• Havens BBS

    From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sat Sep 7 07:58:32 2019
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Fidonet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Fidonet Vkradionet
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Thu Oct 24 11:40:58 2019
    H A V E N S B B S

    Dovenet SciNet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$ BBSLink Door Games
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Scinet Vkradionet

    Havens BBS

    SysOp: HusTler

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sun Nov 10 17:59:23 2019
    H A V E N S B B S

    Dovenet SciNet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$ BBSLink Door Games
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Scinet Vkradionet

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Mon Nov 25 21:44:58 2019
    H A V E N S B B S
    havens.synchro.net 23

    Dovenet SciNet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$ BBSLink Door Games
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    Telnet port 23 ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    ssh port 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Scinet Vkradionet
    user: new Password: new ``` L.O.R.D Ambroshia


    Havens BBS

    SysOp: HusTler

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Wed Nov 27 09:14:16 2019
    Connected.. ܰ߰ :
    ߰ .
    You have reached ܰ߰:
    The Haven BBS ܰ ܰ ܰ .. . .... .
    with your host: HusTler ߲۰.
    ۲ Dovenet Usenet Fsxnet۰ ߲ ..: ..:.
    Retronet Micronet .
    ޲ ߱۰ ܲ :
    ߰ ۰ ߰
    ۰ ܰ
    ߰߰ ۰ ߰
    ޱ ް߰
    ް ۰ܰް
    ۰ ܰ ۰ ްݰ ޱ ޲ ܰܰް
    ްܰ ް ް ۰ݲ۲ ۲ ܰ۰
    ߰ޱ ޱ ޲۲ ܱ ݰ۰۰
    ްޱ ޱ ޲ .߲۲ ۰߰
    ް ۱ ۲ ܲ . ..:۱ܰܰ۲ ۲b!
    ޲ ݲ ... havens.synchro.net ߲߱ ۰۱ܰ

    Havens BBS

    SysOp: HusTler

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Hustler@VERT/DMINE to All on Thu Dec 19 11:51:24 2019
    H A V E N S B B S
    havens.synchro.net 23

    Dovenet SciNet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$ BBSLink Door Games
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    Telnet port 23 ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    ssh port 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Scinet Vkradionet
    user: new Password: new ``` L.O.R.D Ambroshia


    Synchronet Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Thu Dec 19 11:39:58 2019
    [0;40;37m[32m[1;42m [0;32m[1;42m [0;32m[37m[36m.
    [37m [1;34m [0m [1;34mConnected..[0m [1;34m [0m[33m [37m[32m[1;42m[0;32m[1;42m [0m[36m:
    [37m [1;46;34m[40m[0m[1;34m[0m[33m [1;43;31m [0;33m[37m [32m[1;42m[0;32m[37m[1;47;32m [0m[1;47;32m [0m[32m[37m[1;36m.
    [0m [1;34m [46m[40m[0m[1;34mYou have reached[0m[1;34m [0m [33m[37m[32m[37m[1;47;32m[0m[33m[37m[1;47;32m[0m[1;36m:
    [0m [36m[1;46;34m[40m[0m[1;34mThe Haven BBS[0m[1;34m [0m [33m[1;43;31m[0;33m[35m [37m [1;31m[0m[33m[1;43;31m[0;33m[37m [33m[1;43;31m [0;33m[1;43;31m[0m [1;36m..[0m [1;36m.[0m [1;36m.[0;36m.[1m..[0m [1;36m.
    [0m [1;34m[0m [1;34mwith your host: [0;31mHusTler[37m [1;34m [0m [33m [37m [33m[37m[1;31m[0;33m[1;43;31m[0;33m[1;43;30m[0m[1;36m.[0m [1;36m
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    [0m [1;46;34m[36m[0;36m[37m [36m[1;46m[0;36m[1;46m[0;36m[37m [36m[1;46m[0m [1;36m[46m[0m [1;46;36m[40m[0m [36m.[1m[46m[40m[46m۲[40m[0m [34m[1;44m [0;34m[1;44m[0;34m[1m[44;37m[40;34m
    [0;36m[1;46m[0m [36m [1;46m[0m [1;46;36m[0m [36m[1;46m۲[40m[0;36m [1m[46m[40m[46m[40m[0;36m [37m [36m. [37m [1;36m[0m [36m.[1m.:[0m[34m[1;44m[40m[44mܰ[0;34mܰ[1;44m [0;34m[1;44m[40m
    [0;36m[1;46m[40m[0m [1;46;36m[40m[46m[40m[0m [1;36m[0;36m [1m..[0;36m.[37m [1;36mhavens.synchro.net[0m [34m[37m [34m[1;44m߲߱[0;34m[37m [34m[1;44m۱[0;34m[1;44m[40m

