From ARRL de WD1CKS@VERT/WLARB to QST on Wed May 27 17:34:59 2020
A pre-hurricane season exercise was carried out on May 16 for radio amateurs and the National Weather Service (NWS) in the southeastern US. The scenario was a Category 3 - 4 storm making landfall at Panama City on Florida's panhandle, and moving through Alabama and Georgia. The Tallahassee NWS Office asked amateur radio operators for weather and storm damage reports. Exercise nets opened on HF and on a VHF repeater (HF turned out to be a disappointment), with stations using Winlink for reporting. Stations' weather observations were submitted to the NWS via the nets using the NWSChat utility. - Thanks to The ARRL ARES E-Letterÿ
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