• Debating the Issues

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to All on Tue Apr 16 07:31:15 2024
    Dan Clough -> Dale Shipp laid this down on his screen :

    Read Robert Mueller's report.

    Why do you keep responding to this obvious troll?

    Do you mean the obvious troll with initials GD?

    Well, no, I think it was obvious which troll I was referring to.
    Now that you mention it, though, those who continue to respond to
    obvious trolls become nothing more than trolls themselves.
    Exactly what GD and you are doing.

    Debating the issues by showing an inability to debate the issues
    is the only argument left for the one who is out of arguments.

    Do you think you're going to actually change his mind, or affect
    anything else about his postings?

    I will respond to any blatent falsehood stated by him, or any
    others, as I see it.

    Of course you will, as any good troll would do.

    When out of arguments, insult others. That's the ticket. ;)

    Do us all a favor and knock it off.

    GD should knock it off. Life would be much more pleasant if he
    did. He once promised to take his political statements into one
    of the politcal echos where they would be more appropriate -- but
    he keeps coming back here to spew forth with his fake news.

    Yep, and you (and GD) keep responding, thereby encouraging him to
    spew even more garbage. That's how and why trolls work. Because
    others keep feeding them.

    Still out of arguments due to an inability to debate the issues,
    more insults fly.

    Do us all a favor and knock it off. You'll likely improve your
    blood pressure as a bonus.

    Completely out of arguments, an inability to debate the issues leaves
    only insults in its wake.

    "Trolls just want to have fun." ~Anon


    Stop Workin', Start Jerkin'

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)