    H A V E N S B B S havens.synchro.net:23

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Digital Man@VERT to HusTler on Thu Dec 19 12:07:13 2019
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: HusTler to All on Thu Dec 19 2019 11:39 am

    [0;40;37m[32m[1;42m [0;32m[1;42m [0;32m[37m[36m.

    Something went wrong there.

    digital man

    Synchronet/BBS Terminology Definition #29:
    FSP = FidoNet Standards Proposal
    Norco, CA WX: 65.9F, 23.0% humidity, 0 mph W wind, 0.00 inches rain/24hrs

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Digital Man on Fri Dec 20 13:18:21 2019
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Digital Man to HusTler on Thu Dec 19 2019 12:07 pm

    Re: Havens BBS
    [0;40;37m[32m[1;42m [0;32m[1;42m [0;32m[37m[36m.

    Something went wrong there.

    Yea but I don't know what it was. The second time worked but I'm pretty sure I did the same thing. I'll get it right some day. ;-)

    H A V E N S B B S havens.synchro.net:23

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Dumas Walker@VERT/CAPCITY2 to DIGITAL MAN on Fri Dec 20 20:01:00 2019
    Something went wrong there.

    It looks like the escape sequences (or whatever the arrow characters in
    ANSI are called) are all missing.

    * SLMR 2.1a * Remember, to a computer 1 + 1 = 10.

    Synchronet CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Hustler on Thu Dec 19 21:40:55 2019
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Hustler to All on Thu Dec 19 2019 11:51 am

    H A V E N S B B S
    havens.synchro.net 23

    Dovenet SciNet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$ BBSLink Door Games
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_

    hey, i'm a big fan of fredericksburg, va. i go there every year.
    great place.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Diamond Dave@VERT/DMINE to MRO on Tue Dec 24 07:49:18 2019
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: MRO to Hustler on Thu Dec 19 2019 09:40 pm

    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Hustler to All on Thu Dec 19 2019 11:51 am

    H A V E N S B B S
    havens.synchro.net 23

    Dovenet SciNet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$ BBSLink Door Games
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_

    hey, i'm a big fan of fredericksburg, va. i go there every year.
    great place.

    That's where I live as well. Been running the BBS here since 1995. :)

    *** Diamond Dave ***

    Synchronet Diamond Mine Online BBS - bbs.dmine.net:24 - Fredericksburg, VA USA
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Diamond Dave on Tue Dec 24 12:08:35 2019
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Diamond Dave to MRO on Tue Dec 24 2019 07:49 am

    hey, i'm a big fan of fredericksburg, va. i go there every year.
    great place.

    That's where I live as well. Been running the BBS here since 1995. :)

    virginia is a great place to go on vacation, but you will be doing a lot of driving if you want to see all the cool stuff.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to MRO on Tue Dec 24 11:13:41 2019
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: MRO to Diamond Dave on Tue Dec 24 2019 12:08 pm

    virginia is a great place to go on vacation, but you will be doing a lot of driving if you want to see all the cool stuff.

    I've never really been to the east coast of the US, except for visiting Cocoa Beach, Florida for a couple weeks when I was 7, and having a layover at a few airports (in Florida, Georgia, and NY).


    Synchronet Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nightfox on Tue Dec 24 22:35:25 2019
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Nightfox to MRO on Tue Dec 24 2019 11:13 am

    virginia is a great place to go on vacation, but you will be doing a lo of driving if you want to see all the cool stuff.

