Jail is icky!
Aaron Thomas@1:229/426 to
All on Fri Aug 7 19:50:20 2020
Ibrahim Bouaichi, presumably a Democrat supporter, was in a Virginia jail on a rape charge. But Ralph Northam (D) and his goons decided to let "non-violent offenders" like Ibrahim Bouaichi (Rapist) out of jail to prevent the spread of covid-19.
Luckily for Ibrahim, he was released. But instead of being a good boy and staying out of trouble, he decided to murder the rape victim.
Now that we've addressed our primary concern, which is the health and safety of Ibrahim, let's check on our rape victim. Hmm, she seems awfully quiet. Oh yea! That's because she's dead. Looks like somebody won't be testifying
in court!
Why do Democrats love rapists so much? Is it their swagger? Or do we just love people with ambition? I'd ask Ralph Northam myself, but I'm too scared of the guy! People who highlight "Democrat achievements" usually don't do as well as Ibrahim did in jail.
So what's next for Ibrahim now that jail is no longer on the menu? Maybe one of you guys would like to hire him? Or should we just fork over the foodstamps and let the man relax? It's got to be exhausting to be doing all that raping and murdering and getting all that praise from the governor.
Ibrahim shot himself when he cops confronted him, but he survived. I think we should make a holiday for the guy, or maybe make August "Rape Awareness Month" to remind everyone that rapists are people too, and that jails are "icky."
--- Renegade vY2Ka2
* Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426)