• Love and marriage

    From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Sat Feb 12 08:18:24 2022
    CP wrote --

    Then there the women who marry a man to have a kid, then dumps the man and wants alimony to support them. Or the man merely as a sperm donor.

    Thank you, Murphy Brown for putting this into everyone's minds as an option. .

    Plus the government that pays women for each kid they pump out, so no
    need for a father in a house.
    So boys have no (or few) males as role models. Or the wrong ones.
    At one time single mothers (and I don't include widows in that) were
    looked down upon, but in the last 60-70 years its more and more acceptable and seems odd if its not that way.

    I go by those who have an unbroken chain of interpretation -- the People of the Book (Jewishj practicers of Judaism)

    I go by context.
    What was being presented before and after whatever text. IOW not picking
    and choosing to prove or disprove some point or other.

    For me, it says what it says & the Bible means what it means. Certainly you can apply the parts that are uiniversal to any time or circumstance, as it's intended.

    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to JOE MACKEY on Sun Feb 13 10:34:00 2022
    So boys have no (or few) males as role models. Or the wrong ones.

    I think that causes our society a lot of trouble. They may have a
    grandfather that is active in their life, but they often do not dish out
    the same discipline that a father might. Same with mother's boyfriends
    who, as you point out, may not be great role models.

    --- SBBSecho 3.12-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Sun Feb 13 13:05:30 2022
    CP wrote --
    Then there the women who marry a man to have a kid, then dumps the man and
    wants alimony to support them. Or the man merely as a sperm donor.

    Thank you, Murphy Brown for putting this into everyone's minds as an option.
    Plus the government that pays women for each kid they pump out, so no
    need for a father in a house.
    So boys have no (or few) males as role models. Or the wrong ones.

    Oh, & don't we see the results of this, in rising crime statistics. . . :(

    I spent one summer working with inner city kids -- & such HELL they went through -- boys & girls -- pretty much none had a dad they knew.

    Sickening what their moms did (for 'survival'?) like having johns come to her ghome & even pay her to force the child(ren) to watch as he defiles their mother, sometimes abusively.

    One 7-year-old, an annual top troublemaker at that day camp, per ongoing staff, had a look in his eyes as I imafgine the returning VietNam vets did (No! Do NOT dare tell me about Hell. I ****ing KNOW!"

    I had no special skills, but my heart broke for him, as I knew this attitude wasn't part of the plan at his creation/birth. I prayed, daily, for him & the others, over the 6 weeks, I noticed big changes in him. I also had to take on the role of male authority once, on a day trip, when I & he were left in the van while the others did an esdcational walkabout that I couldn't & he wouldn't do.

    He tried to sneak out (to run off who knows where) & I just gave him my best "Dad Voice"(I was 17; had no idea I had one.) & said, "Turn around, go back to your seat & sit down NOW."

    He stopped trying to open the door, turned to me meekly, said, "Yes, sir," in a most subdued tone, & sat quietly until they all returned.

    Leadimng me to theorize that the two-parent model is a hardwired expectation in us at birth. Will take research by those in the psychology education fields to proof it.

    At one time single mothers (and I don't include widows in that) were
    looked down upon, but in the last 60-70 years its more and more acceptable and
    seems odd if its not that way.

    True. But most still could recognize when such a widow (especially a young one) was honestly struggling in a positive direction, & respected her more for it.

    I go by those who have an unbroken chain of interpretation -- the People of
    the Book (Jewishj practicers of Judaism)
    I go by context.
    What was being presented before and after whatever text. IOW not picking
    and choosing to prove or disprove some point or other.

    This, too -- my context is the entire set of books gathered together as a sub- theme or time, & the entire Bible, too.

    But this is, I admit, more about human decisions as to what was God-inspired specific to their homiletic interests.

    I read & I trey to understabnd explicitly what the original writer/speaker was intending as meaning, & what the original target audience most commonly would have understood the meaning & contexct to be. Only then am I free to compare to my current milieu of time & culture.

    I do much the same in reading Aesop or other long-known/read writings.

    Paul says at one pint & I believe it: (I'll paraphrase to how I understand it): "All written things that are written with serious & honest intent, & rewritten several times to capture exactly the author's well-considered thinking are inspired by God/Creation & useful for the honest believer to use for personal reflection & growth, as well as useful to help educate others per the same.

    for comparisoin, here's the original in thefamiliar to most KJV: 2Tim. 3 Verses 16 to 17
    [16] All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: [17] That the man of God may be perfect, throughly furnished unto all good works.

    The original Greek word "omni scripturo" is not capitalised nor in any way implying a specific subset of "all things-written"; "things-written" in that time did not include pulp fiction, FB commenting, nor protest placards. It was as I expanded in my test above. Carefully considered multiple times & ways, before setting pen to expensive paper, or lambskin.

    For me, it says what it says & the Bible means what it means. Certainly you
    can apply the parts that are uiniversal to any time or circumstance, as it's intended.

    & that covers religion in a nutshell, without breaching the intent of the no religion rule in here, eh?

    I even accept the Satanic Bible under "omni scriptura" but one, as with anything, must read it carefully, in context, & determine using common sense & knowledge of times & cultures that are applicable to the specific reading.

    Those who do this have decided, as a sect of "Satanic Church members" that the concept of Satan is more about making personal choices, commensurate with responsibilities & an awarenessd of natural & human consequences.