    I've never really been to the east coast of the US, except for visiting Coco Beach, Florida for a couple weeks when I was 7, and having a layover at a fe airports (in Florida, Georgia, and NY).


    one thing i noticed is the women over there werent very attractive.
    i'm in the midwest where i'm used to a lot of hot danish/norwegian/german chicks. virgina beach is not a good place for girl watching.

    also it's not as ethnically diverse as where i'm from.
    In the areas i visited in virginia the blacks and whites dont really associate with eachother.

    still, it's worth checking out and lots to do. just a lot of driving.
    i saw the air and space museum where they had the stuff from the fake moonlanding, too.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Outatime@VERT/BTTFBBS to ALL on Fri Dec 27 13:16:00 2019
    chicks. virgina beach is not a good place for girl watching.

    try New Jersey. it will reset your expectations.

    * QWK2WWIV * Back to the Future (bttfbbs.com)
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Outatime on Fri Dec 27 14:20:28 2019
    Re: Re: Havens BBS
    By: Outatime to ALL on Fri Dec 27 2019 01:16 pm

    chicks. virgina beach is not a good place for girl watching.

    try New Jersey. it will reset your expectations.

    nah, i dont need to go any further than where i live.
    just saying that people over there arent too attractive.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Wed Feb 5 09:13:31 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Fidonet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Fidonet Vkradionet

    HusTler@ havens.synchro.net

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sat Mar 14 13:57:26 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Fidonet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Fidonet Vkradionet
    HusTler @ Havens BBS
    Synchronet BBS havens.synchro.net

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Thu Mar 26 07:41:45 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Gamenet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Fidonet Vkradionet

    Proud operator Synchronet BBS

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Baguette@VERT/DECKHVN2 to HusTler on Sun Mar 29 01:38:51 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: HusTler to All on Thu Mar 26 2020 07:41 am

    Hey, HusTler, either your BBS is down or I'm a big-brain who can't work SyncTerm properly. It's 6:30 in the morning and I haven't slept, so both are equally likely.
    Accept JESUS as your saviour and win a FREE PSP!!!

    Synchronet Decker's Heaven -//- bbs.deckersheaven.com
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Baguette on Sun Mar 29 12:15:40 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to HusTler on Sun Mar 29 2020 01:38 am

    Hey, HusTler, either your BBS is down or I'm a big-brain who can't work SyncTerm properly. It's 6:30 in the morning and I haven't slept, so both are equally likely.

    Thanks for that Baquette. Telnet could not bind to port 23. Don't know why but a restart did the trick. I never use telnet on my board so thanks for the heads up.

    Proud operator Synchronet BBS

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to HusTler on Sun Mar 29 14:34:22 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: HusTler to Baguette on Sun Mar 29 2020 12:15 pm

    Thanks for that Baquette. Telnet could not bind to port 23. Don't know why but a restart did the trick. I never use telnet on my board so thanks for the heads up.

    Do you usually use SSH or RLogin?


    Synchronet Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Baguette@VERT/DECKHVN2 to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 00:01:41 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Nightfox to HusTler on Sun Mar 29 2020 02:34 pm

    @MSGID: <5E81145E.7662.dove_dove-ads@digitaldistortionbbs.com>
    @REPLY: <5E80C9AC.374.dove-ads@havens.synchronetbbs.org>
    @TZ: c1e0
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: HusTler to Baguette on Sun Mar 29 2020 12:15 pm

    Thanks for that Baquette. Telnet could not bind to port 23. Don't know but a restart did the trick. I never use telnet on my board so thanks f the heads up.

    Do you usually use SSH or RLogin?


    Synchronet Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com

    Nah, I usually use telnet. I've also apparently used up all my logins for Havens today, despite not even connecting for at least a month, so I dunno what's up with that.
    Accept JESUS as your saviour and win a FREE PSP!!!

    Synchronet Decker's Heaven -//- bbs.deckersheaven.com
  • From Nightfox@VERT/DIGDIST to Baguette on Sun Mar 29 22:23:02 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 2020 12:01 am

    Thanks for that Baquette. Telnet could not bind to port 23. Don't
    know but a restart did the trick. I never use telnet on my board
    so thanks f the heads up.

    Do you usually use SSH or RLogin?

    Nah, I usually use telnet. I've also apparently used up all my logins for

    I was asking Hustler, as he said he never uses telnet on his board.


