2 to 4 dollars on every package the USPS touches from Amazon.
The CDC is suffering under Trump the same as the DOJ and more recently the USPS and the list goes on.
The CDC is better then ever before under Trump.
The CDC used to state things clearly and simply, for good reason. Under the Trump administration that message has been watered down and in a lot of cases (the reopening of the states for example) simply ignored.
The USPS has been losing money for years and the Amazon's of the world not helping the situation w/ the USPS losing two to four dollars on ev package shipped. (through the postal service)
A recent study found the amazon partnership was good for the USPS.
The democrats are grandstanding the issue with the Postal Service beca they want mail in voting (so they can steal the election) they are are also playing people emotions deliberately suggesting the seniors may n get their needed medication, I know that is false because I am employe for a pharmacy PBM (Pharmacy Benefits Manager) firm.
Yeah, I don't understand how or why folks get their medications in the mail. I get my medications directly from the pharmacy and if I can't do that the pharmacy will deliver it for me, the same day.
Mail in voting is not something democrats want you to get. You already have it and have had it for a long time.
Mail in Voting everywhere it has been tried has been nothing but a headache, pets getting ballots, dead people getting ballots, people wh not lived at a address for the past 10 years are still getting ballots delivered to their old address.
If there are problems then they can and should be fixed.
Perhaps the president could provide solutions rather that defunding the USPS and installing his cronie as post master general!
April 13, 2020 in a tweet.
"It is the decision of the President," not the governors, to
"open the states"
Donald Trump is the President of the United States.
Yes, he is. Never the less his statement is false.
Why because you said so?
You have been proven to take things out of context and twist the truth,
why should I take your word now as being as accurate.
Just because the Post Master General is a Conservative does not make him a cronie.
President Trump has not defended the Post Office.
who n LL> >lived at a address for the past 10 years are still getting ballots delive LL> >to their old address.Mail in Voting everywhere it has been tried has been nothing but a >headache, pets getting ballots, dead people getting ballots, people
The state of Louisiana has passed a law allowing mail in voting.In order to qualify, one has to contract COVID-19. Then, those who
have tested positive can vote by mail.
There is no need for mail in voting,
Like I said above it has been proven to be problematic and several and
obvious security concerns about getting an accurate count, due to blatant high potential for fraud to be committed.
Anytime Cryin Chuck is talking about something there is always is
a under-story. The man is a snake and has proven he can not be trusted.
38 Million visit Wal*Mart each and everyday, so voting at your local >municipality is more then ok.
IOW, I have to kill myself in order to vote by mail.
No that would be an absentee ballot.
Just because the Post Master General is a Conservative does not make h cronie.
Louis DeJoy is on old friend and supporter of Donald Trump. That makes
him a crony. This is another classic example of cronyism.
38 Million visit Wal*Mart each and everyday, so voting at your local >municipality is more then ok.
No need to get out and expose oneself to the coronavirus at all,
as mail in voting solves that problem.
Dead people can vote?
but the left leaning BS that you call news, won't tell you that.
but you sit there and sallow it whole, without chewing.
To be fair, most Canadian news coverage is left-leaning. See my other messages to Aaron about this.
38 Million visit Wal*Mart each and everyday, so voting at your localas mail in voting solves that problem.
municipality is more then ok.
No need to get out and expose oneself to the coronavirus at all,
Like I said 30 + million people visit Wal*Mart every day of the week, no one >is dying in mass numbers from visiting wally world, therefore voting at your >local municipality should be fine.
Dead people can vote?
You set up a perfect segue to why mail in voting should not be allowed Dead
people are getting ballots under mail in voting. Ballots are being
recorded for those dead people.
Absentee Ballots are fine because you have to send for one and you get a >ballot to be filled out, you can always drop dead once you drop ballot off
the ballot at your local Post Office.
To be fair, most Canadian news coverage is left-leaning. See my other messages to Aaron about this.
Who do you have for your provider (Cable provider)
Is Newsmax TV where you are. - It's quite refreshing not having to watch liberal hacks.
Our Canadian television providers are in cahoots with the government / CRTC which is the equivalent of your FCC. As I wrote before elsewhere, any kind
On 24 Aug 20 22:57:46, Gregory Deyss said the following to Alan Ianson:
but the left leaning BS that you call news, won't tell you that.
but you sit there and sallow it whole, without chewing.
To be fair, most Canadian news coverage is left-leaning. See my other messages to Aaron about this.
175,000+ dead, and counting. That is just the number of dead,
not the total number of cases, which is many times that number.
Just in a few months time. Forcing millions upon millions of
people to vote in person puts them at risk of joining the dead.
As such, nothing will be fine. Especially for those who die.
Dead people can vote?You set up a perfect segue to why mail in voting should not be allowed De
people are getting ballots under mail in voting. Ballots are being
recorded for those dead people.
You're fired, Donald!You're hate for him, just means, he is doing a Great job.
In related news: Last night I wanted to watch the RNC convention, and I don have cable. The only broadcast channel that offered to show it was PBS. So tuned to PBS, and they showed bits and pieces of the convention with anti-Trump commentary breaks every 2 minutes. There was really no way to wa
Remember in the 80's and early 90's when CNN was actually somewhat decent? No opinions, no nonsense. I heard that Ted Turner is even pissed how his
175,000+ dead, and counting. That is just the number of dead,
not the total number of cases, which is many times that number.
Just in a few months time. Forcing millions upon millions of
people to vote in person puts them at risk of joining the dead.
As such, nothing will be fine. Especially for those who die.
So why should that number or even a number 2x this number, cause mass
hysteria across the entire county.
There is nothing to fear but fear it self.
Franklin D. Roosevelt
allowed De LL> > people are getting ballots under mail in voting. Ballots are beingDead people can vote?You set up a perfect segue to why mail in voting should not be
recorded for those dead people.
In the logical since dead people can't vote, but their votes are non the
less being cast, sinister acts are a foot.
You're fired, Donald!
You're hate for him, just means, he is doing a Great job.
On 26 Aug 20 08:45:59, Gregory Deyss said the following to Nick Andre:
To be fair, most Canadian news coverage is left-leaning. See my o messages to Aaron about this.
Who do you have for your provider (Cable provider)
Is Newsmax TV where you are. - It's quite refreshing not having to wat liberal hacks.
Our Canadian television providers are in cahoots with the government / CRTC which is the equivalent of your FCC. As I wrote before elsewhere,
any kind of application for a conservative-based news channel is almost always denied as "nobody wants Fox News North". We did have Sun News but it never caught on.
Allowing mail-in ballots save lives. Forcing people to vote
in person kills people. It really is that simple.
30 million unemployed right now under your beloved prez.
How is that working out for them?
His job approval rating is a lowly 41%, according to the latest polls.Polls... lol you go right believing in those polls.
Allowing mail-in ballots save lives. Forcing people to vote
in person kills people. It really is that simple.
It all comes down to what you believe I suppose.
As I've said over 30 million American's visit Wal-Mart each & every day.
30 million unemployed right now under your beloved prez.
How is that working out for them?
and? This not the President's fault, it's China's fault.
His job approval rating is a lowly 41%, according to the latest polls.
Polls... lol you go right believing in those polls. Please keep focused on
them. History will repeat itself.
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