    Others, who read only the surface, conclude it's a Bible promoting evil & killing black cats at midnight.

    I've yet to see/read a copy, but I expect I'd lean more to the former's interprtations.

    I'm in no hurry or need to read it at all, actually. I have more interesting & relevant books to read that I can accept as included in the "omni scriptura" that Paul told young Timothy of.

    What I find most interesting in the Timothy letters(epistles) is Paul telling him not to be chasrtened by others' view of his youbg age (i.e. good thinking & teaching isn't restricted to "the elders" but to present your ideas respectful of their(elders') established culture & expectations regarding a young lad speaking on matters of political &/or e=religious import.

    This aspect is often missed who only use the books of Timothy to teach that there's Biblical precedent for calling a non-parent "father" as a title of respect.

    I see it differently, but I get where they're coming from, 'though I will only refer to them as "sir" out of respect for age & education; "father" is reserved for my biological & heaqvenly fathers (both connected by the 5th commandment)

    Oops. . too much? Sorry -- I get thoughts & I just riff with them even as they pull up semi-related ones. . . (my mind isn't pure linear; I've been told,. complimentarily, that I think like a woman.)

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to MIKE POWELL on Mon Feb 14 05:52:56 2022
    Mike wrote --

    So boys have no (or few) males as role models. Or the wrong ones.

    I think that causes our society a lot of trouble. They may have a grandfather that is active in their life, but they often do not dish out
    the same discipline that a father might.

    Too often grandparents dote on the kids and let them run wild, the
    opposite of what they did with the parents at that age.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Mon Feb 14 06:08:58 2022
    CP wrote --

    He tried to sneak out (to run off who knows where) & I just gave him my best "Dad Voice"(I was 17; had no idea I had one.) & said, "Turn around, go back to your seat & sit down NOW."

    You were probably the first person, who would back it up, to tell him
    that. He could have been more in shock by this than anything else. :)

    Leadimng me to theorize that the two-parent model is a hardwired expectation in us at birth.

    When my father was alive I used to play one off the others: "If mother agrees can I...." and so forth.
    I could get away with murder with my father, in whose eyes I could do no wrong.
    But my mother was say No and that was the end of the discussion.

    But this is, I admit, more about human decisions as to what was God-inspired specific to their homiletic interests.

    Scripture is made of several types of books: history, poetry, ethics,
    ritual, religion in general.
    Sometimes two or more writers will have a different take on something.
    Its like taking a report from two or three witnesses to an event. Each witness will describe the event in general, with a few different slants:
    He was driving a red car, she was in a blue.
    He was driving a red Ford Explorer, she in a blue Chevy Tahoe, etc.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Wed Feb 16 15:03:00 2022

    He was driving a red car, she was in a blue.
    He was driving a red Ford Explorer, she in a blue Chevy Tahoe, etc.

    I'm still waiting to see the plaid paint jobs at the body shop. Oh wait... that's what they're doing with tattoos. <G> And, with all these piercings,
    it looks like they slipped and fell into a fishing tackle box.


    ... Floggings will continue until morale improves.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Fri Feb 18 13:02:30 2022
    When my father was alive I used to play one off the others: "If mother agrees can I...." and so forth.
    I could get away with murder with my father, in whose eyes I could do no wrong.
    But my mother was say No and that was the end of the discussion.

    Not in my house -- we each tried this. . .ONCE.

    Normally if we askedsome thing of one, they'd reply, "What does [other parent] say?" & we knoew if one said no, it was no, firm, & trying to elicit a yes from

    the other was a Bad Thing.

    But this is, I admit, more about human decisions as to what was God-inspired
    specific to their homiletic interests.
    Scripture is made of several types of books: history, poetry, ethics,
    ritual, religion in general.
    Sometimes two or more writers will have a different take on something.
    Its like taking a report from two or three witnesses to an event. Each witness will describe the event in general, with a few different slants:
    He was driving a red car, she was in a blue.
    He was driving a red Ford Explorer, she in a blue Chevy Tahoe, etc.

    Exactly. Both are giving honest testimony from their own perspective.

    People whgine about "contradictions." I point out how tghe Bible is varous authors & books. & how even in one book of "sayings" you'll have both: "Look before you leap" &
    "He who hesitates is lost"

    Nopt a contradiction, as both have their own application.

    To the whingers about geographical & cosmology evidences, I point out that the Bible was not written to be a sciece textbook following modern rules of scxientific method. It's a handbook providing a basic Constitution & law codes,
    & guidance useful for any moral question/situation for one who cares to understabd it as such.

    I never preess the issue. Not my job to FORCE anyone to be what thewy're not. Who am I to say that God didn't make them to be a different religion, or even an athiest for a reason I don't see?

    I don't speak for God. I don't fight His battles, either.

    None of my business, unless I'm invited to chime in.

    I'm happy where I'm at, & that's as far as my beliefs should go.

    Because I'm a happy person, I speak freely about that which elates me, hoping to share so even one other person might get a taste of it for themselves, if needing it.

    That was the key problem with imperialistic religions: they broke away from the original "invitation" model & switched to "Obey or suffer & die at our hands" model.

    A simple misunderstanding of the early mistranslation "make disciples of nations" that clearly should've been rendered, "Accept seeking students without concern for their nationality."