    Synchronet Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Baguette on Mon Mar 30 10:48:16 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 2020 12:01 am

    Nah, I usually use telnet. I've also apparently used up all my logins for Havens today, despite not even connecting for at least a month, so I dunno what's up with that.

    send the sysop and email. he probably needs to restart the bbs.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 10:50:33 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Nightfox to Baguette on Sun Mar 29 2020 10:23 pm

    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 2020 12:01 am

    Thanks for that Baquette. Telnet could not bind to port 23. Don't Hu>> know but a restart did the trick. I never use telnet on my board Hu>> so thanks f the heads up.

    Do you usually use SSH or RLogin?

    Nah, I usually use telnet. I've also apparently used up all my logins f

    I was asking Hustler, as he said he never uses telnet on his board.

    i logged on via telnet as guest. hopefully that will fix the issue.
    hustler probably needs to restart the bbs.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 09:38:41 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Nightfox to HusTler on Sun Mar 29 2020 02:34 pm

    Do you usually use SSH or RLogin?


    I always use SSH. I don't think logging on to my board as admin with telnet is a good idea ;-)

    Proud operator Synchronet BBS

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to Baguette on Mon Mar 30 09:43:54 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 2020 12:01 am

    Nah, I usually use telnet. I've also apparently used up all my logins for Havens today, despite not even connecting for at least a month, so I dunno what's up with that.

    Please send me email if you're still having trouble. I'm sure it can be easily resolved. Thanks.


    Proud operator Synchronet BBS

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Rampage@VERT/SESTAR to HusTler on Mon Mar 30 14:28:39 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: HusTler to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 2020 09:38:41

    Do you usually use SSH or RLogin?

    Hustler> I always use SSH. I don't think logging on to my board as
    Hustler> admin with telnet is a good idea ;-)

    do you mean logging into your BBS or logging into the BBS' (virtual) machine?


    Synchronet The SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR
  • From Sandman@VERT/HAVENS to MRO on Mon Mar 30 12:52:48 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: MRO to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 2020 10:50 am

    Don't know but a restart did the trick. I never use telnet on
    my board so thanks f the heads up.
    i logged on via telnet as guest. hopefully that will fix the issue. hustler probably needs to restart the bbs.

    The bots are reeking havoc. Made some changes recommended by SysOps in the know. Hopefully the changes will ward off these stupid bots.

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From Baguette@VERT/DECKHVN2 to HusTler on Thu Apr 2 00:43:45 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: HusTler to Baguette on Mon Mar 30 2020 09:43 am

    @MSGID: <5E81F79A.379.dove-ads@havens.synchronetbbs.org>
    @REPLY: <5E816F25.438.dove-ads@deckersheaven.com>
    @TZ: c12c
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to Nightfox on Mon Mar 30 2020 12:01 am

    Nah, I usually use telnet. I've also apparently used up all my logins f Havens today, despite not even connecting for at least a month, so I du what's up with that.

    Please send me email if you're still having trouble. I'm sure it can be e


    Proud operator Synchronet BBS

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net

    Riiiiight. Email you /where/? I've tried every address I can think of, and I always get a message from the mail system saying I can't.
    Accept JESUS as your saviour and win a FREE PSP!!!

    Synchronet Decker's Heaven -//- bbs.deckersheaven.com
  • From Rampage@VERT/SESTAR to Baguette on Thu Apr 2 05:43:44 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to HusTler on Thu Apr 02 2020 00:43:45

    HusTler>> Please send me email if you're still having trouble. I'm sure it can be e

    HusTler>> hustler@havens.synchro.net

    Baguteer> Riiiiight. Email you /where/?

    that depends on the definition of "where"... if you're talking about the destination system, his email address is in all of his messages as seen above... if you're talking about some location in some software, we need to know which software you're trying to use to send said email...

    Baguette> I've tried every address I can think of,

    why would you try using any address other than the one above?

    Baguette> and I always get a message from the mail system saying I can't.

    this goes back to which software you're using... if you're writting the message in thunderbird, for instance, the (bounce?) message you get back should tell you/us exactly why the message cannot be delivered... if you're entering the address in the wrong format on some BBS software that expects a certain format in a certain menu option, we can also help with that...

    for example, some software expects the name in one field and the destination domain/address in another field... other software expects it all in one field but you have to use the correct menu option... it really depends on the software you are interfacing with...

    on my old remoteaccess FTN system, you had to put the name@domain in one field and a FNT gateway address in another... if the name@domain wouldn't fit in the field because it was too long, you had to put "UUCP" in the field, the gateway address in another field and then the very first line of the message had to be a proper "To: user@domain" line followed by a blank line and then the message body...

    software has come a long way, though, and some wants the same basic format as "user@address" where 'address' is a QWK system name, a FTN address, or an internet domain but you have to be using the right menu option...


