• FanExpo

    From Netsurge@77:77/5 to All on Thu Aug 22 23:50:00 2019
    From: Netsurge <netsurge@scinet-ftn.org>

    For those of you who are local (or close) to Toronto, anyone planning
    on going to FanExpo? I'll be there tomorrow all day with my son looking
    for deals on retro gaming stuff.

    For those of you who have no idea what I am talking about, FanExpo (fanexpocanada.com) is the largest Comics, Sci-Fi, Horror Anime and
    gaming con in Canada and the 3rd largest in North America. It's a
    massive nerd fest with panels, signings, cosplay and vendors. What more
    would anyone want?

    frank // netsurge
    disksh0p!bbs % bbs.diskshop.ca % mystic goodness
    SciNet ftn hq % https://diskshop.ca/scinet

    --- Unison/2.2
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