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Daryl Stout on Fri Feb 18 13:51:42 2022
    I'm still waiting to see the plaid paint jobs at the body shop. Oh wait...

    That's a custome order & will cost extra -- but definitely doable.

    that's what they're doing with tattoos. <G> And, with all these piercings,
    it looks like they slipped and fell into a fishing tackle box.

    I'm still looking for my opportunityt to walk up to a midrif-baring sweet lil sdome thing & ask if that ring in her navel is for hanging an air freshener, & does she go with pine or lemon?

    Nah, I don't make little girls cry.

    One year, on my weay home from evening church, I saw these teen girls (ages 13- 15, I'd guess, or thwey just looked that young) running around shirtless.

    One decided, I'm guessing, to impress her friends, stopped in front of me & said, "Hi!"

    I replied, "Jhello to you, too. Are you guys part of that new neighbourhood beautifuication project I've been hearing about?"

    She was nonplussed and answered yes. :D

    Cred established for her peers. No cost to me. :) I heard them giggling riotously behind me as I continued on my way home. I had no need to look back
    & watch the show, as I'd already established well enough for me that they were below my acceptable age range for such.

    So they likely watched me go & maybe impressed that not all men are slavering perv pigs.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Sat Feb 19 06:56:54 2022
    CP wrote --

    People whgine about "contradictions." I point out how tghe Bible is varous authors & books. & how even in one book of "sayings" you'll have both: "Look before you leap" & "He who hesitates is lost"

    Nopt a contradiction, as both have their own application.


    To the whingers about geographical & cosmology evidences, I point out that the Bible was not written to be a sciece textbook following modern rules of scxientific method.

    I like to think of it as things being explained as the people of the time could understand.
    Its like with children.
    When explaining something, such as "why does it rain?" its phrased was
    they understand: water evaporates, goes into the sky, forms clouds which when full of water, rain falls out.
    Not some long lecture on air pressure, atmospheric conditions, and
    methods of meteorology they can't understand. This comes later as they know more.

    That was the key problem with imperialistic religions: they broke away from the original "invitation" model & switched to "Obey or suffer & die at our hands" model.

    It has always been that way.
    The ancient Medes and Persians when they conquered a country did away
    with those peoples gods and replaced them with the ones of the Medes and Persians.
    The only empire that didn't do that, on a regular basis by force, were
    the Romans. They sometimes accepted the conquered peoples gods along with their own. Rome: your god for X is so-and-so, our god for X is something else, same god different name lets get
    At times the church was a bit over ambitious, believe or die.
    The Muslims also made converts at the edge of the sword and still do.

    A simple misunderstanding of the early mistranslation "make disciples of nations" that clearly should've been rendered, "Accept seeking students without concern for their nationality."

    Make, nor force. :)
    Its one thing to show one is better than the other, another to say do it
    my way or else.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Sun Feb 20 20:31:00 2022

    I'm still looking for my opportunityt to walk up to a midrif-baring
    sweet lil sdome thing & ask if that ring in her navel is for hanging
    an air freshener, & does she go with pine or lemon?

    Never mind Wizard. <G>

    Nah, I don't make little girls cry.

    So much for the song "Big Girls Don't Cry".

    I replied, "Jhello to you, too. Are you guys part of that new neighbourhood beautifuication project I've been hearing about?"

    She was nonplussed and answered yes. :D

    LOL. I saw a meme where on this model railroad layout (or it was a photoshopped picture) of these 2 women at trackside (you saw them
    from the back, and they lifted their shirts, and flashed their bosoms
    at the engineer (who got an eyefull)).

    So they likely watched me go & maybe impressed that not all men are slavering perv pigs.

    These young ladies at church are sweet, pretty, courteous (and have
    nice pelvic structures), but I'm old enough to be their grandfather.
    They have talked to me some days when I went to the restaurant where
    they worked to eat, as I was depressed, and gave me "some counseling" (basically, a shoulder to cry on). Last week, I caught all 3 of them
    together, and thanked them profusely for their kindness.

    Folks do like to be appreciated. :)


    ... Bad Day: You put your bra on backwards, and it fits better.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Wed Feb 23 23:20:28 2022
    To the whingers about geographical & cosmology evidences, I point out that
    the Bible was not written to be a sciece textbook following modern rules of scxientific method.
    I like to think of it as things being explained as the people of the time could understand.
    Its like with children.

    Yup, I;ve heard that said. You reply to a question in an age-appropriate way (or vulture-appropriate, or whatever it takes for the other to understand all they need to know; God knew what we needed & passed it on, for the parts He dictated)

    When explaining something, such as "why does it rain?" its phrased was
    they understand: water evaporates, goes into the sky, forms clouds which when full of water, rain falls out.
    Not some long lecture on air pressure, atmospheric conditions, and
    methods of meteorology they can't understand. This comes later as they know more.

    I still don't know that detailed model, but I get that it exists & I'm not lost if it comes up.

    That was the key problem with imperialistic religions: they broke away from
    the original "invitation" model & switched to "Obey or suffer & die at our hands" model.
    It has always been that way.
    The ancient Medes and Persians when they conquered a country did away
    with those peoples gods and replaced them with the ones of the Medes and Persians.