    Synchronet The SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR
  • From Baguette@VERT/DECKHVN2 to Rampage on Thu Apr 2 12:03:38 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Rampage to Baguette on Thu Apr 02 2020 05:43 am

    @MSGID: <5E85B3D0.705.dove-ads@sestar.synchro.net>
    @REPLY: <5E856D81.446.dove-ads@deckersheaven.com>
    @TZ: c12c
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to HusTler on Thu Apr 02 2020 00:43:45

    HusTler>> Please send me email if you're still having trouble. I'm sure it

    HusTler>> hustler@havens.synchro.net

    Baguteer> Riiiiight. Email you /where/?

    that depends on the definition of "where"... if you're talking about the des to use to send said email...

    Baguette> I've tried every address I can think of,

    why would you try using any address other than the one above?

    Baguette> and I always get a message from the mail system saying I can't.

    this goes back to which software you're using... if you're writting the mess format on some BBS software that expects a certain format in a certain menu

    for example, some software expects the name in one field and the destination

    on my old remoteaccess FTN system, you had to put the name@domain in one fie
    field and then the very first line of the message had to be a proper "To: u

    software has come a long way, though, and some wants the same basic format a


    Synchronet The SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR

    ...Yes, I'm aware of how email software works. I've tried every variation of the email he listed, and get a message saying "lol nah" from the system.

    Constantly derealizing so you don't have to!

    Synchronet Decker's Heaven -//- bbs.deckersheaven.com
  • From Rampage@VERT/SESTAR to Baguette on Thu Apr 2 14:18:16 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to Rampage on Thu Apr 02 2020 12:03:38

    Baguette> Yes, I'm aware of how email software works. I've tried every
    Baguette> variation of the email he listed, and get a message saying
    Baguette> "lol nah" from the system.

    funny! i described how email and BBS software works ;)

    sadly, your "lol nah" response doesn't help anyone to diagnose the problem you are seeing :(

    what, exactly, is the message you're seeing and which software are you using that's giving you that message? i mean, if you really want some help, that is...


    Synchronet The SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Rampage on Thu Apr 2 20:50:18 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Rampage to Baguette on Thu Apr 02 2020 05:43 am

    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to HusTler on Thu Apr 02 2020 00:43:45

    HusTler>> Please send me email if you're still having trouble. I'm sure it be e

    HusTler>> hustler@havens.synchro.net

    Baguteer> Riiiiight. Email you /where/?

    that depends on the definition of "where"... if you're talking about the destination system, his email address is in all of his messages as seen above... if you're talking about some location in some software, we need to know which software you're trying to use to send said email...

    Baguette> I've tried every address I can think of,

    why would you try using any address other than the one above?

    Baguette> and I always get a message from the mail system saying I can't.

    this goes back to which software you're using... if you're writting the mess in thunderbird, for instance, the (bounce?) message you get back should tell you/us exactly why the message cannot be delivered... if you're entering the address in the wrong format on some BBS software that expects a certain form in a certain menu option, we can also help with that...

    for example, some software expects the name in one field and the destination domain/address in another field... other software expects it all in one fiel but you have to use the correct menu option... it really depends on the software you are interfacing with...

    on my old remoteaccess FTN system, you had to put the name@domain in one fie and a FNT gateway address in another... if the name@domain wouldn't fit in t field because it was too long, you had to put "UUCP" in the field, the gatew address in another field and then the very first line of the message had to a proper "To: user@domain" line followed by a blank line and then the messag body...

    software has come a long way, though, and some wants the same basic format a "user@address" where 'address' is a QWK system name, a FTN address, or an internet domain but you have to be using the right menu option...

    hey, good job on making something simple 100x more complicated.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to Baguette on Thu Apr 2 20:52:33 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to Rampage on Thu Apr 02 2020 12:03 pm

    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Rampage to Baguette on Thu Apr 02 2020 05:43 am

    @MSGID: <5E85B3D0.705.dove-ads@sestar.synchro.net>
    @REPLY: <5E856D81.446.dove-ads@deckersheaven.com>
    @TZ: c12c
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: Baguette to HusTler on Thu Apr 02 2020 00:43:45

    HusTler>> Please send me email if you're still having trouble. I'm sure

    HusTler>> hustler@havens.synchro.net

    Baguteer> Riiiiight. Email you /where/?

    that depends on the definition of "where"... if you're talking about the to use to send said email...

