Sean Kutzko, KX9X, Appointed AMSAT Volunteer Coordinator
QST on Tue Mar 24 16:21:57 2020
AMSAT President Clayton Coleman, W5PFG, has announced the appointment of Sean Kutzko, KX9X, of Urbana, Illinois, as Volunteer Coordinator. Licensed since 1982, Kutzko served for 10 years on the ARRL Headquarters staff as Contest Branch Manager and as Media and Public Relations Manager.
"It's an honor to be able to volunteer for AMSAT," Kutzko said. "AMSAT is a great organization and helping find good volunteers who are willing to help all areas of AMSAT's growth and development is the least I could do for the organization that has given me a lot of enjoyment and technical skill."
An active HF and VHF contester, DXer, and backpack QRP enthusiast, Kutzko started working satellites in 2011. He's written instructional articles on satellite operating for the AMSAT website and for QST, and he blogs regularly on satellite topics on DX Engineering's On All Bands. Outside of amateur radio, Kutzko is a freelance public relations and communications consultant and voiceover artist. - Thanks to AMSAT News Service
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