    Yup, so it was in the Phoenician times, when Abraham came to understand that house vs house leaves only beroken men & homes. There must be one God above all the pagan ones(gods based on nature)

    The exact story t old is Abraham was lying on his back observing the sky, & saw the sun as big, bright, & warm, & decided, "this is my God" but hen clulds obscured it, & he said "Those are my God" but then t he sun st & the clouds moved on & the moon rose, then ioty was obscured by colulds & finally heconcluded there had to be One above the sun, clouds, & moon, then he returned home & broke his dad's collection of idol(wares he made & sold to support himself)

    His dad asked wjat happened, & young Abie pointed out that the big one holding the axe(that Abe had placed strategically in his hand) destroyed the rest.

    His dad replied, in a huff, "Don't be silly -- they're not alive."

    "Then why do you pray to them & worship them as if they are?"

    He yold his dad of his epiphany of a huge powerful God above all.

    His dad went to the city(Ur) elders & had his son evicted from citizenship, as his ideas could cost the idol makers(as Ur was famed for) much profits.

    Abie went one to found monotheism. As this was the only way for people to stop all the warring between houses & cities. ("my god is more powerful than your god" ("oh yeah?" Thenm let your god save your life as I slay you!")

    Winner takes all & can add the others' god(s) to their own personal family pantheon(totem)

    It was a brutal time & not leaving much chance for humans to begin to evolve a workable society with laws & courts.

    The only empire that didn't do that, on a regular basis by force, were
    the Romans. They sometimes accepted the conquered peoples gods along with
    their own. Rome: your god for X is so-and-so, our god for X is something else,
    same god different name lets get

    Yup, they didn't understand the Jews & Chrustians, who refused to join Roman's wortship of Rome's pantheon.

    Rome was flabergasted (What's the fleeping problem, go ahead & worship your god & we will pray to Him, too, but you must bow rto our gods, especially to Jupiter & to Caesar, who is a gods in his own right)

    Those nutty Jews & Christians accepted death rather than practice polytheism!

    My opinion is the ancient cults of Rome still exist, in secret, & disguised.

    I call any religion that has a secret level &/or an esoteric meams of limited entry a "cult."

    An omnipotent universal & sovereign(might by right of making/owning everthing) God is God of all, or of no relevance to any.

    Or, the kid's version for "sovereign" I came up with: "God is large & in charge."

    At times the church was a bit over ambitious, believe or die.
    The Muslims also made converts at the edge of the sword and still do.

    I'm well aware -00 been seeing tyhe news on it & friends keep me apprised of the insideous movements throughout the world on their quest to be rulers of an all-Islam world.

    Their definition of "peace" is all non-Muslims dead.

    A simple misunderstanding of the early mistranslation "make disciples of >nations" that clearly should've been rendered, "Accept seeking students withou
    concern for their nationality."
    Make, nor force. :)
    Its one thing to show one is better than the other, another to say do it
    my way or else.

    Exactly. I tend to rebel against assumed authority -- you need to show me the chain of command from Sovereign Creation to whomever is claiming authority over me.

    God, for me, is axiomatic.

    He gave authority to my parents when I was born. My parents shared some of their God-given authority to the schools, police, & government, & even the occasional babysitter.

    I, too, share my authority, as I believe we each have a certain amount vested in us by nature of being alive in a society(herd), with t hose who re democratically elected, & the texts that I've received that teach me of God.

    If I want a cohesive society(& I do), a basic level of policing is necessary.

    I only consider a polcde officer to have authority while s/he;s acting according to his/her proper job duties. When they gho over & above to wghere they are being criminal, they should be treated as any other non-cop, for that is wehat they are when they are pistol whipping a cobnfession out of a suspect.

    In general, they're good, with a vey tough & thankless job.

    But Io don't have a fixed bias for or against any group.

    Anyone can go from good to bad, or vice-versa.

    I used tobe quite the antisociual little twerp when young & stupid, but thankfully I outgrew it & here I am, a paragon(maybe) of my local community! hehhh

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Fri Feb 25 05:58:24 2022
    CP wrote --

    Winner takes all & can add the others' god(s) to their own personal family pantheon(totem)

    It was far easier for ancients to understand each place or thing had its
    own god, rather than one God over everything.
    And make sure that all those gods are appeased in someway. Miss one and
    you might wind up in trouble with that god.

    It was a brutal time & not leaving much chance for humans to begin to evolve a workable society with laws & courts.

    At the time "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth" was radical
    Before then if someone knocked out your eye or tooth (or whatever) the person/clan would try and wipe out the entire family of the attacker.
    An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth meant no more than what was done
    to the other person.

    My opinion is the ancient cults of Rome still exist, in secret, & disguised.

    They were replaced by the gods of wealth, health, beauty, etc.

    Or, the kid's version for "sovereign" I came up with: "God is large & in charge."

    We still ask "why did this happen/not happen?" without looking at the big picture which we may not be able to grasp. We might be personally affected
    or be a non-role playing character.

    Their definition of "peace" is all non-Muslims dead.

    Then they will turn on themselves by people not being X enough.
    This is seen in the current culture wars where someone is cheered one day
    for their particular stance and jeered the next when they aren't enough of whatever the group wants or begins to question group think.

    Exactly. I tend to rebel against assumed authority -- you need to show me the chain of command from Sovereign Creation to whomever is claiming authority over me.