    Baguette> I've tried every address I can think of,

    why would you try using any address other than the one above?

    Baguette> and I always get a message from the mail system saying I can't

    this goes back to which software you're using... if you're writting the m format on some BBS software that expects a certain format in a certain me

    for example, some software expects the name in one field and the destinat

    on my old remoteaccess FTN system, you had to put the name@domain in one
    field and then the very first line of the message had to be a proper "To

    software has come a long way, though, and some wants the same basic forma


    Synchronet The SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR

    ...Yes, I'm aware of how email software works. I've tried every variation of the email he listed, and get a message saying "lol nah" from the system.

    what software sez lol nah

    4-2 08:49:48p 1184 !SEND ERROR 10061 connecting to SMTP server: havens.synchro.net
    4-2 08:49:48p 1184 !SEND Delivery attempt #1 FAILED (Error 10061 connecting to SMTP server: havens.synchro.net) for message #1951 from mro to hustler@havens.synchro.net

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::
  • From Rampage@VERT/SESTAR to MRO on Fri Apr 3 09:12:42 2020
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: MRO to Rampage on Thu Apr 02 2020 20:50:18

    hey, good job on making something simple 100x more complicated.

    i didn't do it... like many projects with long lives, a lot of thing just grew without a template... all i did was describe how it is/was done on other BBS software and addon packages and how it is done in sbbs... don't blame or shoot the messenger...


    Synchronet The SouthEast Star Mail HUB - SESTAR
  • From HusTler@VERT/PHARCYDE to All on Sun Apr 5 09:40:31 2020
    H A V E N S B B S

    $ $$
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Dovenet Sci-Net FsxNet

    Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Fri May 15 22:52:45 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    http:// havensbbs.com IRC MRC Message Areas
    Micronet Usenet Gamenet yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    $ $$
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23


    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Tue Jun 9 17:26:48 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    http:// havensbbs.com IRC MRC Message Areas
    Micronet Usenet Gamenet yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    $ $$
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23


    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sat Jun 27 09:46:40 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    http:// havensbbs.com IRC MRC Message Areas
    Micronet Usenet Gamenet yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome

    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23


    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Mon Jun 29 16:16:22 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Fidonet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Fidonet Vkradionet


    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/PHARCYDE to All on Wed Jul 8 09:27:06 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    http://havensbbs.com IRC MRC Message Areas
    Micronet Usenet Gamenet Doors Files Global War
    Dovenet Scinet Retronet New Users Welcome

    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ _., ;$$$$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `El l$$ _.,Ag#S$$$$ ll$$E`` __.,
    l$$_.,Ag#S$$$$| l$$$$S#gA,._$$l d$PE````$$$ _.,Ag#S$$$$|
    :$$PE`````l$$l l$$l"```ES$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$PE`````l$$l
    $$l d$$$ :$$$ $$$: $$$l l$$`l$$$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$$ll$$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$ll$$$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``ESllSE"```"ES$$; _,g`EEE' :$$SE"``~~ l$$l $l ~`ESl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$PEE$$$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet

    Synchronet thePharcyde_ telnet://bbs.pharcyde.org (Wisconsin)
  • From Hustler@VERT to All on Wed Jul 29 06:50:57 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    http:// havensbbs.com IRC MRC Message Areas
    Micronet Usenet Gamenet yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome

    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$$$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$$ll$$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet

    Havens BBS havens.synchro.net

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sun Aug 16 11:14:28 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    http:// havensbbs.com IRC MRC Message Areas
    Micronet Usenet Gamenet yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome $ $$
    ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Thu Aug 27 08:42:05 2020