    He gave authority to my parents when I was born. My parents shared some of their God-given authority to the schools, police, & government, & even the occasional babysitter.

    At our work we have a certain degree of authority to do/allow this or
    that or not allow it.
    But sometimes power goes to ones head.

    I only consider a polcde officer to have authority while s/he;s acting according to his/her proper job duties. When they gho over & above to wghere they are being criminal, they should be treated as any other non-cop, for that is wehat they are when they are pistol whipping a cobnfession out of a suspect.

    There you go, wanting to take all the fun out of the job. :)
    Personally I prefer rubber hoses, no marks left. :)

    In general, they're good, with a vey tough & thankless job.

    That's for sure.

    But Io don't have a fixed bias for or against any group.

    As with any group, there are good cops and bad cops but the many good
    ones are lumped in with the bad ones and everyone is tainted.
    Weed out the bad ones.

    I used tobe quite the antisociual little twerp when young & stupid, but thankfully I outgrew it & here I am, a paragon(maybe) of my local community!

    RFLOL!!! ==spewing coffee over the keyboard==
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Fri Feb 25 16:42:00 2022

    It was far easier for ancients to understand each place or thing had
    its own god, rather than one God over everything.
    And make sure that all those gods are appeased in someway. Miss one
    and you might wind up in trouble with that god.

    So many societies were polythesitic.

    An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth meant no more than what was
    done to the other person.


    This is seen in the current culture wars where someone is cheered one day for their particular stance and jeered the next when they aren't enough of whatever the group wants or begins to question group think.

    This may be on thin ice with the rules, but it's like what happened to
    Jesus. On Palm Sunday, they were cheering "Hosanna!!" to Him...but just
    days later, they cried "Crucify Him".

    It's also like sports fans...if the coach is winning games, they think he
    or she is the greatest thing since sliced bread. But, the moment they start losing, they want that coach's head on the platter that the bread was served on.

    Yet, you can have the best coaches on staff, but if the kids don't do
    their job, they're the ones that should get benched. And, then you have
    these fans who want the team to win at all costs...and if you're breaking
    the rules (i.e. the quarterback is accused of rape, but they let him play).

    But sometimes power goes to ones head.

    That's for all the folks in Washington, DC.

    they are being criminal, they should be treated as any other non-cop,
    for that is wehat they are when they are pistol whipping a cobnfession
    out of a suspect.

    I'm just glad that one day, that "justice will be done", and "there will
    be no question of guilt".

    Personally I prefer rubber hoses, no marks left. :)

    Sounds like the punishment from "Welcome Back, Kotter", with it up the schnozola. <G>

    As with any group, there are good cops and bad cops but the many good ones are lumped in with the bad ones and everyone is tainted.
    Weed out the bad ones.

    That goes for every segment of the population.

    RFLOL!!! ==spewing coffee over the keyboard==

    Somebody needs to get the moderator some paper towels. <g,d,r>


    ... Don't lend people money. It causes amnesia.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Daryl Stout on Sun Feb 27 14:26:56 2022
    I'm still looking for my opportunityt to walk up to a midrif-baring
    sweet lil sdome thing & ask if that ring in her navel is for hanging
    an air freshener, & does she go with pine or lemon?
    Never mind Wizard. <G>


    Nah, I don't make little girls cry.
    So much for the song "Big Girls Don't Cry".

    I don't make big girls cry either.

    LOL. I saw a meme where on this model railroad layout (or it was a photoshopped picture) of these 2 women at trackside (you saw them
    from the back, and they lifted their shirts, and flashed their bosoms
    at the engineer (who got an eyefull)).

    There was a scene similar in Big Bang Theory -- the guys were engrossed in a 3D type MMRPG, gnoring all ariond them. The girls entered in &spoke of having a big party/orgy with kissing & hugging with them & a few of their sluttier friends -- nothing.

    After the game was over, Leonard & Howard were comparing notes & askng if they heard some thing like that. . . "must be missing the girls" they concluded.

    Your meme needs a caption like "Most train collisions are the result of operator distraction." Make ity single panel with cows & you got an homage to Gary Larson!

    So they likely watched me go & maybe impressed that not all men are
    slavering perv pigs.
    These young ladies at church are sweet, pretty, courteous (and have
    nice pelvic structures), but I'm old enough to be their grandfather.
    They have talked to me some days when I went to the restaurant where
    they worked to eat, as I was depressed, and gave me "some counseling" (basically, a shoulder to cry on). Last week, I caught all 3 of them together, and thanked them profusely for their kindness.
    Folks do like to be appreciated. :)

    I'm with you; & some times it really is nmice to have a friendly chjat with cute young things when all in the convo know i t's just a short side visit on theroad ofreality. Both sides feel good by a bhit of honest flattery/compliments, & no harm done.

    The young irls might get some avuncular advbice thart'll help them in the long run, & gramps gets a boost to his immune system, & an advance in longevity(true story!); in extremecvases, it could save one from a planned suicide.

    We all want human contact & interaction -- it's built in -- but it's up to us to practice enough self control (guided by God's laws) to achieve this need in healthy socially acceptable for your community ways.

    I've advised young peo[[ple of the absolute best way to go, but when they clearly stated they could bnot or would not go by that, then I give them advice most chiurch elders would frown upon, to reduce risks & to at least have them know exactly where they stand WRT God's stated laws, & the natural laws of His Creation.

    Even as a non-believer, I acted out of love when talknig to peioplel, including the customer who said he was on his wy to commit suicide; I wished him a pleasant day as he left to go to the bridge.

    Few hourts later he showed up to scream at me that he had climbed up high enough to die if he jumped, but was so mad at me he had to come down & walk back to tell me what a >expletive omitted< I was for just wishing him a nice day as he was off to kill himself. I shrugged, we chatted & became friends for a few months, until I moved out of town after my brain injury.

    I act/speak/counsel in love, specific to a given context & person/people, not from any sectarian playbook.

    Agape is a broad thing & always will be if truly practiced.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Sun Feb 27 19:27:00 2022

    Your meme needs a caption like "Most train collisions are the result of
    operator distraction." Make ity single panel with cows & you got an homage to Gary Larson!

    I sure miss "The Far Side".

    I'm with you; & some times it really is nmice to have a friendly chjat with cute young things when all in the convo know i t's just a short
    side visit on theroad ofreality. Both sides feel good by a bhit of honest flattery/compliments, & no harm done.

    They weren't at church this morning, so we either missed each other, or
    they didn't make it (I hope they weren't out sick). I'll be going to the pharmacy to get some prescriptions tomorrow (after the freezing fog burns
    off), and to the Post Office, then to the restaurant where they work, and
    to get a good lunch (double grilled chicken steak and unlimited french

    We all want human contact & interaction -- it's built in -- but it's up
    to us to practice enough self control (guided by God's laws) to
    achieve this need in healthy socially acceptable for your community

    Everyone needs a shoulder to cry on every so often. I have been one to
    so many over the years, but for the longest time, I haven't had one for

    Few hourts later he showed up to scream at me that he had climbed up
    high enough to die if he jumped, but was so mad at me he had to come
    down & walk back to tell me what a >expletive omitted< I was for just wishing him a nice day as he was off to kill himself. I shrugged, we chatted & became friends for a few months, until I moved out of town
    after my brain injury.

    I saved the life of our shuttle bus driver at a square dance event 25
    years ago.

    Agape is a broad thing & always will be if truly practiced.

    Sadly, most thing all love is eros.


    ... Real Sysops read the documentation -- or at least skim them.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.14-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Daryl Stout on Fri Mar 11 10:14:54 2022
    I sure miss "The Far Side".

    Me, too, but he's made so many in his life, that I can enjoy going through a book or online post/collection every so often & enjoy the ones I've forgotten & recalled, all the dame!

    I saved the life of our shuttle bus driver at a square dance event 25
    years ago.

    How so?

    Agape is a broad thing & always will be if truly practiced.
    Sadly, most thing all love is eros.

    True story. TV encourages his, as they can sell stuff to pretendedly satisfy eros needs.

    I've rewritten Jesus' last conversation with Peter to make it understandable for those who don't know the Greek words being used that are translated the same in English.

    as tradiotinally translated:
    J: Do you love me, Peter?
    P: You know I love you, Lord.
    J: Ahh, so you only love me?

    My version:
    J: Do you love me with all your heart & soul, with a willingness to die for me, if it came to that?
    P: You know I consider you a pal.
    J: *sigh* So I'm only a buddy to you?

    Lost in translation:

    BF: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: IÆM SORRY] GF: What's that?
    BF: Remorse code.

    Since Ilium was another name of Troy, and -ad means "story of" in Ancient Greek, the correct translation of Iliad would be: Troy Story.

    Hey Google! Translate ô¿Como estas frijole Coca Cola?ö into English. Google: Ok... But youÆre not gonna like it... Google: ôHowya bean pop?ö

    My son asked: ôDad, have you seen my sunglasses?ö I replied: ôNo son, but have you seen my dad glasses?ö

    I asked my French friend if he knew what the word "pipi" translated to in English...
    He said, "oui, wee."

    I ran over 5 miles today
    Like, what are the odds they were all named Miles? Crazy.

    ôIs this the Spanish word for ænapÆ?ö She asked, pointing to a word on the page.
    ôSi, está.ö

    German children are kinder.

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to George Pope on Sat Mar 12 16:24:00 2022

    I saved the life of our shuttle bus driver at a square dance event 25
    years ago.

    How so?

    It was at the National Square Dance Convention in Orlando, Florida. They
    have shuttle buses that run between the various hotels and the convention center, where all the activities are held. Dancers purchase a bus pass,
    which provides unlimited rides for the convention from Thursday through Saturday. Their first ride in is free, but they have to have a bus pass
    for the return trip.

    Well, on the last night of the convention, I was on the way back to the
    hotel for a dinner break and a nap before the last night of dancing. A
    tropical thunderstorm broke over the area, and "they were evacuating all
    the water parks"...wise move, as you don't need to be in the water if
    lightning is around.

    We got to my hotel on International Drive (a main drag down there),
    and at the entrance of a double wide drive, is a removable sign that
    says "STOP!! SECURITY CHECK". Now, I had no problem with that, as you
    only want registered guests at the hotel to park there. But, behind
    the sign in his car, was the security guard in his car...we got boxed
    in with International Drive at the back of the bus, and this sign, and
    the guard's car at the front. The driver hit the horn, wanting the guard
    to move...no response. He gets out of the bus, and the guard hauls off
    and punches the driver in the face, knocking him to the ground!!