    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    FsxNet UseNet MicroNet $ $$
    Gamenet Vkradio-net ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Thu Sep 3 12:34:16 2020

    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    FsxNet UseNet MicroNet $ $$
    Gamenet Vkradio-net ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23
    founded 1991

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sat Sep 5 09:43:14 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    FsxNet UseNet MicroNet $ $$ havens.synchro.net
    Gamenet Vkradio-net ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sat Sep 5 09:56:33 2020
    Connected.. ܰ߰ :
    ߰ .
    You have reached ܰ߰ :
    The Haven BBS ܰ ܰ ܰ .. . .... .
    with your host: HusTler ߲۰ .
    ۲ Dovenet Usenet Fsxnet ۰ ߲ ..: ..:. Retronet Micronet .
    ޲ ߱۰ ܲ :
    ߰ ۰ ߰
    ۰ ܰ
    ߰߰ ۰ ߰
    ޱ ް߰
    ް ۰ܰް
    ۰ ܰ ۰ ްݰ ޱ ޲ ܰܰް
    ްܰ ް ް ۰ݲ۲ ۲ ܰ۰
    ߰ޱ ޱ ޲۲ ܱ ݰ۰۰
    ްޱ ޱ ޲ .߲۲ ۰߰
    ް ۱ ۲ ܲ . ..: ۱ܰܰ۲ ۲b!
    ޲ ݲ ... havens.synchro.net ߲߱ ۰۱ܰ

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Thu Oct 8 13:48:17 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Fidonet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Fidonet Vkradionet


    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Mon Oct 12 10:32:28 2020
    Connected.. ܰ߰ :
    ߰ .
    You have reached ܰ߰:
    The Haven BBS ܰ ܰ ܰ .. . .... .
    with your host: HusTler ߲۰.
    ۲ Dovenet Usenet Fsxnet۰ ߲ ..: ..:.
    Retronet Micronet .
    ޲ ߱۰ ܲ :
    ߰ ۰ ߰
    ۰ ܰ
    ߰߰ ۰ ߰
    ޱ ް߰
    ް ۰ܰް
    ۰ ܰ ۰ ްݰ ޱ ޲ ܰܰް
    ްܰ ް ް ۰ݲ۲ ۲ ܰ۰
    ߰ޱ ޱ ޲۲ ܱ ݰ۰۰
    ްޱ ޱ ޲ .߲۲ ۰߰
    ް ۱ ۲ ܲ . ..:۱ܰܰ۲ ۲b!
    ޲ ݲ ... havens.synchro.net ߲߱ ۰۱ܰ

    Regards, Havens BBS
    HusTler (havens.synchro.net:23) ---
    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Wed Oct 14 08:00:41 2020

    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Filez Support
    Dovenet Sci-Net Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    FsxNet UseNet MicroNet $ $$
    Gamenet Vkradio-net ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ MicroNet RetroNet UseNet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ GameNet DoveNet VkradioNet
    havens.synchro.net :23

    Regards, Havens BBS
    HusTler (havens.synchro.net:23)

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net:23
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Fri Nov 20 21:58:04 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Gamenet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Gamenet Vkradionet
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Tue Dec 15 07:41:39 2020
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Gamenet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Gamenet Vkradionet