    The ladies on the bus started screaming...the guard kept pummelling
    the driver, until another guard pulled him off. The driver, disoriented
    and bloodied, staggered back to the bus. I got on my ham radio handi-
    talkie (HT), keyed up a local repeater, and announced "QST!! QST!! QST!! MAYDAY!! MAYDAY!! This is N5VLZ, Portable 4. I have Emergency Traffic!!
    Can anyone copy?? Over??". A close lightning strike resulted in a static
    crash, and no response...so I repeated it. A ham in nearby Kissimmee heard
    my distress call, and I told him what happened, and where the emergency
    was. He called 911, and the police and paramedics showed up.

    The driver had to be taken to the hospital, and ended up having major surgery...and the guard ended up being arrested and charged with
    aggravated assault. The case went to a jury trial just after Easter
    Weekend the next year, and the State Of Florida flew me down there (it
    was NOT my idea of a Florida Vacation) to testify. I said that I sided
    with the guard, and said "We had no trouble the first 3 days of the
    convention. I see no reason why I should change my stance now". The
    guard was convicted of aggravated assault, and there was a civil suit
    brought against the hotel and the security firm (I have no idea how
    those came out).

    When the square dancers said "You saved his life", I said "This is
    what amateur radio operators prepare for...emergency communications".
    Indeed, as far as the FCC is concerned...if you have a situation that
    involves the safety of life, or the protection of property, you can
    throw the rule book out. But, I was shaking so bad when I got back to
    the Convention Center (from the adrenaline rush), that I couldn't go
    back to dancing. So, I headed back to the hotel to pack up, and get
    ready for the flight back home in the morning.

    The guard could've very easily moved the car and sign, and let us
    get in, then put it back.

    True story. TV encourages his, as they can sell stuff to pretendedly satisfy eros needs.

    The advertisers know that "Sex Sells".

    J: Do you love me, Peter?
    P: You know I love you, Lord.
    J: Ahh, so you only love me?

    My version:
    J: Do you love me with all your heart & soul, with a willingness to die for me, if it came to that? P: You know I consider you a pal.
    J: *sigh* So I'm only a buddy to you?

    Basically. Peter denied The Lord 3 times before the crucifixion, but
    a fiery sermon at Pentecost. Tradition says he requested to be crucified upside down.

    Lost in translation:

    BF: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: IÆM SORRY] GF: What's that? BF: Remorse code.


    Since Ilium was another name of Troy, and -ad means "story of" in
    Ancient Greek, the correct translation of Iliad would be: Troy Story.

    Hey Google! Translate "Como estas frijole Coca Cola?" into English. Google: Ok... But you're not gonna like it... Google: "Howya bean pop?"


    My son asked: "Dad, have you seen my sunglasses?" I replied: "No son,
    but have you seen my dad glasses?"

    Sounds like a shady conversation seen eye to eye.

    I asked my French friend if he knew what the word "pipi" translated to
    in English... He said, "oui, wee."

    Veni, Vedi, Wee Wee. I came, I saw, I have to pee.

    I ran over 5 miles today
    Like, what are the odds they were all named Miles? Crazy.

    My dog was named 5 miles, so I tell folks I walked 5 miles today.

    "Is this the Spanish word for 'nap'?" She asked, pointing to a word on
    the page.
    "Si, está."

    I need to sleep on that one.

    German children are kinder.

    Most kids today are just spoiled brats...whether they bathe or not.


    ... Plan to be spontaneous tomorrow.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Daryl Stout on Tue Mar 15 10:05:24 2022
    We got to my hotel on International Drive (a main drag down there),
    and at the entrance of a double wide drive, is a removable sign that
    says "STOP!! SECURITY CHECK". Now, I had no problem with that, as you
    only want registered guests at the hotel to park there. But, behind
    the sign in his car, was the security guard in his car...we got boxed
    in with International Drive at the back of the bus, and this sign, and
    the guard's car at the front. The driver hit the horn, wanting the guard
    to move...no response. He gets out of the bus, and the guard hauls off
    and punches the driver in the face, knocking him to the ground!!
    The ladies on the bus started screaming...the guard kept pummelling
    the driver, until another guard pulled him off. The driver, disoriented
    and bloodied, staggered back to the bus. I got on my ham radio handi-
    talkie (HT), keyed up a local repeater, and announced "QST!! QST!! QST!! MAYDAY!! MAYDAY!! This is N5VLZ, Portable 4. I have Emergency Traffic!!
    Can anyone copy?? Over??". A close lightning strike resulted in a static crash, and no response...so I repeated it. A ham in nearby Kissimmee heard
    my distress call, and I told him what happened, and where the emergency
    was. He called 911, and the police and paramedics showed up.
    The driver had to be taken to the hospital, and ended up having major surgery...and the guard ended up being arrested and charged with
    aggravated assault.

    So the same as a cellphone, just not lesser chance of anyone picking up?

    I got a crash course in Ham rules when I got the bright idea(I thought) of recruiting local Ham clubs, through a fellow I worked with in Communications for a big Seniors' Sports event here in town.

    He explainmed, as you have, too, that ni any disaster/emergency, there's a fixed order of priority demand on Hamn operators & they can't contract that oput privately. (I hoped to use them for the sharing of information (medical/breathing status of relatives of our clients in disaster zones, or if our area got hit by a disaster)

    Another perfectly good idea ruined by a previously unknown fact getting in the way!

    what amateur radio operators prepare for...emergency communications".

    So you have a portable Ham unit that has enough broadcasting power to reach the next county? (but only if there are operators near their own devices, eh?)

    Indeed, as far as the FCC is concerned...if you have a situation that involves the safety of life, or the protection of property, you can
    throw the rule book out.

    I would hope so! Thast dshould be the case in 'most anything!

    Traffic rules? Not if I have a person in the back seat bleeding out all over my brand new leather seats! (J/King, this is only about their bleeding out, not my material crap)

    I've had my high speed damngerous ridee already -- with a stock car racer's custom builr engine in a Camaro, through the BC Frader Canyon -- miles of hairpin curves with one side of your road ending in a mile-deep drop off down to the rocks below.

    Thrilling. I was a hitchhiker, & was a bit scared until I realized this guy was turning hairpins with ZERO TIRE SQUEAL, then I relaxed./ At the end of the ride he confirmed he was a professional driver at high speeds.

    He was passing double or triple long .ines of semni trucks on thees samecurves -- this also freaked me out until I paid more attention & noticed howfar ahead you can see oncoming traffic, by looking over he canyon, & there's no way a car could appear from nowhere, so what you see as on your road, 5 miles up, is still what's there after you go 3 miles!

    Part of my big adventure sat age 17!

    But, I was shaking so bad when I got back to
    the Convention Center (from the adrenaline rush), that I couldn't go
    back to dancing. So, I headed back to the hotel to pack up, and get
    ready for the flight back home in the morning.

    That's a normal reaction. Your adrenaline (fight, flight, or {breed} response hormone) kicked in & using a radio doesn't do much to flush it out of your blood.

    You couldn't gonefor a flat out run around a few blocks to calm down & be back to normal more quickly.

    The guard could've very easily moved the car and sign, and let us
    get in, then put it back.

    Nuts. Ego got in the way. ("Don't you DARE tell me what to do"); of course perhaps the driver could've been more diplomatic in his request.

    But even if the driver said, "Hey, *******, move!" that's no legal basis to respond with a punch to the face.

    True story. TV encourages his, as they can sell stuff to pretendedly
    satisfy eros needs.
    The advertisers know that "Sex Sells".

    Not to me. I'm married, & not stupid. I knowthe real beer ads should mix in some shots of old homeless drunks lazed on the sidewalk, covered in their own vomit after ingesting the a case or two of the product.

    Basically. Peter denied The Lord 3 times before the crucifixion, but
    a fiery sermon at Pentecost. Tradition says he requested to be crucified upsid

    Jesus never said he'sd ultimately turn againsy him -- only a three-time betrayal, which implies he knew Peter would repent of it.

    Where does it say Peter requested to be crucified upside down?

    Lost in translation:
    BF: .. .----. -- / ... --- .-. .-. -.-- [translation: I+M SORRY] GF:
    What's that? BF: Remorse code.

    Is that what it actually says above?

    My dog was named 5 miles, so I tell folks I walked 5 miles today.

    Find an oblong piece of wood. Puit it in your living room. Walk around it as often as you like & you can honestly tell people, "I walked around the block x times this morning."

    "Is this the Spanish word for 'nap'?" She asked, pointing to a word on
    the page.
    "Si, estß."
    I need to sleep on that one.

    If it's sunny, you may want a large sombrero first.

    German children are kinder.
    Most kids today are just spoiled brats...whether they bathe or not.

    Lots of decent kids, still.

    We have a city in Saskatchewan named Biggar.

    True story (Google image search for it) Their welcome billboard says "New York City is big, but we're Biggar."

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)
  • From JOE MACKEY@1:135/392 to GEORGE POPE on Wed Mar 16 06:38:58 2022
    CP wrote --

    Where does it say Peter requested to be crucified upside down?

    Church tradition.

    True story (Google image search for it) Their welcome billboard says "New York City is big, but we're Biggar."

    What's the biggest city in Ireland?
    Dublin. Because its "doublin'" all the time.
    --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5
    * Origin: Fidonet Since 1991 www.doccyber.org bbs.docsplace.org (1:135/392)
  • From Daryl Stout@1:2320/33 to JOE MACKEY on Thu Mar 17 10:03:00 2022

    What's the biggest city in Ireland?
    Dublin. Because its "doublin'" all the time.

    That's the term when 2 separate sections of a train are put together
    in the classification yard..."doubling".

    And, that's railroad trivia for today.


    ... Dijon Vu: When you feel you've tasted this mustard before.
    === MultiMail/Win v0.52
    --- SBBSecho 3.15-Win32
    * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - Little Rock, Arkansas (1:2320/33)
  • From George Pope@1:153/757 to Joe Mackey on Sat Mar 26 23:55:50 2022
    CP wrote --
    Where does it say Peter requested to be crucified upside down?
    Church tradition.

    Ahh, okay, did not know that one. .

    True story (Google image search for it) Their welcome billboard says "New
    York City is big, but we're Biggar."
    What's the biggest city in Ireland?
    Dublin. Because its "doublin'" all the time.

    Q: Why is Ireland so rich?
    A: Their capital is Dublin every day. (their cash assets are doublin')

    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6
    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)