    ... An honest politician is one who, when bought, stays bought.
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sun Dec 27 13:48:50 2020
    yyyyyyy $$$: yyy+ +,yy,_+uy l$: yyyy +yyy, ylP"`__`$$ yy, _,d$l +yyyyyyyy$$$$$$l l$$l "_,d$| l$:?#g, :$l l$$$$l l$$l l$: $$$g :$l+"`__`$$; $$yy$$$$$$$$$ :$$$+"`__`$$ :$l g,`$$: $$ :$$$$',$$P :$l_,+ ,$P', $$ :$$$ :$l l$$$$$$$$$$$$$$: $$$: $$$ |$| $$ :$ l$l l$: $$P',$P`,d: $$',d$$P d$ l$: $$$: $$; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$l l$$l l$$| $$ l$:_,g$$ :$l l',dP`,d$$l l$:`_.,g$l :$l l$$$ :$$ :$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ :$$$ :$$$ |$|:$l"`_"_ $$ ,dP`,d$$$$$ :$lP"`.,ss: $$ :$$$: $$i l$$$$$Ľ $$$:"+.l$$P'l$,:$$ Ŀ::P`':i D o O r ZR e T r O n E TS c I n E tF i L e Z:D o V e N e T.M i C r O n E t: G l o B a LF s X n E t .V k R a d I o N e T M o v i e s i W a R W h I s P e R n E t U s E n E t:.C H a T:l L o R d h a v e n s . s y n c h r o . n e t l$,telnet 23ssh 2222,$`b,._ __ __ ____ __ _.,d'SAUCE00Haven!
    Proctologist SeNSE 19980608.
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sun Dec 27 13:49:39 2020
    yyyyyyy $$$: yyy+ +,yy,_+uy l$:
    yyyy +yyy, ylP"`__`$$ yy, _,d$l
    +yyyyyyyy$$$$$$l l$$l "_,d$| l$:?#g, :$l
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    R a d I o N e T M o v i e s i W a
    R W h I s P e R n E t U s E n E
    t:.C H a T:l
    L o R d h a v e n s . s y n c h r o . n e t
    l$,telnet 23ssh
    __ __
    ____ __
    Proctologist SeNSE 19980608.
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Tue Dec 29 08:15:13 2020

    H a V e N s b B syyyyF i L e Z
    H a V e N s B b S . C o Myyyyyyyyy $N e T w O r K s
    S y C h R o N e T$$$G a M e Z
    ll $$_,ggggg,_
    :$$ll ll$S#*s,._ :: $$_., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l__., ,.__ `l l$$ ll_.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l:: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg:$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$ll$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    h a v e n s . s y n c h r o . n e t

    t e l n e t: 2 3 s s h: 2 2 2 2
    SAUCE00 20201109}
  • From Hustler@VERT to All on Tue Mar 30 05:29:23 2021

    |12 H a V e N s B b S


    Dovenet, Fsxnet, Micronet
    Retronet, Gamenet, Vkradionet
    Havens BBS havens.synchro.net

    Synchronet Vertrauen Home of Synchronet [vert/cvs/bbs].synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sun May 16 07:20:08 2021
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Gamenet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Gamenet Vkradionet

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From HusTler@VERT/HAVENS to All on Sun Sep 19 07:04:25 2021
    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Gamenet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$ _.,g#S$$$|
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l l$$ll$P`````l$$l
    $$l d$$ :$$$ $$$: $$l l$$`l$l l$$$$$yy#S$$$$$l $$l ll$$ l$$$
    $$$ $$` l$$$ $$$l ll` $$$ `l$$b, , ,$$l$$$'~ yyyy $$$ `l$$l l$$$
    l$$l ` ,d$$$ll$$$g,._.,g$$l `S$$g,,d$S' l$$__.,,gl$$lll$: W$`,$$$$l
    :$$ll ~``SllS"```"S$$; _,g`' :$$S"``~~ l$$l $l ~`Sl
    _,d$$$$yyy ll
    havens.synchro.net ll$$P$$$$ Micronet Retronet Usenet
    port 23 ssh 2222 ll$$$ Retronet Gamenet Vkradionet
    Queens, New York

    |03 HusTler
    Havens BBS

    Synchronet Havens BBS havens.synchro.net
  • From MRO@VERT/BBSESINF to HusTler on Sun Sep 19 09:51:19 2021
    Re: Havens BBS
    By: HusTler to All on Sun Sep 19 2021 07:04 am

    H A V E N S B B S
    IRC MRC Message Areas
    havens.synchro.net port 23 yyyy Door Games Files Support
    Dovenet Gamenet Retronet yyyyyyyyy $ New Users Welcome
    Fsxnet Usenet Micronet $ $$
    Scinet Vkradionet ll $$ _,ggggg,_
    :$$ll l$S#*s,._ :: $$ _., ;$$$$$ll
    $$l __., ,.__ `l l$$ ll _.,g#S$$$$ ll$$`` __.,
    l$_.,g#S$$$$| l$$$$S#g,._$$l :: dP````$$$
    :$$P`````l$$l l$$l"```S$$$ggggg :$l$$l

    hey i logged in but i dont see any of these msg nets. i emailed you on your bbs.

    Synchronet ::: BBSES.info - free BBS services :::